Why are funny people always so sad?
Why are funny people always so sad?
He learnt he had Alzheimer's, there's no rule saying you have to be depressed to be a comedian.
selfish fuck had a daughter.
They use comedy to self medicate.
Coping mechanism.
And mostly accompanied with drugs.
Tom Cruise is 1 year older than Russel Crowe.
Are any of you old enough to make it on your own?
Do any of you live alone?
psst not insulting,just asking. You are anonymous so no need to reeee
More than one person gave the same answer, so you need to tell us how much smarter than us you are. You don't offer another answer, you just tell us that ours is wrong and insult us. Deep insecurity there. Is everything OK, user?
He's also a lot gayer.
>selfish fuck had a daughter
you're a retard.
It's the other way around, OP.
Because the same sense of self awareness that lets them open themselves up to the outside world also opens the outside world to them and they realize their insignificance in a world where 90% of it's occupants will never have nor even be able to comprhend the idea of introspection.
>to appear weak you must be very strong, if you are weak, pretend you are strong.
Comedy makes them feel better. Hearing other people laugh helps them, so you need to be good at comedy for that to happen.
>steals jokes
yeah but no
Why are sad people always so funny?
Comedy is tactful honesty.
Humor is a coping mechanism.
Imagine this scenario:
You're in the middle of a deserted island, stranded, you fall on the rocks while trying to hunt for fish in order to feed yourself and break a leg, you're dehydrated, the berries you ate just before are giving you diharea.
You lay down on the beach with a broken leg, hungry as fuck, thirsty, and pretty much about to die.
What is your final reaction?
You'll probably laugh at how absurd and lonely your situation is.
Laughing is a basic coping mechanism, your brain sometimes can't handle all the shit life throws at you so you find what's funny about it and cling to that.
>Humor is a coping mechanism.
Nope. Humor is an error detection mechanism.
Comedy is a crutch, its easy to make yourself feel better when surrounded by people who find you funny or entertaining.
Makes you feel needed or wanted.
Okay, but why do people laugh at things?
and a shit load more plastic surgery
Most people are miserable, you just get more insight into a comic's life since they often need material
>Most people are miserable
That's actually not true at all, it's a distorted view on reality you've developed by only hanging out on Sup Forums and similiar imageboard, where most people are indeed miserable.
Most people, in general, are content.
Because they find whatever is happening or has been said funny?
We're just trading anecdotes
Because Robin suffered from C-PTSD and never knew.
That video will kill your soul.
Prepare for feels.
When you have the gift of making people happy on a whim you realize how much better a place the world would be if everyone had it, too.
But not everyone can
>Do any of you live alone?
I do, in the llast 7 years I have probably spent 98% of all my NEET time on my own.
I look forward for death but wont an hero as it;s against my morals
>When you have the gift of making people happy on a whim
Making people laugh =\= making people happy.
There's an important distinction there.
Some comedians spent their entire careers with the goal of making people laugh, but not make them happy, the two things aren't always connected.
The real question is...Why aren't women funny?
hes also more of a gay narccisist
You're a fucking idiot tbhwyfam. Happiness is abstract, but laughing objectively lightens the person's mood which is always better unless they have some mental disorder where they laugh when they feel bad. Not making a sad person laugh because it won't make them happy is like not giving a hungry person a little food because it won't make them full.
t. OP is a fag
Women already make people happy with their vaginas. Anything else is uneccesary and annoying
i'm deleting normiebook now. this kind of shit happened to my old friend, his wall was littered with how sad they were and acted like they were best buddies their whole life, but these were the same shitheads who ridiculed him and were never there for him,
But user, everyone knows that men want a woman with a great career, they don't care about her looks.
coping mechanism
>You're a fucking idiot tbhwyfam. Happiness is abstract, but laughing objectively lightens the person's mood which is always better unless they have some mental disorder where they laugh when they feel bad.
Honest question: do you have aspergers?
Do you understand a situation where you get into a car crash, your entire family has just died horribly, then you get out of the car, see a man slipping on a banana peel, and can't help but laugh?
Do you genuinely think that person is "happy" afterwards?
Why the fuck are there only huge spergs on this board that don't understand basic human nature and how the mind works?
We kinda care...
>this guy thinks he's the only guy he knows whose ever been introspective
Why do people find things funny?
Chemicals in the noggin
More indepth answer I dont fucking know dude, humor is one of the most complex emotions humans can have, it ranges all over the place.
I don't think anyone has every orchestrated a tragedy just to make it's survivors laugh hysterically
on the other hand, a comedian makes people laugh, and in the scenario of a comedy club, making people laugh is going to make them happy
Most people know how to be introspective, but choose not to.
It's yet another defense mechanism.
Tons of people on Sup Forums itself constantly do shit with zero self awareness or introspection, because if they ever stopped and looked at themselves objectively they would spiral into depression.
Your brain shut off introspection keeps you going blissfully ignorant.
It works and it's efficient, most of the human population acts this way.
>Robin Williams
Lol No.
If you want to make good art, whatever it is, you have to go through some shit.
It helps, but it's not a requirement.
I guess we can expand it to life experiences.
Not that guy, but I understand what that user is meaning.
People can find humor in the most dire and maudlin of circumstances
Why do you think jokes about tragedies are paraded about straight after the happen, or even why funerals are often full of humor?
I have always thought of robin williams as brilliant actor first. Never really thought he was that funny, Maybe a few good laughs as the genie in Aladdin, but that is mostly just shotgun, throw everything against the wall and see what sticks comedy that is basically his standup.
Robin Williams will go down as the man who could always make me feels (cry) but rarely make me laugh.
Listen to Grannon:
>When Williams acts in a comedic role, all I see is rage.
He was right. I always preferred Williams in other roles. When he acts funny, you see the little boy trying to attract his mother's attention and trying to make her feel better. It's fucking sad and always made me feel uncomfortable.
Absolute despair in action.
>Robin, it's OK, I'll like you even if you don't make jokes, now fucking relax and breathe the air with me.
>People can find humor in the most dire and maudlin of circumstances
And if you actually get the fuck out of your room once in a while, it'll happen to you maybe.
This is why i called that other user a sperg.
It happened to me.
I won't go into more details because i don't want to post personal information and recognizeable anectodes in a public place.
But yes, one can find humor in tragedy, it's almost inevitable, your body with respond for you.
In fact it's more likely you'll find something funny while devastated by a tragedy that has just happened, your psyche will be at it's weakest and you'll be more vulnerable.
>two Jews at Dachau
>"Well, fuck, I did Nazi that coming. Did Jew?"
Duuude comedy comes from tragedy. Civilians will never understand. Only those who have had truly fucked up lives like us comics gain the unique perspective to entertain 60 people at the Chucklehut in Toledo Ohio
>Only those who have had truly fucked up lives like us comics
You're a comic?
Are you DC or Marvel?
we comics are like, the modern day philosophers man
>You're a comic?
>Are you DC or Marvel?
You sure aren't.
Well yeah, last i checked people didn't open me up and look inside me while taking a shit.
I understand that's a normal weekend for you.
Comedy and tragedy both come from error.
I am enlightened by my jokes.
no one tell him - just let him keep being a faggot
they are dead inside.