Why do people hate Age of Ultron?

Honestly might just be the best Marvel superhero film after Winter Soldier.

Feels like a actual comic book come to life. Very Snyder eque int its visuals too.

I thought Avengers 2 was better than the first. Severely underrated!

Like the first Avengers, it got closer to the feel of a comic book than any film previously. Unlike Avengers, it wasn't the first film to do this properly.

The biggest flaw off the top of my head is that it almost entirely ignored the stand-alone films. But it's hard to pick that one apart, because it permeates the whole film.

Because I was made for manchild

There was too many quips compared to the first one. I did like the Hulkbuster fight though.

Its better than Avengers 1, but its a major step down from Winter Soldier in both tone and storytelling which is why it was hated.

Also right after we get a movie with probably the perfect tone and right amount of quips (Winter Soldier), Joss Whedon decided to crank up the humor and quips to 10, and even made Ultron have quips. This didn't sit well with most people, especially since the trailers advetised a darker Avengers movie with Ultron being a scary villain.

IDK if the studio did it, or Joss did it, but they should have committed to light and campy like Avengers 1, or went full dark. Instead they fucked it up.

I thought it was better than the first

But thats faint praise because I think the Avengers movies are shit and prefer the solo shit

Thing is, quips make sense for the characters, just not for ALL of the characters.

It makes perfect sense that Loki, Stark, Ultron, Banner, Romanov, Thor, and even Hawkeye would be giving out banter constantly. Rogers is the odd one out.

Vision was the only good part of it.

>Very Snyder eque int its visuals too.

No. Simply no.

Also fuck you.

Ultron is horrible as villain, there's a couple of great scenes but overall mediocre movie, still better than civil war

Sorry, when Hulk is on a rampage and you're the only one who can stop him, that is not the time for jokes.

That is how Stark talks and thinks.

>Very Snyder eque int its visuals too.

You mean overuse of color grading and lack imaginative shot compositions?

Its just a weak story. The action setpieces are top fun, but some fights are pure garbage (webm related should be an epic encounter). There is very little character development, the twins stop hating Tony for no reason, Ultron is great when he's serious but thats only a few scenes. Vision was awesome but he doesn't get real development either. I dont hate it, I hate the wasted potential.

Ultron has no meaningful dispute with the Avengers, the creepy family dynamic and mental disorder between Ant-Man, Ultron, and Vision is replaced with....???

Ultron was a shitty vilain who was very poorly worked on. But i don't blame Marvel or the director. If you have to introduce a new villain in a film and then destroy them in the same film 1 hour and a half later, of course any villain will feel blank and shitty and generic.

The opposite happens in manga, where villains are built up through hundreds of chapters, going through years and years, so that when the villain is finally taken down, it feels sooo epic.

>There is very little character development, the twins stop hating Tony for no reason,
This is general is a problem for the MCU

The character are serial in nature, but you don't get that amount of development in a 2 hour movie, especially now when these movies are extremely crowded, not just character wise but also in terms of plot, action and set-up, and screentime isn't a resource that can be wasted

An example is a complex relationship like Wanda and Tony, where Tony killed Wanda's parents and so she developed a deep hatred for him but they're forced to work in a team. However, they've barely ever spoken to each other over the past movies. You can only really develop something like that in a TV show.

You're right, but I was still left satisfied with all the characters in Civil War so it can be done. Obviously not with the detail in a tv series. Wanda has a little arc in that one and a cute outfit

Its pretty good, a decent looking cape film with nicely directed action, maybe a tad underwhelming but still easily better than any Russo Brothers film, including the vastly overrated Winter Soldier.


this is dumb

>instead of loki it's ultron

Yea, no shit, the film has an antagonist.

Wheadon is a sjw nu male Chuck

That wanted to see Thor bathe ina cosmic hot tub

That scene was equivalent to the flying dicks in man of steel

>but you don't get that amount of development in a 2 hour movie

except that literaly hundreds of movies managed to develop great villains in 2 hours. Silence Of The Lambs managed to do it in under 20 minutes. Fuck, even capeshit can do better villains - even Loki from the first Avengers was decent compared to Ultron.

>The world has seen the real Hulk for the first time.

Does this mean 2008 Hulk isn't considered to have actually happened after Age of Ultron came out?

No, I interpreted it as he's never gone on such a rampage.


How does it make sense that a killer robot is super witty and constantly quipping while trying to destroy the planet? He's the one person that shouldn't have a sense of humor.

because that killer robot is based on tony stark and is the ultimate manifestation of all of his negative qualities

Ultron started off scary as fuck, but then immediately became whatever

>his jokes are his ultimate manifestation of all of his negative qualities

Surprisingly, I didn't really have a problem with Ultron's quips. He is, after all, a reflection of the personality of Tony Stark, and I felt like it was a great subversion of the typical "big scary robot guy that speaks exclusively in lofty metaphors and calculator speak". It made him feel more human, which is exactly what he was trying to be.

I'd say that Age of Ultron is one of the more underrated Marvel movies. Definitely more unique and engaging than many of their more successful movies.

it's also apparently how everybody in the Marvel Cinematic Universe talks and thinks.

>Cool! Those visuals sure are Snyder-esque!

>How does it make sense that a killer robot is super witty and constantly quipping while trying to destroy the planet?

They said that the human form is limited, but Ultron was sticking to it anyway because of reasons, he even made a even more humanoid body (vision) for himself. Maybe, just like he wanted to look human, he was trying to sound human too?IMO it sounds much more interesting than *bip bop, all carbon based life forms need to be deleted*

AoU is one of their more successful movies, it wasn't quit on par with Avengers 1 but still made more then any other movie they've made. It's not underrated at all except by contrarians on Sup Forums.

If he wanted to build the ultimate non humanoid body, how would it even look like?

For starters, the human head is so large because we need to fit our huge organic brains, organic eyes and mouth in it, a robot brain and eyes can probably be much smaller and he doesn't even need a mouth, so make the head smaller. Second, the body can be bulkier to protect whatever is on the inside, maybe even spherical since it is the most resistant shape in nature in some aspects, and finaly, the limbs don't need to have just one joint in the elbow, give it many, so they can reach everywhere.

So, Ultron without a human fetish would look something like this

>Snyder esque
You have no idea what you're talking about.

party scene and ultron's birth were great but everything else was a mess.