Arrival is part of a recent series of movies I'd describe as Dunning-Kruger Sci-Fi. Along with Interstellar and to a somewhat lesser extent The Martian, they perfectly play to the crowd that fancies themselves as (and, to be fair, may truly be) smarter than average audiences but are not as smart as genuinely "smart people." They are movies designed to make the audience feel smart by introducing complicated and heady concepts, and then holding the viewer's hand the entire way through until there is next to nothing to be left up to interpretation.

If you didn't already know the twist in Arrival by the time she was in the milky section of the ship with the aliens AT LEAST, you perfectly fit the audience I am talking about.

There is no reward for being smart while viewing these movies because everything is eventually spelled out in big fridge magnet letters. Any clever idea is made so transparent that even the most simple in the audience will get it. It also removes any reward for rewatching or trying to figure out what you just saw.

Granted, there is a difference between Arrival and Interstellar. I think where Interstellar was pretending to have a brain it actually didn't have, Arrival has a brain that it is refusing to let the audience use.

Completely disappointing movie.

>so that just happened

The Chinese general instantly believe in time travel because of a few words. Doesn't instantly assume spying.

Lame ending.

I couldn't care less about her daughter and all the bullshit surrounding it.

A few cringy line mainly from jeremy renner but over all a great movie and a great renewal of the scifi genre as a whole. Taking a fairly basic and unoriginal concept and making it refreshing and new. Basically what interstellar tried and failed to be.

casting Renner


A female attracted to Jeremy Renner? Kinda far fetched even for sci-fi.

It's implied that he (or someone from his crew) already experienced something similar and that her phone call finally convinced him what is it all about

I enjoyed it all around, but exposition is the first thing that comes to mind if we are talking flaws, especially in the second act.
It isn't Nolan like "beating you on the head" heavy, but it's there.

For example, the explanation of her daughter's name Hannah.
Not only does Villenueve explain that it is a palindrome but he even has to explain what a palindrome is and what is the meaning of having her name as a palindrome.
All of that could've been cut out and left for the viewer, or perhaps it could've been just a single shot of the name "HANNAH" written somewhere and a mirror against it, making all the other words unreadable but the name Hannah.

Agreed, although I didn't hate this movie (while I did hate interstellar), I feel like they both were pretending to be much smarter than they actually were. It's a shame because I loved Villeneuve's last 2 movies and from the way people were hyping this one up I expected it to be an instant classic

Imitated Contact.

Too deep.

The acting

I actually wanted more science and a more detailed description of how they cracked the language

also, the bomb was unnecessary

other than that I really liked it

No nudes. Amy Adams doesn't play a character like she did in Catch me if you can.

Only super intelligent people like arrival.

No scenes of Amy Adams breastfeeding her teenage daughter.

the us president was a woman

Amy Admas isn't doing ageplay w/ me where i pretend to be her son and suck on her boobies and get in trouble and she spanks me.

I felt like the guy who made arrival had just gotten out of Interstellar, which was already on shaky ground, but pulled it off, and said "you know what? Time, aliens, future and shit, codes and stuff, lets just make something with those elements!"

It wasn't 5 hours long from going into excruciating detail on both the heptapods' spoken and written languages.

Starring Amy Adams. Who can't emote or act.

Directed by Denis "lifeless" Villenueve. Exactly how everyone wants a first contact movie.

Literally more cliche than Nolan.

Holy fuck what a pretentious post

If you were impressed by this movie you are truly a dim person.

After seeing how much praise this movie received, I figured it would atleast be interesting or maybe thought provoking but it was overall just terrible. Not one redeeming quality.

>sub-par acting
>boring and uninspired dialog
>characters that warranted no emotional connect from audience
>special effects lackluster
>too much CGI
>that fucking whale/horn noise playing every cut scene to the floating turd ship
>completely unrealistic concept of military operational security and procedures
>unnecessarily drawn out beat-me-to-death pacing

And don't even get me started on the insanely stupid time travel plot device

>new mysterious language = time travel
even in a science fiction movie this is ridiculous
>Alium race outside of time cannot help themselves
>needs help from simpleton life forms of the past
This is a ridiculous premise that was also poorly executed
>technologically advanced enough to send 12 ships through time and gift tool of time travel to primitive race but for some reason Amy Adam's selfish decision to knowingly have a cancer patient child is relevant.
???? Are you guys emotional yet????
>globalization is the answer, duh!
>why can't we just all get along? The alium wills it to be our fate guys!

Is everyone just ironically jizzing over this shit or are people really this easily impressed now???

Why couldn't/didn't Renner learn the alien language too? Seems like a plot hole that he's unaware about his daughters eventual death just because he didn't learn the language that was a GIFT TO HUMANITY.

Did I miss something ?

Nah. That's what you don't get with directors such as Vill and Nolan. Reveal's always somewhere around the end of the movie, but there are TONS of crumbs throughout. It's like you don't get they try to cater to both Smart, mildly smart and retards at the same time. As a director you acknowledge the fact that the AVERAGE person is somewhat dense, and the average moviegoer isn't much different. I don't get why Sup Forums hates this form of exposition because this means you don't have to explain the movie to retards after it's over. I think it's a great way of storytelling and also the most correct way. Interstellar is just meh. But no one can fuck with Nolan's visuals and Zimmermans scores. Don't be an asshole and acknowledge most people on the planet are dense. It doesn't mean that the director thinks you're retarded, but rather that some if not most are.

The Arrival was based on a novella. For the movie, the original plan was for the alien's gifts to be a different kind of advanced technology for every country, but they changed it because it was deemed too similar to Interstellar.

Absolutely nothing happens and all the potentially cool military stuff (China and Russia mobilizing etc) happens off screen

Literally the worst movie I have seen in a long time

This movie is anti-christian propaganda.
See how the aliens(false prophets sent by literally Satan) teach her a language that makes her think she can experience time non-linearly, but the truth is that she can see the events that Satan wants her to make happen, and thinking that's the way it's supposed to be she does exactly what he wants(this happens with anyone who learns the language).
After the final events of the movie her daughter raises from the dead to become the global administrator(she's literally the anti-christ).
Remember the scene where she has direct contact with the aliens?
They put the dark seed of Satan in her.

Amazing movie. Sup Forums is full of contrarian neckbeards. whats new

here's your (you)

they decode the alien language and start conversing with them way too fast

Boring and pretentious. Reminds me a lot of Inception in that it was made in a way that lets stupid people believe they're intelligent.