so indianwashing is thing now
So indianwashing is thing now
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>which tells the story of the Black Power movement in 70s London
They are right thou.
Well I see their point desu
if she's that white and playing a black power role, she deserves it
>yo nigga fuck whitey
>fuck you say, not-black-enough bitch?
dumb wigger
what do you anons still believe this bullshit fake press is in anyway real?
All of these 'stories' are manufactured propaganda.
id do the same, pretend its deeply affected me, but continue doing it and further accept similar projects
>ywn be her shitting street
>Black male "radicals" fighting for their right to non-black punnany instead of building infrastructure and taking care of their women and children. Quelle surprise.
those comments kek
see the comments
Fantastic, now the role can be taken by a real Afrikan Qween like Leslie
So she's playing a black woman? She could pass as a mulatto but not a full black person
>What in the world!??! The lead actress is a woman of Indian descent??!! LOL.
>Forget this show and FORGET IDRIS ELBA FOR PRODUCING this mess.
lel these comments
i love seeing black women cry about something
she's playing a fictional role based on a actual female black power leader
>If you are not a black woman, you have no right to try to silence us from speaking out about our experiences. If you are not a black woman, you have no clue what it feels like to be us. You don't see what we go through on a daily basis. So, of course, to you this seems like no big deal because it is not something that has an impact on your daily life. It does not have to matter to you, but what you won't do is keep us quiet about speaking out as this happens more and more. Isolated occurrences is one thing, but this is happening more and more and staying silent about anything is not how you change it. It still probably will not change, but what will NOT happen is my remaining silent. What will NOT happen is my support of such actions.
M8 didn't you know, the black power movement happened in every country simultaneously and is the reason there isn't any more racism
>as if they're wrong
You pathetic Black men ain't nothing but a bunch of tap dancing Uncle Toms. How y'all gonna make a movie about BLACK radicalism, but with a non-Black female lead and with a bunch of White women?!
This shit here ain't about Black empowerment. It's about you dusty, desperate negroes just ITCHING to replace the White man.
Well, fuck y'all.
Y'all really think us Black women ain't noticing. I hope this shit flops just like 'Birth of a Nation'.
I can't STAND you motherfuckers.
Jesus christ that's horrifying. I'm not even really a racist but that is clearly not a human being
prop fake too.
they want outrage and controversy
and you dumb media obsessed niggas fall for it every time.
first arabwashing, now indowashing
When will historical black woman ever get a break?
im black yall and im black yall
looks like another 8 season hit for Showtime!
>Portuguese colonialist offspring
Need a ride suga'? Allstate, it's all in my hands ;)
There are other gorilla tv shows black people could be in
>blacks hate whites
>blacks hate Hispanics
>blacks hate Asians
>now blacks also hate Indians
Why is this okay
>>now blacks also hate Indians
I know we hate the BLM movement, but why is an indian actress playing the opposite lead in a movie about a black subject?
This would be like if a Chinese person was the lead in a movie about the Irish mob.
She is based on an Indina man that was prevalent in the movement, they threw a bone at feminists by gender bending and piss offed nig nog women
>the ancient Egyptians were blacks, not arabs
>race washing is only okay if it's erasing whites or asians
when will the ride end
>To the makers of Guerrilla hope you're reading this. Learn from the disaster that was the Nina Simone biopic with Zoe Saldana. Black people (US, UK and abroad) won't stay silent anymore and let other people whitewash us and tell our stories without black men, children AND WOMEN whether its a film, TV series, web series etc. Nothing against Frieda Pinto but really hope this flops and serves as a lesson.
no she is based on a real black woman. saying she's based on another indian guy is just an excuse
>this is a white woman who stole a role that rightfully belongs to black actresses
What did black people mean by this
No seriously, I am very confused
She's not nigger enough
she identifies as hispanic
she never 'embraced' her black heritage
Don't give a shit anyone, SJW pandering got boring, just let it die
She changes her race when ever it seems fit, but at least she looks black. The girl in OP's pic is not even close.
This is getting ridiculous
Rami isn't white, he's a froggy
But it doesn't even make sense from a story perspective for her to be Indian?
Well now they know how we feel when they cast a black actor in a white role, which keeps happening and no one bats an eye.
>Well now they know how we feel when they cast a black actor in a white role
I don't like that much either, but it's at least usually fictional.
If a black guy was cast as FDR, there should be an uproar. Or if a black guy was cast as an English king, there should also be an uproar.
God I would fuck the ever loving shit out of Frieda Pinto.
they dont like black girls or indian men
also producers and actors wanted to fuck a non-black girl
>black guy was cast as an English king
umm they already did that
Was it based on a real king?
This is how British public television recently depicted King Henry VI and Queen Margaret of Anjou
thats why Idris Alba cast her
Probably because the feeling is mutual.
blm's been reduced to bothering british indians i never get sick of winning
nigga whaaaat
can someone tell them to stop indianwashing telephone services?
>kang arthur and queenz guinevere.jpg
how is she not hispanic? both names are Spanish in origin. Really makes you think
Have to remember that Zoe Saldana isn't considered black enough to play Nina Simone.
>both names are Spanish in origin
she is from goa, a former portugese colony
yeah she's been fucking blue and green more than shes been black
Oxymoron, no?
that was weird
untermensch post
BBC runs the world now whiteboi
>BLM turning everyone against blacks
I'm convinced at this point that BLM is an inside job created by the KKK or some shit
>Blacks can never be replaced by any other race.
>Blacks can replace any race.
I wish we could finally erase blacks.
Frieda Pinto is WAY too hot to be in that show. She looks so out of place.
>if you ain't black you white
this is the typical nigger view
Nah, niggers are just that shitty and abrasive. The only people that don't mind niggers are people that don't have to spend time around them.
blacks were always an angry mob being filtered by the media.
you dont seriously think shills like obama were representative of them in any way?
Not all black people, get it right.
freida pinto getting blacked? basically a childhood dream come true
But all niggers.
i'd let her shit on my street if you catch my drift
>>Not all black people, get it right.
About 80% blacks are abrasive and loud and in your face
Absolutely disgusting
top kek
>tfw live in bay area
>have to listen to blm crap updates from my white coworkers every day
How come it's always the white women who are into this the most?
You see what they teach in schools?
It's okay though, it will end up just like Rhodesia/South Africa. The white guilt will cause them all to be massacred. Teaching blacks to hate white people will prove to be a huge mistake, they don't just simply forget that shit once they are a majority. They kill everyone, even lightskin niggers.
From a black woman in the youtube comments
"Thank you. finally someone said it. Black males have ONLY ever cared about access to non black women. I don't know why people pretend not to notice that. if white men were doing that in reverse, it would have been pointed out centuries ago!"
dude are black women "redpilled"???
>that is clearly not a human being
you can find images of white women with similar bloated facial features she is just an ugly person
is it wrong to say he makes me want to try black cock?
no, Idris Elba is objectively hot, like Fruity Rudy
Shit, man, I'm a huge SJW-cuck-leftie-whatever and always against whitewashing, cultural appropriation and such - but the popularity of this "Egyptians were black" afrocentric bullshit is fucking ridiculous.