>we post our desktops. who's got nothing to hide

Attached: capture.jpg (2560x1080, 724K)

Nice background. Where can I get it?

im using wallpaper engine, its under pokemon mature.

You have a lot of free time, don't you?

i mean you aint posting your desktop, so...

I choose to keep mine neet.

Attached: BACK.jpg (1920x1080, 791K)

Attached: yep.jpg (1920x1080, 505K)

I had blown up my computer while I was trying to extract it's uranium

good god what the hell are all those files

Attached: adfadfadfsfasfdfasdfasfdasfasdfasdfafsdfadfasdfasdfasfdasdfadfdfadadfadfasdfadfafsfdsfsddfsfasdfasdf (3852x2160, 1.41M)

Attached: dfjk;fgj.png (1366x768, 395K)

Files for my 3d printer, I literally just exported to my desktop and when I made a folder to clean it up they never got moved, new files don't go to the desktop at least.

Same, nigger

Outer Wilds and BL3 were free.

Attached: 8w0qRXleCE.jpg (4480x1440, 437K)

look a this rich bastard with his 3 monitors

Is this suse or are you just using a memeicon?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-11-26_23-29-21.png (1920x1080, 497K)


op our desctops are practically identical accept i dont have pokemon boob wallpaper

You should have a misty boob wallpaper

misty's fuckin hot

also post it faggot


Attached: yera.jpg (2560x1403, 959K)

this looks like an actual autists desktop

Apex Desktop

Attached: WOKE.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

Imagine being on Sup Forums and not being autistic lmao.

mans has no shortcuts or files

godlike being

Oops, wrong pic

Attached: harvey.jpg (800x459, 85K)

why the fuck this man's icons so big

I ain't gotta explain shit, nigga

Attached: Bubble bath nigga.jpg (600x800, 70K)

>800 x 459


Attached: Desktop.jpg (2560x1440, 807K)

big iron