Why can't the Navy get rid of this man?

Why can't the Navy get rid of this man?

Aren't they within their rights to choose who they want in their organization?

Gallagher has no place in the navy.

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Take his Trident!

No, why would they wanna get rid of John Cena? They can't even see him.

If your gonna be a pussy, show Israel's war crimes.

Arbitrary exoneration be damned, Gallagher is a de facto charged criminal. At the very least, he should be kicked out of the Navy.

who is this faggot?

lol,the us military.what a joke

A pardon is just that. A confirmation of one's guilty status. Boot him out of the Navy immediately.

Commander in Chief, bitches. What he says, goes. Or, GTFO.

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why not boot donald bone spurs out of the commander in chief position instead? at least these people your crying about had the balls to serve their country.unlike bowling trophy boi

Long as Gallagher is in the Navy, it sends the wrong message. Because now every soldier and sailor who acts out will think they can get away with it.

Kick him out.

Five deferments command in chief, lol. What a coward.

"The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America." Art. II Sec. 1

The president has absolute* control over the executive branch of the government. Literally any action performed by the U.S. government is theoretically an order by the president. This especially applies to the armed forces. Trump could make one of his dipshit sons a Navy Seal and the Navy Secretary would be obliged to follow the order or resign, which he did...

"bone spurs"

Which is exactly WHY Daffy Donald cannot be our President. He's a criminal pardoning other criminals.

its funny how the same people who post comments like that are the same ones who called obama a nigger for 8 years and ran around with their redneck militias whenever he did something they didnt like

if only republicans had the same opinion on gun rights as they did when barack was president.maybe id find it worthwhile to vote for them.since apparently the constitution doesnt matter anymore,its all about getting rid of the mexicans(which their idiot president cant even do that right)

>hurr durr executive power!

>even though i called obama a nigger and a tyrant for doing this!

this is how pathetic republicans are.just fuck off and stay home in 2020,the republican party was better off without the trump trash

Don't disagree at all, but there's no denying that it's completely within his power to do so.

This is why the Ukraine impeachment thing is so fucked up. Foreign policy and international relations are part of the core of the presidency. Trump has complete control over how we deal with Ukraine, including sending aid. What he did was no doubt corrupt as fuck, but not at all unconstitutional.

SEALs make movies and apparently headlines, Rangers make history!

I'm a liberal.

And it doesn't have anything to do with partisanship. It's constitutional law... It's the unconditional rules of the country. Even Republicans tend to respect that, if only because they know they ultimately can't avoid it.


Constitutional law which clearly needs an overhaul. This commander-in-chief thing needs limits, to avoid the politicization of military justice. In our partisan age, the commander-in-chief (who also DOUBLES as leader of just one political party in the nation) should not be the end-all of military justice.

Seriously, it is a hilarious irony that Donald Trump convinced me as a Democrat of the dangers of too strong an executive branch and federal power period.

I saw what happened when that power was wielded by a corrupt, criminal lunatic.

Yeah, well, he is. Don't forget that he can also pardon any civilian for Federal crimes.

The Constitution doesn't say anything about political parties. The framers weren't idiots, so they anticipated them forming. They didn't anticipate 24-hour cable news, social media, super PACs, etc. The system is pretty fucked up right now for what we have.

But there's no fucking way we're changing the Constitution any time soon. If we can't raise the debt limit to keep the Lincoln Monument open there's no way we will be able to overhaul the Constitution. It's kind of a Catch-22.

There are laws governing how that aid money approved by congressional law is spent. He broke a bunch. Also bribery (implying personal gain) is actually one of the listed things he can't do which he did when he tried to use tax payer congress approved money to get the Ukraine prez to announce a Biden investigation. He should be toast but nothing will happen cause the republicunts are party before country people. Other than all that yeah he controls foreign policy but managed to break the few existing rules (national interest no personal gain) on exactly how it can be done.

why are liberals so stupid

You got it exactly right.
