Why you hate commies? Do you are gay?

Why you hate commies? Do you are gay?

>Do you are

Eat this subslave of WASP's. When we make World Revolution we Russificate English language just for lulz.

i don't hate commies,i actually wish USSR was still alive

does she scream you the means of production while you fuck her?

Because their ideology dosen't work.

kill yourself

>Do you are gay?

I absolutely loathe communists, but the only think I loathe more than communists are people who need to let EVERYONE know they're anti-communist.

Like nigga, it's 2017, the only communist countries are tiny rogue states (China is communist only in name), look for a new fucking boogeyman. It's not that hard, there are plenty to go around.

Why did you post a man who destroyed their ideology and society then?

No, that just makes them apthetic. The reason for hate is violence.

Yes, I do am gay.

>So proud German subslave can into Masters language


ale on ma rację.. po huj w ogóle postować po angielsku gdy go nie opanowałes

Nothing cuter than Runglish desu :3

I do am not gay.

>duh umu dumm muga aga bunga
sorry i don't understand subhuman language

parle humain enclume

Я ничeгo нe дoлжeн. Лизaниe зaдниц aнглocaкcoв - пpepoгaтивa их paбoв.

Commies > Rightwingers

>can't get a job
>Why your hait comunyst it gud idiolegy wat yu gey?

Naidi sebe rabotu lenivi gandon.moshet bit Odin den ti be budesh shit v mamima quartire

How many Russians are there?

Me doren't not gay

t. k*laks

First of all, I am Russian second of all, not that many anymore lot more Chinese immigrants now.

You laundering money there Sergey

Cepп и мoлoт- cмepть и гoлoд!

I'm straight therefore I do not hate commies

No I was born in Cyprus but ethnicity wise I'm half Georgian and half Russian so pure slav.

>half georgian
>pure slav

In USA he would be Caucasian = white.

Churka detected

Georgia is actually white unlike Russia and Georgia dosen't like kissing Muslim ass.

yes i did am are a gay