Toilets in Europe have a "shelf" that you shit onto so that you can sniff and inspect the turd before flushing it

Toilets in Europe have a "shelf" that you shit onto so that you can sniff and inspect the turd before flushing it.

Why are Europeans so disgusting?

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why hitler lost the war

We just don’t enjoy poseidons kiss as much as you do.

not all europe just germany !

This isn't true. I'm visiting Germany right now and I was in the UK before that. Regular toilets unless there's some specific place you've seen them?

>poseidons kiss
Oh damn... never heard of that one. Thx user.

The Dutch use them.

Attached: the-kiss-of-poseidon-bise-37251581.png (500x562, 98K)

I'll be on the look out for that when I visit Amsterdam

it's mostly a German thing, you don't see that in Scandinavia. I truly never did understand what the purpose of these shelf are, though.

Thanks you Sup Forums! The internet provides!!

yurofag here and i dont have one of these

If I was visiting Europe and I saw that in a public bathroom I would take a shit and not flush so that it would stink up the whole room.

Anti-splashback measure? I know I'm not the only one who has taken a giant shit in a public toilet and wondered if that splash back had AIDs or something.

Yes, but that means it's always out of the water.
Admit it, you love the smell of shit and the look of skidmarks

It's stupid. You're literally dropping your shit onto a solid surface directly, making a mess instead of having the hole reduce the resulting impact.

We don't have this in England, but I had one of these in my hotel room in Amsterdam, really stinks up the place

holy kek! good one user. and absolutely right.

>be me
>visit hungary
>eat too much goulash & langos
>have to take a massive shit
>oh no. flat crapper
>shit so much that the turd reaches all way up
>have to move forward so i can shit in the flusher
>it makes noise and i can hear people laugh
>have to use paper to shove the shit down manually
>everybody laughs when i get out

Not just Germany, but I believe it originates from there. This is some disgusting design

So you can sift through your shit and remove the smuggled drug packages easier

Although I have yet to eat SO much lángos and goulash as to fill it all the way up, the rest of the story seems perfectly accurate to me.

OP, it's called an "observation deck" and yes, it is disgusting. Stinks up the room without an immediate courtesy flush.

to be more specific, it was two bowls goulash and a langos on the way home (those things are so fucking tasty)

Quite a hearty feast if I do say so myself

Can confirm for the Netherlands, had it in 3 rented places and every hotel I've been to. It's not at all bad, you lay down a few pieces of toilet paper and the sadly departed leaves no trails. And if you can't stand the smell or catching a glimpse of your own shit, can't even imagine what a fucking snowflake you are

Andy sixx invented these!

I believe they were originally made so you could inspect the poop for worms etc especially as cured meat became more popular. I'm might be wrong it could be for tasting for all I know.

Sometimes a detailed view may be of interest. Installing one of those, at least if you happen to have a multitude of toilets, should be considered, some say.

And this is worse than having e.coli water splash all over your ass?

>all toilets in Europe are the same

yeah ok

Checkd 6's

Is there something like flachspüler pooping porn?

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At least you don’t have to shit standing up and then clean your asshole with your hand and a cup of water like in India (no sink/soap available afterwards either)

Better than French toilets

Attached: French_Squatter_Toilet.jpg (1295x1109, 119K)