What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: 23476865.jpg (233x330, 14K)

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Hair loss

Well, he's not very good at playing video games.

he certainly likes them, but if you watch his Mondays videos he's utter shit at everything.

Getting married and having a kid

Getting too old for it but having to use it as a consistent source of revenue

The whole thing went on too long

Weak ass beta white male genes.

Nothing? He seems rather content and is still watchable ( mostly) unlike his “rival”

I'd say a little bit of both of these. He's pushing the age limit of what people would want to see, so I think he's just trying to get a new source of revenue and audience members. But whether it'll pan out or not, who knows?

Celebrity status, even minor ones, are tenuous.

soyboys arent getting married and having kids

We grew Up, user

He went back to the past


He’s a momma’s boy. He’s gay.

Actual AVGN videos are still fine. If anything has gone wrong it's YouTube.

Who is His "rival" lol

Nostalgia critic

he stopped giving a shit about avgn, but forces himself to continue because $$$
can't blame him,but it sucks

Attached: Kizune AI - AVGN.png (500x314, 207K)

I though AVGN ended like 10 years ago or something, but only recently learned he still makes videos. Kinda disappointing a little.


Why think it stopped?
Just cuz you stopped watching?

The lad is just getting older. Getting married and having two kids will do it too.

Sold out to Screenwave.

He doesn't even play the games anymore as proven on the Chex Quest video where you can see that the save location is on one of the fat fucks computers.

Yeah, that's why Mike does most of the actual gameplay for Nerd videos. He's a bigger fan of film than he is video games, it's just that the video game side made him famous.

To be honest, James loves gaming but his passion is film making.

As the tide come, the tide must go. It's the way of things

Attached: sadpepe.jpg (800x600, 92K)

He made a lot of money, went pretty wrong I guess...

he fug the esperpento he die

Mike posted his Dick q on the official Cinrmassacre socials

Still better than Nostalgia Critic

Still better than Doug.