By a strange interweb glitch, you now have control of obama's teleprompter

By a strange interweb glitch, you now have control of obama's teleprompter.

What do you make him say?

I am wee todd ed





Fuk da police comin straight from da underground

One more thing, America. We wuz kings and shieeet. My wife is a tranny. Thank you

Firstly, Peyton Manning looks like a big toe with a face drawn on it. Secondly, I would like to admit officially that I was not born in this country, that I am a Muslim, that my wife does have a Penis, that I officially hate all white people, except Hilary Clinton, since she also shares my views on hating America. I can't wait until she gets elected so she can fuck white people over, and then afterwards, fuck over all you ignorant niggers who always vote Democrat even though we do nothing for you. God damn I'm ashamed to be black with how stupid you assholes are. Also, pozdravi nam antu Pavelića, thank you and good night.


I'm a little nigger, dumb and black
Here is muh ding-dong, here is muh gat!

Death Grips lyrics

Islamic terrorism



>do you give speeches? so did HITLER


Rubba dub dub

Thanks for the grub.

Yay god!

The FitnessGramâ„¢ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.

Our white police officers are inherently racist, and must be disarmed. These recent shootings of police are what occurs when an oppressed people rise up against the oppressors. To combat this tyranny, I am going to ensure that we will have more people of color in our police, our military, and our government. Due to inherent racism, whites are the problem, but I have the answer, a solution that will lead us into a better future for our country, and for our people of color.

makes you think

>a solution that will lead us into a better future for our country, and for our people of color.
>a solution
>final solution
>yfw you see cultural pruning as the only option left

bix nood if if if if if if if

Jim turned me until I was facing him and we kissed passionately as our
tongues found each other. As his hand moved to my thighs I put my hand
between us and gently massaged his cock. Breaking the kiss we both stepped
back and slowly started removing our clothes. Unlike what I thought it
would be like, neither of us was in a hurry. We just enjoyed watching what
seemed like shadows of each other in the very dim light.

If Obama actually hinted at deliberate white genocide on national TV. . .rofl. Thing is, Obama would still probably get at least 10-20% white support still, the way whites in America are nowadays.


"They don't think it be like it is *intellectual pause* But it do" *look down at podium*

>My fellow your President, I have failed to accomplish anything that I claimed I would do in this country...
>Healthcare is unresolved, with Americans getting jewed out of their earnings by doctors everywhere...
>Racial tensions are worse than they were in the Jim Crow South...
>Gun sales have skyrocketed after each of the mass shooting the occurred under my Presidency...
>The youth of this country are more in debt than ever with little hope for the future...
>But worst of all, I have failed to win the approval of Sup Forums, the true intellectual bastion of our time...
>...where the world unites under a banner of anonymity to discuss and understand the problems of the day...
>...hopefully they will forgive me and see mercy when they are holding high ranking positions as loyal Gestapo agents in Trump's reign...
>...but I doubt it...
>Okie dokie.