How is this still a fucking thing in Britain. Why haven't you cucks rioted over this?
Britain TV License
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it's only the cucks that pay for it
I hope it goes away. BBC is pure libshit propaganda. I don't want it funded. I want someone to burn the offices down.
>Submit online that I don't need a licence 3 months ago
>Already sending me letters to re-confirm
I wish they'd fuck off
>watching TV
Have you seen the shit on there nowadays? All I do is torrent series I like and stream sports events.
I'm not getting taxed to watch some sand nigger bake cakes or women try to be funny on panel shows.
Same thing happens to us. We don't watch TV. Only netflix on our telly (which you don't need a licence for). The fucks still keep sending us letters saying how they will take us to court lmao.
If we didn't have a state funded service to maintain standards, we'd end up with TV as bad as the americlaps, if not worse
The BBC isn't worth it
>brown face
>fat fuck
no thanks
Because we are forced to pay it, but it's not a tax. I have no idea at all how this works.
You're not forced. If you use a tv to watch the BCC, then you pay. If you don't then you don't pay.
You do know it's changing this year so that if you own a device that is even capable of playing prerecorded programs like say iplayer you will have to pay.
Fuck this thing so hard. I don't even watch BBC any more. Well I watched Taboo. So I should have to pay £150 to watch one show?
In truth the detection thing is a meme way to scare idiots into paying. We never paid in our house in uni and got multiple warnings and just ignored them.
The reality is you pay the license to be "allowed" to watch TV but what you actually get is several quality TV channels with no adverts ever on them and some of the best TV that's exported across the globe, a news network that's valued around the world for its impartiality (inb4 some daily mail reader moans about it being "biased") and a shit ton of radio stations for free without adverts (as in enough for whatever your musical taste is). That and events too like the Proms and R1's Big Weekend that are free festivals pretty much.
Anyone who doesn't like the BBC is a fucking idiot.
No you aren't, as long as you're not watching live broadcasts they cant do anything (yet). I just reset my telly then don't let it tune in, then contact them and let them know.
>phone tv licence people
>explain that I don't get live telly or have the internet to stream things live
>ask why they don't just drive past my house with their magic van to find this out as it would be easier and quicker
>mfw she couldn't answer
because the BBC refuse to run ads
Why contact them at all?
>Anyone who doesn't like the BBC is a fucking idiot.
Euros everybody.
what standards, you all lap up the same dogshit like big brother year after year. it's hilarious how those threads max out constantly.
well that's fucking dumb
Pretty much nails it. Much as there are issues with most funding methods including this one you get a fuckload of amazing things from the BBC for a low overall cost.
Honestly, if you're a young person, particularly one who uses websites like this, and have the genuine hatred of the BBC that middle England Daily Mail readers have then you are a fucking idiot. You can just not pay the fee, torrent everything you want to watch (or even just watch live TV, they can't catch you) and ignore its existence.
Are you saying there is a problem with a government run agency that charges the populace for their daily "diversity" and pro-islam propaganda?
Why doesn't it just come out of your tax?
BBC4 alone makes the license fee worth paying
You sound like someone who has been convinced by propaganda that something else is propaganda and you should never listen to propaganda
I tried the just ignore them tactic before, they just sent me a letter telling you that I was in arrears. Now I just phone them once a year to update my status (you have to do this even if it hasn't changed)
>mfw they spend god know how much a year sending an inspector out that I never answer the door to
It's "supposed" to stop the government fucking with it. Obviously it doesn't work but that's why.
>turn on x-files rerun on BBC
>Hope its dubbed in the queens English
>Nope, just regular old American version
You fucked up BBC, why can't we just have every episode of the x-files re-dubbed in the queens English. I just want to hear Scully unironically call Mulders theory bullocks.
>that time they sent us a letter with a list saying 'here is what you'll need in court...'
Almost had us for a second
In Finland everyone has pay their tv licence tax even if they dont have television
Well it's fucking true. And the justification is laughable.
>A change in the law means as of 1 September 2016, a licence will be needed to download or watch BBC programmes on demand, including catch up TV, on BBC iPlayer.
>Research by TV Licensing has revealed iPlayer is the most popular catch up platform used by students, ahead of sites such as YouTube and services including Netflix
That study was them asking a whopping 500 students if they watch iplayer more than netflix.
In pretty much every continental european country it does, but their, for lack of a better word "state" broadcasters are truly fucking shit, most often due in fact to that state control. I dislike a lot of what the BBC does but it's so much further ahead than the rest of Europe I cannot believe those Europeans actually tax them for it.
Da Youf has got its bread and circuses, they're happily embracing a future of minimum wage and immigrants. Nobody will riot over anything here, we're all too weak and comfortable enough not to risk anything (including me).
I get about ten threatening letters a year, and the odd visit (don't answer the door to shitskins). BBC is shit; it's got a couple of good things on it but a whole load of nigger-lovin' propaganda.
>Nobody will riot over anything here
Weren't there countrywide riots like 5 years ago?
>Nobody will riot over anything here
Apart from a regular chimpout every time an armed negro is shot by police
>iPlayer is the most popular catch up platform used by students, ahead of sites such as YouTube and services including Netflix
Laughable. Iplayer only edges out 4OD because OD is a piece of shit.
>I dislike a lot of what the BBC does but it's so much further ahead than the rest of Europe
>Comparing it to Europe instead of Canada or Australia
What do Canada and Australia have? Also, general question but how does it work in the US because my understanding was you pretty much have to have cable to get anything worthwhile which costs a damn sight more than the license fee in the UK
>mfw I get threatening letters telling me they're sending an 'enforcement officer' 100+ miles to come see me
>mfw he arrives and keeps ringing my buzzer for about 10 minutes
>mfw he can't peer into my windows to see whether or not I'm watching tv like they usually do
>mfw get another letter telling me they're coming at some point in the week
>mfw they don't even know my name or anything
>mfw I'm watching tv
Get cucked, Capita faggots.
>you pretty much have to have cable to get anything worthwhile
just get internet and torrent/stream. cable is completely obsolete, idk why people still pay for it
People are. the BBC as we know it will be dead in a decade once the sports broadcasters finally make the switch.
>Anyone who doesn't like the BBC is a fucking idiot.
kek the brainwashing is complete with this one. next!
You burgers might like to know that in Britain, some immigrant in a van can come and search your house from top to bottom if you don't have a TV license.
They get a bonus if they catch more than a certain number per week, meaning that they're like flies round shit targeting old people and people with mental health issues.
that post sounds like propaganda to me
>some immigrant in a van can come and search your house from top to bottom if you don't have a TV license.
No, they cannot.
No one, not even the Queen, can enter your house without a legal search warrant.
TV Licensing 'Officers' are not 'Officers' at all and cannot obtain a search warrant.
Private company Bailiffs are exactly the same.
They use all sorts of jargon and language to make it sound like they're the law and they have every right to enter your home and take you to court etc.
ask them for confirmation of literally every word they send you
if they want more than constant confirmation of you not watching live tv then expect the same of them
Particularly for political coverage we'd descend very quickly to Fox News. Also yeah shit like BB gets lapped up, but we also get things like Frozen Planet.
you're a hero
we do the same thing. They keep threatening us with court but 3 years of letters and still nothing.
unironically wiped my ass with those letters a few times when we were out of TP
You would be correct if the BBC still made Luther, Life On Mars & Hustle, but they cancelled them didn't they
>>TV Licensing 'Officers' are not 'Officers' at all and cannot obtain a search warrant.
It's so crazy that some believe that when police cannot search your house without a warrant a tv license van can.
Also makes me wonder why the police make no use of the clearly superior surveillance technology that the TV License people have.
>No one, not even the Queen, can enter your house without a legal search warrant
wrong. maybe thats what they tell you. but ive seen pics on the official twitter account of the polics showing them enter houses that werent locked and look around. 1984 is already upon you, but you havent realized yet. look at this guy and his 2 minutes of hate against anyone who dares question state-run propaganda
Hustle should have been cancelled after Jaime Murray left.
The only riots in Britain now are lefties having a bit of fun before they go home and ask their parents for the latest iPhone, or shitskins fighting white oppression.
>not even the Queen
she probably can.
>Particularly for political coverage
you get your political coverage from a state-run broadcasting station? do you not see anything wrong with that?
haha penis haha
got my theory test coming up. Failed it once already, any tips for finally getting my tv license?
>BBC 4
Beeb isn't allowed to openly take sides. You can tell they manage to remain pretty neutral because all the lefties are convinced the BBC is a right-wing propaganda machine run by evil white men and all the right wingers are convinced it's a left-wing propaganda machine run by nu males and cucks.
>tfw I failed the practical exam twice
I know how you feel.
Read the provided material carefully and try to maximise your points on the bigger sections. I had to study quite hard for the Sitcoms and Dramas section because I don't watch them at home.
every couple weeks an ice cream van pulls up outside my house and plays the sun has got his hat on very loudly. they are after me but i've already told them i dont use my tele
BBC News is pretty biased though, they just hide it better than American news
just remember that up on the remote changes the channel count +1 and down changes it -1.
the one that always caught me out
ive read enough BBC articles to tell you that its 100% left wing propaganda. pointing out racism where it doesnt exist, always pushing for more state power. it is truly frightening how blatant they are about it, yet you find them neutral.
Bias towards who? According to the mail, they like Labour too much, according to the guardian, they are too Tory bias.
They are definitely sjw up the arse. Every single time I see a news broadcast mention "so-called" Islamic State I just laugh.
I have to sayLaura Kuenssberg is clearly Tory bias though,
For the Queen of THIIIIIC alone.
>its 100% left wing propaganda
Thanks for proving my point.
I don't know about a left/right bias but the BBC is painfully pro-diversity, every show has to have a token minority
it's the people who hate the BBC who have been brainwashed. Either you like it and its worth the money or you don't and you just don't pay. It isn't a tax and we live in a world where you can find anything for free illegally and avoid paying the fee.
I never understood why they didn't just switch to Daesh like the French did.
It's even worse when they forget to stick 'so-called' in front of it, then catch themselves and have to backpedal to add it in.
>and you just don't pay.
Except you don't get a choice to not pay for the BBC if you just want Sky / Virgin.
>state run propaganda
lmao the BBC constantly take the piss out of whoever's in charge. One of the big reasons that right wing middle England have started the "ban the BBC" nonsense is because the BBC are too "left wing" when we're under a right wing government.
>it's 100% left wing propaganda
That's weird, cause my dad, a lifelong Tory hater says the BBC is "quite clearly right leaning". People seem to think "unbiased" means "only saying what I believe because I'm always right".
yeah you do. We had Virgin for two years during uni. Constantly got letters. Never paid for the TV license.
Yet we also have the left wing middle class criticizing the BBC for giving Farage and UKIP too much of a platform, making Corbyn look like a bumbling retard (not hard) and for not giving anyone like the lib dems or the Greens even a look in.
You don't *legally* get the choice.
Don't forget they showed that photo of Miliband in a life-and-death struggle with a bacon butty.
Basically a right-wing hit by the Tory BBC that killed his election chances. Apparantly.
but what's the deal in other countries? technically what you're paying for with the TV license is the 50 odd channels you get now on freeview and anything on their streaming service. What do other countries get for free before they get cable/satellite/streaming etc?
That's one British faggot. You will find that most UK posters who aren't shitposting dislike the BBC and the fact you are bullied into funding state run propaganda at all.
ah yes the entirety of europe pays for a TV licence in some form but let's single out the UK
>right-wing middle england
It's literally only London and the Oxbridge towns that are left wing in England.
Your dad is a faggot who probably embodies all the parodies of the Labourites who cried incessantly about Thatcher and still do
you're right my dad probably is a faggot cause he date-raped your dad
>Because we are forced to pay it
No you're not faggot. I haven't ever paid for it since I've been living on my own, it's not mandatory at all.
As long as your TV isn't connected to an aerial, and you don't watch live TV on other devices etc (which they can't even prove anyway) you don't have to pay for it.
Who the fuck actually enjoys watching ad-ridden live TV nowadays anyway?
>what is Bristol?
>what is anyone under the age of 35?
The rest pay a media tax. Only we pay a tv license.
Just make sure you study your holy Quran thoroughly and you'll get your quintessential British TV license in no time.
>You don't have to pay it
>as long as you don't do this, that, own a tv, own a smartphone, tell the omnipotent TV license gods about my living situation you don't have to pay!!1
BBC lost all value once they lost formula 1.
>tfw had to pay a £1000 fine for not paying my license
Man it was fucking brutal
the worst part is that I am to blame. Basically they came and asked to look around because they suspected me of watching TV without a license. Instead of telling them to fuck off I let them in (because the TV was off so they couldn't prove anything).
The problem I have is that I have a hobby where I read through TV guidebooks and mark in pink pen the programmes I want to watch and left open like 4 of these books. The guy saw and started questioning so i fucking broke down and admitted everything.
Are you retarded? You can own as many TV's, smartphones, games consoles etc as you want and not pay for it.
All you have to do is phone them up, tell then what you do own and say "I don't use my aerial or watch TV live" and they'll fuck off.
Try cancelling it. I'm currently trying to cancel my account and prove its me despite having paid the bill for four years and told them over the phone twice now I'm cancelling and will need a refund for the money they've taken from my account.
Every other fucking bill just refunds me directly. The fucking license want proof i actually dont want to pay £12 a month for something i watch about two hours of a week.
>"I don't use my aerial or watch TV live" and they'll fuck off.
lol, nope. You pay even if it's not live tv since September 2016.
Bullshit, I phoned them up in February to re-confirm my status and I didn't have to pay shit.
Unless mainland UK is different you're a lying cunt.