Was nazism far right?

I keep seeing people say it is, but some also saying it isn't

So, which one is it?

I See National Socialism as a left wing ideology

Isn't that just a name? Socialism was outlawed at Hitler's Germany

It was economically centrist with a leftist bent. Socially it was extremely authoritarian.

I think you are retarded.
It is a socialist movement.
The party name is "National Socialist German Workers Party"

They outlawed Marxism because it was jewish. They were economically centrist

That's just a name, Hitler literally outlawed socialism and communism

If I create the Capitalistic Moneybags Party, take control of a country and then install communism, will it still be right wing?

It was a pretty centrist party.
The combination of both party platforms.
Great mixtures came out of it, yet..
>muh holohoax
destroys and real debates on it


it was authoritarian centrist

Does that mean Sup Forums is left wing?

it was left in the sense of collectivist, left vs right has many definitions though

You can't compartmentalize an ideology to something as simple as left-right

Sup Forums doesn't even understand what left and right mean as they think left = sjw, right = race realist

The problem is
and Facism

Are so extreme that they fall into another spectrum entirely called

Which is not political, since it kicks politics to the curb at gunpoint.

So its neither Left nor Right

Its on another spectrum that sits in the basement below the political spectrum.

Some people think it sits above, but no, it sits below.

Well they nationalized a lot of private industry because of (((infiltration))), which would be economically leftist. Socially very right wing though.

>left vs right has many definitions though
No, it has exactly one definition, left and right are purely about economics. Left is not inherently collectivist and right is not inherently individualist

Fascism transcends the left/right dichotomy.

Didn't the term right wing come from the fact that the Nazi party had its seats on the right side of the parliament in the Weimar republic?

Nazism wasn't far right. It was just right.

I think it's more related to the French Revolution...

Only crackpot Austrian school free marketers and lolbertardians see it as a left wing ideology. The party of change vs the party of stability and tradition.

In terms of economic change it did what most industrializing nations have done repeatedly (from FDR to Ronald Reagan) it took command of the national economy while leaving private enterprise mostly alone. It also like other western countries instituted a social security type system for older Germans and moved towards full employment.

Fascism was created by interventionist socialists. National socialism was a socilaist ideology.

It had some aspects far right wingers could agree with, but it's extremely left wing.

We have to look at the history of the term right vs left which came about during the French Revolution. It was specifically the party of change vs the party of stabililty and the old order. It had nothing to do with big government vs small government or anything else lolbertardians try to associate with left or right wing.

No. It's not. "HURR DURR LE FAR-RIGHT NAZIS" is a meme designed to steer the traditionalist-minded away from traditionalism towards a white trash controlled opposition ideology.

Chart related.

it was socialist but it have nothing to do with all other kinds of socialism that exist, in nazi socialism things are privated, the state don't own everything like on jewish communism/socialism

Nat. soc. is considered by many as a "third-way" as it may be left or right if you take different factors.
For example. Economically, Germany had the State giving jobs to the people, and extreme regulation towards private businesses, which nowadays is considered "left-wing".
However, socially, they were very conservative, abortion was illegal, guns were legal (at least in the late points of the war, away from urban centers) along with others.

I hope that helps you

It was authoritarian centrist.

The Nazis founded "Volks Wagen" "Peoples Car" as a car that every german citizen can afford.
They handed out radios so that every person can listen radio.
Gave out free versions of "Mein Kampf" at marriage.
Prohibited Weapons for the public.
Made the first "No smoking Areas".
Arrested many of the richest people and took their goods from them.
Hated right wingers and and said "The right wing will never win in Germany" when asked about the conservatives.

No it's from French Parliament, and much older.

To be honest Socialism makes Nationalism inevitable.
At some point the people will be pissed off at some demografics coming in and profiting from your hard work.
Just think about it, you pay for people you don´t like to live like lazy fucks and hate your country.
If you don´t pay taxes you are more willing to ignore them and keep living your life.

>be National Socialist german in the 30s
>purge the more socialist members of your party
>hate commies with a passion
>take power
>don't take over the MOP
>somehow it's still socialism to some people

hitler socialism have nothing to do with karl marx and other kings of jew socialism, but its still socialism.

I like how you fail to give any example of what was done by the germans to support your claim.
Socialism is basically controling the MOP and "giving it to the people", which did not happen in Hitler's Germany. The only ones who got their goods taken by force were either rich jews or people considered to be enemies of the state.
Not even the famous Volkswagen cars were given for free, they were built by a private company and then sold to the german people.

It's not socialism, monkey.

fuck off retard, i already posted why national socialism is different in this thread and there's no reason to post it again

You mean this?
>it was socialist but it have nothing to do with all other kinds of socialism that exist, in nazi socialism things are privated, the state don't own everything like on jewish communism/socialism
So it's socialism but it's the opposite of what all other kinds of socialism are? Try looking at a mirror before calling others a retard, mutt.

It was a left wing party (but not socialist tier) in that it used Keynesian economics and a large state. The left likes to say it is a right-wing party to push the blame on to the right wing so that they are seen as evil.
They were socially on the right, but the concept of being right-wing socially is new as right-wing politicans became "socially conservative" to appeal to their older base and leftists vice versa.

The left-right spectrum is considered and used only by morons.

There's a lot that would be considered left and a lot that would be considered right.

The political spectrum isn't just left/right. Somebody more versed can explain it further.

Economically Centrist, Socially Authoritarian. What makes it "far right" is the same thing that makes Le Pen, Farage, AfD, and Trump "far right": Nationalist rather than Globalist.