>McNulty's role drastically reduced
>no more Avon and Stringer
>Marlo, basically a non-character, now in the main kingpin role
>a bunch of dumb kids added to the cast
How did this still end up being the GOAT season?
>McNulty's role drastically reduced
>no more Avon and Stringer
>Marlo, basically a non-character, now in the main kingpin role
>a bunch of dumb kids added to the cast
How did this still end up being the GOAT season?
Other urls found in this thread:
>How did this still end up being the GOAT season?
It didn't you dumb nigger, that was 2.
the feels
It was still kind of well written
I liked Snoop, that scene where Mike BTFO's Snoop was pure kino too
can we agree on season 5 being the absolute worst?
> Marlo, Snoop, and Chris Partlow are great villains
>zombie master
>not a great villain
get outta here snob faggot
Bubs gave me more feels
Season 1 and 3 were the only good ones
Show is overrated as fuck
Last season was disastrous
Why was it disastrous?
While I think in general Season 2 is underrated, it is grossly overrated on Sup Forums, and always has been. Frank Sobotka is great, the sex trafficking arc is arguably better than ghetto drug slinging, and the awareness that so much shit gets unraveled because two corrupt Polish assholes have a beef about a church window, is interesting. But beyond that the season isn't great, Nicky and Ziggy are meh, "Boris" is alright but the criminal bosses are mediocre. It's only appeal is that it has attachment to working class whites in big cities that have been losing their job base.
While it is pretty easy to consider season 4 the GOAT, I do think it is for a variety of reasons; it covers so many layers on what makes big cities so dysfunctional, at all levels. It covers everything well from criminal organization, to dysfunction in the police, government, and education; how politics and bureacracy exacerbate individual pettiness and shenanigans.
The whole show is great though, I think it's way better than The Sopranos (Tony Soprano being arguably the best television character of all time notwithstanding).
Because black people can act?
You'd know that if you stopped getting your opinion on blacks from fucking Sup Forums
>That scene where the fat chick slices that other girls face
Pure kino
McNulty is the worst thing about the wire
>he does get redeemed after season 3
>season 5 didn't happen
fuck I haven't see it yet
I dunno i just herd people here say it
He's obviously so happy as a beat cop walking the streets
Why did he go back ;_;
mcnulty is god tier
For Bodie
>the "Season 4 is the best season of The Wire" meme still exists
so did they finally catch that serial killer?
Yo Bodie, Yo Boooodie
>God tier
>alcoholic asshole tier
>not godly
>this level of projection
The thing is, The Wire Season 4 isn't actually that good. It's a sort of cinematic elephant in the room. Everyone who watches it thinks, "Wow, I can definitely see the appeal. I'm not sure it was quite as good as it was cracked up to be but maybe I just didn't get it so I wont say so" - and so the series maintains its esteem and acclaim. This is nothing new to the world of art film and art in general. The last act of Season 4 seems to have been deliberately designed to fuck with people enough to get them to question their understanding of the plot. The middle school student introduction is similar. The series is rife with empty messages and insignificant signifiers which serve only to remind you that what you're watching is actually a social commentary-show and not just the who-dun-it tier entertainment it so often seems to be on the surface level.
Simon is for these reasons in a tight spot. He can't change the formula, or risk being accused of Lucasing himself. He also shouldn't bet that recreating the formula will be a safe choice critically, as without the carefully established cult acclaim, people may well realise The Wire is nothing more than a soap-opera with some social commentary thrown in.
Slim Charles is definitely the most underrated of the soldiers
Weebay and Chris gets talked a lot, but Slim actually survives to meet the Greek
>McNulty's role drastically reduced
moving on without mcnulty now that he had finished his big vendetta against barksdale and bell was one of the best things about season 4
turning him back into an asshole again in the 5th season was a mistake
You forgot it had the WOAT version of Way Down in the Hole
>season 2
>not the worst season
Kill yourself
Objective Intro Order:
4 > 1 > 3 > 2 > 5
It's not as bad as people here claim, but the newspaper storyline is uninteresting and could've been told in way less time.