What do you call this hairstyle?
What do you call this hairstyle?
balding/comb over
The 'I give up ever having sex again' look
Tossed Salad and Scrambled Eggs
"Paging Doctor Bald"
The "7 years from now me'
The "My smile can't hide the pain in my eyes"
>26 years old
That's terrifying
The "balding on top and a ring of hair around the side of your head" look is obviously awful but I always wondered what you could even do with that to make it look OK. Just buzz it all down to bald/nearly bald?
>i-it-it's just hhigh test guys
the caville
get ripped. shave your head and go for the vin diesel/mr. clean look. basically your only option if you're balding and want to ever have sex again.
The Creepy Uncle
He looks like Rich Evans.
I look exactly like this guy but I'm normal sized
The Jew. If I went bald like that at 26 I'd convert just to wear a kippah/yamaka
why haven't you killed yourself yet?
The Costanza
Now way I'm having this cuck haircut if I'm ever balding.
Full shave can look pretty badass on the other hand, but only combined with a somehow impressive silhouette. Otherwise you'd just look like a chemo patient, so don't wait for the balding before getting ripped, especially if it's running in your family.
Bonus point if you can grow a beard. 8 ball+beard is the most agressive "haircut" possible
People on here are so ruthless against hairlets. We fucking get it, you hate people for things they can't control. Chill the fuck out.
Besides plenty of great men are bald. Hasn't stopped them from achieving their dreams
It's the Kelsey Grammer look?
I can still get girls
Actually you can somehow control it.
Like some of us said here : you're being dealt a shit hand if you get premature balding, but once it's there, you can either do nothing and let it worsen your look, or act on it, shave and move on.
it is annoying to constantly shave/trim your hair.
You can't, it's genetic. Plugs are barbaric and finasteride has emasculating side-effects. All you can do is live your life and ignore haters like those ITT.
>just shave it bro
Yeah, you can definitely do this, but you don't have to. The key is to stop being superficial and obsessing over appearances so much.
so is staying in shape, or having basic hygiene, yeah. Good looks come with efforts.
t. baldie
Yeah, that was kinda the point of my post. I am bald.
The "kill me now".
he is a turbo manlet. he gave on sex years before he started balding.
There's a difference between obsessing over something and having the common sense to aknowledge that a good look is one of the elements that will make your life generally easier and better.
It's just hard wired in everyone's brains : we notice how other people looks and will, unconsciously or not, listen, respect, look upon, be jealous of better looking people.
Sure it's not the one key to a fulfilled, happy life. But it definitely is one component.
It's your personnal choice not to care about it, but don't expect the rest of the world to adapt and be gentle. Ugly/plain people will have a tougher time, it has always been and will ever be.
Not really. It takes five minutes every other day. It's much more annoying to constantly worry about how your hair looks and maintain it.
The "I should probably just give up and shave the rest of my head"
Not really, it takes 15 minutes every 2-3 days.
Why does Anonymous pick on those most like them? Why not pick on Chads?
i know, and i'm too lazy to trim and pick up all that hair and take a shower. i am balding slowly since i was 18
I used to spend 15 minutes every day washin my hair, now I spend less than 10 shaving my head
Still wish I had hair, but it is less effort than having nice hair
Chad here.
Deal with it, nerd.
>It's just hard wired in everyone's brains : we notice how other people looks and will, unconsciously or not, listen, respect, look upon, be jealous of better looking people.
It's not "hard-wired" (classic armchair evo-psych pseud term). What you're describing is the simple act of being superficial.
The Friar Tuck
>posting on Sup Forums
don't lie to yourself
>basic hygiene
kek. Most here don't even know what that entails.
Whatever helps you sleep at night
Truth is that everyone is superficial, in greatly different levels, but everyone is, everyone will judge you by your apearanceat keast a little bit.
You can pretend to be a enlighted mind who is above this or you can accept that you live in a society, others opinion are indeed relevant and take care of how you look
>le ebin meem about 4chin nolife nerds.
Sure thing friendo :^)
Most people here are just beta normies. There's a huge difference between them and le epic fedora tipping piss-in-coke-bottles atheist
so you're saying instead of accepting something that's outside of my control I should needlessly worry about thoughts in other people's minds that may or may not even exist?
I guess at least now I understand the mindset of an average /r9k/'er
>I haven't showered in 2 weeks, and your comment hit too close to home.
You don't have to worry about others, but it's certainly a benefit to yourself to not look like shit
Hair means nothing if you have a perfect jaw
Again, you live in a society, caring about what others think is not needlessly
>I guess at least now I understand the mindset of an average /r9k/'er
The problem with the loser at /r9k is exactly that they bitch and cry about this instead of just accepting it
Hey me too man, we're all gonna make it and just kidding I've got tons of hair hahahahahahaha suck it dweeb
If you
can tell me that, you never ever turned your head on a pretty girl's ass, or cringed at the sight of an ugly one, both of them you didn't knew before, then sure, all hail unbiased user right here.
If not, then it's just wishful thinking, and calling people "superficial" for caring about others' looks is just you being pissed at them for looking down on you because you're ugly to some extent.
But again, apart from height and features, with enough effort and commitment you can better everything else, looks-related. So don't waste time on bitterness and do something about it.
Yeah, I would probably have trouble sleeping at night if I were a superficial person whose well-being hangs in the balance of what other superficial people think.
>Truth is that everyone is superficial
That's not true. Also I'm not sure that I'd want any part in your society where people are judged for their fucking genetic makeup.
Yeah, and you seem to measure your own worth by putting others down. What does that make you?
the college professor.
>That's not true
it is
>Also I'm not sure that I'd want any part in your society where people are judged for their fucking genetic makeup.
You are here already
Why do so many child actors end up becoming manlets?
What is there a name for this phenomenon?
White people rarely age well.
Also stress.
It is the other way arround, it is easier to get into hollywood as a dult if you are tall, but if you start when you were a kid nobody care sabout your height, so people who started asadults are tall, people who grew in front of the camara are probably average
Most of your looks isn't outside of your control. There is only two things you can't change for sure : height, and features.
You can hit the gym if you're weak, do anything cardio related if you're fat, or go on a diet
Shave your head if you're bald, or just generally take care of your hair/trim your beard or shave it depending on what kind of facial hair you got
You can learn to take a shower regularly, get clothes that suits you, make you look good.
All of this is the resulte of deliberate conscious choices, it's definitely not outside your control. Thinking otherwise is just you burying your head in the sand.
like another user said, r9kfags just bitch and moan all the time about muh feel when no gf, but they mostly sit on their ass all day and blame the rest of the world for their misery.
Fuck this and fuck em. You can't blame anyone but yourself for any problem you can do something about. Once you get that, it's only a matter of courage and commitment. And trust me, the joy you get from seeing that you're able to truly commit to bettering yourself is worth ten times what you get from the actual betterment.
Do you seriously cringe at the sight of ugly girls? That's fucked. Also, it's pretty beta if you look up to a woman more just because of her physical appearance.
It isn't true. You are justifying typical normie behavior.
>finasteride has emasculating side-effects
These occur at a very small rate. Not really enough to stop someone from trying it.
>Yeah, I would probably have trouble sleeping at night if I were a superficial person whose well-being hangs in the balance of what other superficial people think.
Bro, I accepted the fact that people are superficial a long time ago. Wether you like it or not, they are, and there is nothing you or me or anyone can do to change that.
On the other hand, I never said anything about "my well being hanging in the balance".
I just accepted the rules of the game like a grown adult, and play along.
Once again, remember that looks are just one part of the elements that can make your life better.
>Also I'm not sure that I'd want any part in your society where people are judged for their fucking genetic makeup
And you're sure as fuck free to do so. But don't come and complain about it when irl no one listens to you, likes you or takes you seriously.
Does he carry the JUST virus
The "fuck my wife".
but you genuinely think that a strip of hair around your head causes a perceivable difference in how people openly treat you?
Nobody, I repeat, NOBODY in real life thinks this much about other peoples looks, you have to remember that you're all someone else to someone else
I fully stand by the theory that /r9k/ is the result of a bunch of sensitive people taking to heart what people on this website say and becoming self-concious wrecks
>Do you seriously cringe.. (etc)
I give you that, "cringe" was a strong word here. The point is, your average joe, when presented for the first time to an ugly woman, will automatically subconsciously not want to interact with her, and on the other hand try to interact with the hot one.
Twist it anyway you want, it's how things work. Sorry for the patronizing tone here, but long story short, you're in denial if you think otherwise
Full denial here.
>but you genuinely think that a strip of hair around your head causes a perceivable difference in how people openly treat you?
Yes it causes a perceivable difference on how they treat you, or at the very least make a difference about what they think of you
>Nobody, I repeat, NOBODY in real life thinks this much about other peoples looks
On the contrary.
I've already made my point, won't repeat myself over and over.
but I'm saying you have zero proof so why even consider at all? You're actively making your life more miserable for zero gain
I have my own life experience, and it's more than enough to me.
Once, in my teenage years, I was the weak kid bullied around with zero confidence, and had utter contempt for the rest of the world. Had that very same arguments about "superficial people" and was seething with rage internally.
Years went by, I stuck with the right people, did sports, learned to go out, be confident, took care of my looks, have a life filled with purpose, hobbies, friends and lovers.
Sorry to break it to you, but I can clearly see the gains between the weak kid I was and the man I am now. All of this is the result of conscious choices and efforts, and I would do it all over again without a second thought
The magical fruit.
shaving a portion of your head ≠ doing sports, being confident, life with purpose etc.
Like duh no shit being confident has people treating you differently, but with your looks you have ZERO way to compare how someone may be treating you differently say if your nose were slightly smaller, or you had a stronger chin etc.
I'm not saying don't take care of yourself at all, but when it comes to things you can't help (or menial shit like hair around a bald head), worrying about them just brings in unnecessary misery and makes you an "uglier" person to be around you only do a disservice to yourself
it's just self-sabatoge
The Wallace Shawn
>I'm not saying don't take care of yourself at all, but when it comes to things you can't help (or menial shit like hair around a bald head), worrying about them just brings in unnecessary misery and makes you an "uglier" person to be around you only do a disservice to yourself
I fully agree on this, but for the part in brackets.
The whole "if you can't avoid it, embrace it" argument is entirely valid.
But "Menial shit like hair around a bald head" can be avoided on the other hand (see beginning of the conversation, i.e. full shave)
>but you genuinely think that a strip of hair around your head causes a perceivable difference in how people openly treat you?
Hair around a bald head is not menial at all, not shavin when you go bald makes you look much uglier
Why doesn't he shave it off?
It seems like he's look pretty good with a shaved head
What if some people prefer the hair around your head and hate a fully shaven head? You may not think so, but who knows, some chicks may prefer it
the main point I was making was that unless people vocalize it, it's entirely a fucking guessing game
in the end, all you can do is what YOU think makes you look better
Fuck off m8
two words for you
>beauty standards
damn didn't think of that, print out that list real quick I lost mine