The Asian Century edition
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What are they doing?
need a war to sort out the nu male problem
the brave men enlist and die, the cowards or leftists stay home. this wouldn't be helped by war
t. Bruce Lee
did trap bar deadlift today for the first time
115 lbs
not a bad start I reckon
buttplug had blood on it
don't feel well
I just want to hear your qt workmates on vocaroo again
>he doesn't climb
according to rippetoe trap bar's inferior to normal deadlift because it makes you less stable. if i remember correctly
A soy boy free world would be a better one
until i was 10 i thought:
>thought everyone died on their 100th birthday
>other countries don't exist, it's just myth
>dogs only eat cats and dog food, cats only eat mice and cat food
>most movie stuntmen die in the making of the film
Stop being so perfectly fascist Singapore.
Lefties are crying
toilet bog fart wouldn't know shit from putty
it's not as harsh on your back because the weight is more centered on your body and because you start from a higher position
is there anything better than getting /k/ posters to write out gigantic novels in response to posts i copy pasted from months ago
doesn't no man's sky imply it's woman's sky and vice versa
the anus is designed solely to expel waste
don't put things up it
this is his crowning achievement
sex with a woman
don't believe that tweet to be real
Can't sleep
*acknowledges ur post*
big redpill: we are actually cucking china
not that you'd know smelly little virgin
agree with the general idea but the soy conspiracy is bullshit
high iq post
how so?
sydney and vancouver's real estate markets are fucked forever because of chinese buyers.
Business idea: Petition the government to lift the entry ban on the Westboro Baptist Church
Choose a path white man
"using a trap bar essentially turns the deadlift into a leg press with weight in your hands. There's no reason to do it".
thus the word of Rippe
more like slowly being assimilated
China is cucking Africa
Tiresome, apparently
The anglo celtic-man simply can't compete with the sino-Mediterranean man. It's just a case of the master evoking the whip on his slave.
>he doesn't know
Is Dequandro a big guy?
i choose none
*does a little irish jig instead*
step dad
>this being realistic at all
MGTOW is just sad desu
4. Hookers and blow
Who would have thought playing video games all day would come back to bite you in the ass
Australia is changing. We're an anomaly as a European country in this part of the world. There's already a large and growing Asian population in Australia and it is inevitable in my view that Australia will become a Eurasian country over the next century or two. Australian Asians and Europeans will marry another and a new race will emerge: I happen to think that's desirable.
>How the hell is this possible that Whites still turned out on top? Not the Jews, mind you, just the average Whites like Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese and of course, Anglo-Saxons. How come they, and not East Asians, colonized the world and at their peak controlled 85% of the world's land area? How come it was non-Jewish Whites who put a man on the moon, invented the car, the airplane, the electric battery and a whole lot of other stuff? If we assume the standard deviations to be equal or to be higher for East Asians, none of this will make sense anymore.
Eurasian futurism is a meme
>I happen to think that's desirable
ah yes we will become the next eurasian powerhouse, just like kazakhstan
wanna be a dad some day so i can prank my kids all the time aha
need a gf who fantasises about that exact situation
Poo and niggers will marry another and a new gimmick will emerge: I happen to think that's desirable.
White man's dominance was very recent and very short in history.
Want Emma Watson to tread on my bollocks.
have the best christmas or birthday present for a boy lined up. my black explorer guitar, a case for it, and a micro terror amp (and a tuner i guess). i got it for $150 and put a $99 pickup in the bridge. going to get a les paul soon. now i just need a kid to give it to
The reasons China didn't industrialize before Europe can be summed up as follows:
- Confucian thought prioritized harmony over progress (harmony with nature, harmony with other countries).
- Confucian thought also showed disdain for aggressive military actions (explaining why China declared less war than France).
- Confucian countries instituted conservative policies (as opposed to progressive policies) that inhibited social progress (education was available to a select few, language was designed in such a way to prevent commoners from learning it, certain knowledge was not made public esp in engineering).
- Confucian countries had a disdain for greed (merchants were considered like animals).
- Confucian scholars were themselves driving forces behind science and technology (meaning the scientists were themselves politicians in most cases and this created a toxic environment for innovation).
- Confucian thought also disincentived meritocracy in favor of seniority.
- Confucian countries were highly risk-adverse, which prevented naval travel and discoveries.
I still felt it in my lower back and upper chest though
*shrugs shoulders*
euro x asian nations are absolute shitholes
look at central asia
those are not nu males, you need to be a human to be a nu male
Every square inch of planet earth (and planets not yet discovered) belongs to the white man
give it to tim byrne
well, either china or this
>all this cuck around chinese micropenis
the state of Leaf
>white people
>black people
broken fucking record
it doesn't matter
he's the r/asianmasculinity spammer
expect white women with asian bfs to be posted shortly
big brains, we have. we have big brains.
>the reason *blank* did something before *blank*
History/"progress" isn't a linear function. The reason China didn't "industrialize first" is because they weren't England. That's it. England was England, and a unique history and circumstances led to England brokering in the Industrial Age.
What you're asking is about as retarded as asking why didn't the Aztecs create the Computer Age
Fury is over 2m. The skinny bloke next to him looks just as tall if not taller. Didn't know Brits are fuckin übermen (love how autocorrect put the two dots on the u)
Who ate all the pies haha
the state of this human being
Stick your brain in the slag pussy so
dick is shorter than my balls
>huge intelligence
aren't a billion of your people illiterate and toiling in the fields?
the cream of the crop
rate the bod lads
probably on a step lad
how often would you see two 6'10+ blokes out together
>What you're asking is about as retarded as asking why didn't the Aztecs create the Computer Age
that's easy though, because they wanted to avoid UNA VELA spam
how is it your country has a less of a chance at being relevant than india?
why didnt africa industrialise?
>expect white women with asian bfs to be posted shortly
>why didnt africa industrialise?
They are niggers
We speculate that the association of gray matter volume of the amygdala and anterior cingulate cortex with political attitudes that we observed may reflect emotional and cognitive traits of individuals that influence their inclination to certain political orientations. For example, our findings are consistent with the proposal that political orientation is associated with psychological processes for managing fear and uncertainty. The amygdala has many functions, including fear processing. Individuals with a large amygdala are more sensitive to fear, which, taken together with our findings, might suggest the testable hypothesis that individuals with larger
amygdala are more inclined to integrate conservative views into their belief system…. Similarly, it is striking that conservatives are more sensitive to disgust, and the insula is involved in the feeling of disgust.
Social conservatism is one of the more deep set of the 'Asian values' uncovered in this study. It extends its hold far beyond the political conservatives who championed the overt 'Asian values' discourse. Social conservatism reaches deep into the ranks of people who appear to the Western eye to be social and political innovators: sometimes taking the form of ethical conservatism often as concern for strong, cohesive families.
just like that big butt pepe
Didn't adopt liberal democracy like Europe
India has 1.5bi of population + huge investments in industry, technology and military.
Not that bad at all
China since the first Empire was always more Legalistic with merely Confucian overtones.
all this otherwise is a load of shit trying to hand wave away history as some simple formulaic thing
To illustrate this point: in a normal population with a mean IQ of 100, and a standard deviation of 15, 228 children in every 10,000 would have an IQ score two standard deviations above the mean, that is, a score of IQ 130 or higher. However, with a mean shift upwards of half a standard deviation, as reported by Jensen for Asian Americans, no fewer than 668 children in 10,000 would score in the IQ 130+ range. Many American gifted programmes which employ an IQ criterion for entrance set their entry level at IQ 130; in this situation, 6.68 per cent of Asian children would be eligible to enter these programmes on the basis of IQ as opposed to only 2.28 per cent of Caucasian children-an overrepresentation by a factor of 2.93. Yet Sternberg reports an overrepresentation by a factor of 5! Why do American gifted programmes contain almost twice the number of Asians than could be statistically expected from Jensen's projections. The children of this study have scored at or above IQ 160 on the Standford-Binet Intelligence Test L-M, an instrument with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation fo 16. Thus these children score at least 3.75 standard deviations above the mean. Fewer than 9 children in 100,000 score at or beyond this level. However, if we shift the mean upwards by 0.5 of a standard deviation, to investigate the implications of Jensen's findings and if we assume the standard deviation for the Asian population to be the same as that for non-Asians, then the criterion score of IQ 160 for entrance to this study becomes only 3.25 standard deviations above the new mean. Beyond this point lie not 9, but 58, children in 100,000. If Jensen's findings regarding a higher Asian mean are correct, and if they hold good for the Asian-Australian population as well as Asian-Americans, then we could expect to find Asian-Australians over-represented in the study by a factor of 6.5. Yet the over-representation actually found id an astonishing 15.6!
what the FUCK
his guitar literally costs over $1,000
Shan't be reading one word of this lot of hogwash
No one is going to read any of this dogshit mate
yeh mate, a 2ft step
The fucking state of you're existence
your population is almost as big as america
read every single letter