What are some movies about this photograph?
What are some movies about this photograph?
I wouldn't spend five cents on one.
Isn't this milquetoast married to Kristen Bell?
Who sucked the least; Nickleback, Creed, or Puddle of Mudd?
lol imagine if he held up the photograph and it was goatse lmao that would be epic
>his name is Chad
No wonder faggots hate him and his success.
no, she married Dax Shepard
not that much better
that's Dax Shepard. At least he doesn't cry during concerts.
>chads fuck qt punk bunnies
I would have left too if a bunch of moneys were throwing shit at me
Creed and Nickelback songs were the very first ones I learned to play on guitar and Puddle of Mudd has blurry.
I still kind of enjoy those songs b-but don't get the wrong idea! B-baka
Puddle of Mudd had that 1 good song Blurry
Creed would've been alright if they didn't taint their image by pretending to be a Christian Rock band
Nickelback is the most parasitic band out there. Seriously listen to the stuff they released in the late 90s. It sounds completely different than what they sound like today because they were trying to copy grunge bands. They finally found the sweet spot of basically creating an amalgamation of all rock bands that were in the top 100 and producing that sound, which led to their success. It's calculated to be very generic and wholly uninspiring. Yet they found success by latching into people's minds since their sound is so generic it can be interpreted so many different ways to fit so many different tastes. But you'll never find someone that has Nickelback as a taste.
It saddens me that somewhere out there, someone is listening to a Nickelback song thinking, "hey this isn't half bad"
>Chad demolishes this every night
>Puddle of Mudd had that 1 good song Blurry
Spin You Around, Radiate, Drift & Die, and Away From Me are also good songs you know.
hey this isn't half bad
came here to post this
>niggers hating on creed
Show me one music video of theirs that isn't absolute kino
didn't that guy beat his kids or something?
wtf I love Creed now
Did Creed have more than 3 songs?
Amen, brother or sister.
Y-yeah these bands suck! I totally hated them as a kid!
What about that Staind, huh? They sucked a lot am I right, Sup Forums? ;_;
I kind of like the bass riff in Mudshovel.
>look at this photograph every time i do it makes me laugh
are these the most prosaic lyrics ever written
I still really like Deftones
I will always like adrenaline/around the fur/white pony. I haven't listened to much of their new stuff though
Where did the whole "Nickelback sucks" thing even start?
She loves you yeah yeah yeah
She loves you yeah yeah yeah
She loves you yeah yeah yeah
it started with them sucking
All the RIght Reasons came out.
i still enjoy staind and seether
I'm also curious about this. They're not high art, but fuck have I heard some genuinely terrible artists on the radio. Nickelback is pretty inoffensive in comparison to a lot of the autotuned garbage that was popular when I was in high school.