What movies do girls watch?
What movies do girls watch?
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They don't.
The Notebook
Big Wet Titfuck 19
A Serbian Film
My girlfriend likes sci-fi and anime.
Roommate likes cheezy rom-coms, LotR and Best-of-the-worst-tier B-movies
Female friend literally loves everything I watch with her.
So...it depends?
Which one?
how to lose a guy in 10 days
A Serbian Film
>oh, user. you're watching lord of the rings? AGAIN?
>well ok, I'll be here watching my Alan Clarke coffret. call me when you're done with that garbage.
think of all the shitty movies you would never consider watching. that is what girls like.
They wouldn't watch that lad, unless you're talking about girls that live in FYROM
Women don't have the patience for film. Unless their is a chad they are trying to poach, they aren't going to sit down and analyze anything the filmmakers were trying to convey.
I only watch anime.
I only come here for the fatkino threads.
Does it matter which one?
i know
Rosemary's Baby
Anything with Audrey Hepburn
Gone Girl
The Big Lebowski
Mel Brooks movies
so who is this girl?
women r dumb right guys
They watch all movies, collectively. Apart from Fast and Furious movies. No woman has ever seen one of those. If one has, she's a lesbian.
They love any movies with hot meme gossip tmz actors, as long as they're not bordering on art or indie.
Preferably drama-romance/romcom/costume dramas.
They care mainly about the actors, not the director or story. If her husbando in the movie is an asshole/perv or in a serious kino she will turn it off.
>Example: She loves Ryan Gosling, but she'll skip; Half-Nelson, Lars and the Real Girl, Ides of march, Only God forgives and The Big Short.
birth of a nation, schindlers list nazis are the good guys cut
I'm just lurking for potential Lexee kino
Shes fuckin cute
actually the "rough and tumble" type hispanic/black girls always seem to go for those kind of movies.
Don't drag Mulholland Drive into this
Romantic comedies, stoner comedies, and marvel bullshit
I forgot cape shit
Where have I seen her before
their phones
i think you pretty much nailed it
>Female friend literally loves everything I watch with her.
lel give her the D, she wants it obviously
Marvel. They're pretty enthusiastic about Marvel in general in a different way than guys. It's more excited to be part of something nerdy.
Jenny, she has a youtube channel but shes just qt
>met a girl
>she said she really likes good films
>say ok lets watch our favorite rom coms
mine being high fidelity
>she brings round letters from juliet
>shit chick flick
>not even a rom com
Least it ended in sexy times as the film was so boring
she is constantly shilling her youtube videos
jenny something
shame about the face!
Can't stand this unfunny cunt
Whatever the guy they like likes, or whatever their type of dude prefers.
Women don't consume or create art to make a lasting mark in history, they do it only to bait a guy into providing for them and giving them offspring.
Master and Commander
You can always make it look better.
she did one as a joke but some guy looped her 3 second mouth sounds and added sexy pics of her, i dont have it though.
yeah, a lot of people just think shes qt and sub from that.
I have to know who this is
Not same guy but I think it's Stpeach a twitch streamer
what's wrong with her face?
city lights is so overrated
my girlfriend is into dramas (Age of Adeline, Me Before You, that sort of shit), Disney movies and most action stuff. She's not a big fan of comedies actually, she can't stand Will Ferrel.
Anything cute
What does it mean if my Mother only ever watched horror movies? Even until this day.
This shithole proves that men are also like that, only watch for their waifu
You're a faggot.
You're a faggot.
You're a faggot.
You're a faggot
You're a faggot
You're a faggot.
Correct, you're not a faggot.
You're not a faggot.
Everyone else ITT is a faggot.
The answer is... WE (I'm a grill) watch ALL types of movies. If you don't know that then you're either a virgin, gay or a fucking idiot.
Oh, and is a faggot.
Lifetime trash for some reason. You want some alone time? Flick on lifetime by "accident".
The Notebook with the Goose, over and over again.
this scene in specific
I had girls that had memorized this
I went on an exchange trip to germany with some female classmates. The whole class went to see fast and furious in theater there. Turns out all the girls were pretty much lesbians though, so it worked out
Normalfag women likes The Notebook and Autismo women likes Drive
Not that diferent from men
Are you a lesbian girl, or just lying?
yeah, they're clearly putting all those token shirtless scenes of attractive actors in the flicks to fuel the latent homolust of the neckbeards.
Judging by the DC threads, that's exactly what happens
The only girls I know are the one my buddy dates and they are all introverted Christian girls and they like to mainly watch movies like Pride and Prejudice The Hunger Games and Chronicles of Narnia
Cold Mountain. Every straight woman wants to fuck jude law.
Sounds like she didn't want to watch it anyways; you got played, sir, *tips fedora*
My ladyfriend watches a lot of disney stuff but also likes the Alien franchise a lot
Making out while drunk during the Queen attack scene in Aliens was quite an experience
Anything, as long as they can be on their phone and only half-watching, then give up even doing that after 20 minutes and curl up against their boyfriend trying to get them to give them attention, then leave the room half an hour later in quiet annoyance that their boyfriend is absorbed in the movie and not them
>Tfw gf doesn't like movies at all.
>Put American Psycho on, gf wants to watch The Notebook instead
>tfw gf doesn't like movies at all
>tfw gf has ADHD and has to stop every 10 minutes to watch something on her phone
Whatever their boyfriend makes them watch.
She has bad taste in men, user
that's why she is with you
i've never met a woman who's watched Breakfast at Tiffany's
well, most of them fall for my looks, after a while they realize what I am and they just dump me, if I haven't dumped them first. Always make sure you've cheated on them first and always make sure to tip the owner.
Fake news.
All my female friends love capeshit mostly for the husbandos
>refusing to watch this
>that neck ornament
My Sister whatches whatever patrician stuff I present her.
been feeding her with only Sup Forums approved Kino.
she really loves memes that I steal from here.