Better call saul

how the fuck did they manage to slow this show down EVEN MORE after season 2...?

did anything even fucking happen in the season premiere...

I would drop this in a heartbeat if it wasn't breaking bad related...

Yeah season two was uneventful compared to season one, and the premiere was pretty damn boring.

Sorry the walking dead is off season right now. Maybe try some CW superhero shows? Might be more your tempo.

>if you like a lawyer show related to breaking bad then you must also like drawn out "zombie" shows and capeshit

kill yourself my man. arrogant faggot.

Try actually reading his post.

People like you who watch anything, regardless of quality, because it's "in universe" with something else are the real cancer killing tv/movies

Vince is a huge hack, he already proved that with Season 5 of Breaking Bad

stop supporting his bullshit cash in show

are you too stupid to realize he's insulting the people who like those kind of shows?

I feel like they intentionally made the pilot as slow as possible and dragged every scene because of all the whining and DUDE NOTHING HAPPENS. Once Gus shows up and it goes breaking bad 2.0 everyone will be raving about it. I'm honestly mostly interested in Gene. Say nothing happened but I loved that opening.

does it make you feel good being a contrarian?

tell me your perfect 5+ season show

>Asian cartoon picture
>genuinely retarded
Checks out

>Still mad enough about breaking bad to go into a BCS thread to complain about it

Holy shit get over it fag

Sopranos>Breaking Bad

no questions asked

And that's with a major actress dying mid filming


Breaking bad:
>hank puts tracker on Gus car
>we have to get it later and check on the computer
Breaking bad prequel:
>Gus puts bug on car
>mike finds bug
>mike replaces bug with his own
>bad guy shows up days later and takes bug
>mike has live feed GPS spy tracker and follows bad guy
I don't understand?

Justified > the office (us) > the sopranos


>complain about show being slow
>recommends an even slower show

>doesn't know what berserk (purest kino ever created) is

I kinda feel sorry for you

I gave up on it halfway through season 2
it's really not worth watching. slow burn doesnt justify glacial pace to unrewarding buildup. at least glaciers moved mountains. this shit is tedious and no payoff.

Griffith... bend over

So I'm rewatching BB, and when Jesse and Walt decide to "Become Tuco, cut out the middle man" and start using Jesse's friends to sell their meth, mainly in the episode Breakage, they supposedly should be making $32k per pound, and according to Jesse's friend even that's a lot, yo. However, when they're selling to Tuco, Tuco buys a pound at $35k. How does this make sense?

>has never seen Berserk, literal entry level kino

No but seriously, kill yourself and livestream it

Anyone have the episode link?

costs 3k for materials?

Huh? How did he prove he was a hack during season five? Shit was classic.

I'm having the same problem with The Americans, how much more can they keep dragging everything out? I never finished the latest season premiere.

Different type of bug used for different reasons. One is used to tail someone, another is record where they have been.

All their dealers are getting bigger cuts and they have more overhead.

>that pic
Holy shit this guy is a joke


Haha I know right dude??
>rips bong

I don't smoke weed bro, I'm just curious as to why you guys disliked it so much. Being a writer myself I was really impressed with what they managed to do, it's still one of my favorite shows of all time and i go back to it often. So I'm just curious is all.

Nah, it's $32k gross. It just makes absolutely no sense that Tuco is buying at $35k when supposedly direct selling should barely get $32k
That just makes it seem like Tuco is stiffing his dealers pretty hard. The deal Jesse gives the dealers is $2.5k per ounce, he keeps the 2, they keep the .5. That's $500 per ounce especially when they're taking the most risk, and actually being out on the streets. That seems like not great pay already, so how much was Tuco giving his dealers?
Even if Tuco was selling per ounce at $2.5k which is supposedly pretty high, and only viable since the streets were dry atm, and paying his dealers nothing, he'd only be getting $40k per ounce. Which leaves a profit of $5k. The long and short of it is just they were making more money going through a middle man with significantly less risk than they were handling the business by themselves.

Gonna respond or what?

>That just makes it seem like Tuco is stiffing his dealers pretty hard.
Tuco's dealers are staff from the cartel who get cuts of other things while they are dealing with contractors who work purely on commission from sales.

Well even then Tuco is only bringing in $20k a week to the Cartel selling 4lb of meth. That seems like a distinctly poor return.


Well they probably sell this as the good shit or dillute it to sell it for even more. Doesnt stop them from using other meth from other cooks.


The bag of ice Ernesto bought for Chuck had Chilly Willy, the penguin from the Woody wood pecker show, on it.

one is a digital tracer that gives a map version of the routes its travelled
the other is a homing beacon using a radio signal to track it to its source

one is passive one is active

Feels like everything is adopting this HBO style season long storytelling mode and they forget about the individual episodes. Ironically Breaking Bad was very good at episodic storytelling but BCS and a lot of current shows just feel like a big narrative cut up into chunks. I'll be glad when The Leftovers are back next week, Lindelof was always good at that. Like how in LOST the flashback structure meant that individual episodes had to function as their own self contained parables as well as moving the story forward.

They work in volume and are willing to have reduced returns for market domination.

>Did anything even happen in th season premiere?
In "present day" it seems that Jimmy's health concerns could come into question
Mike methodically and desperately finds a way to turn the tables on those keeping tabs on him and is now on his way to hunting them down
Chucks plan begins to show it's teeth, as Howard is involved, and Ernesto is slyly being influenced to aid in chucks master plan as well
Kim and Jimmy's work relationship continues to be hard on both of them, and it's foreshadowed Kim will have major moral issues with taking money from a fraudulent win.
How is this not a good premiere episode which sets up the dramatic events in the next season? Even Vince let it slip that the action really starts to get going by episode four. Like, yeah, it's a slow show. That's fucking irrelevant if it's still good writing that alludes to even better writing? We are in the hands of great story tellers, and most people have forgotten what that feels like. Enjoy the characters, don't panic and ask them to rush. Chuck even says it in the first episode. "Don't you want to make a name for yourself? Why ride on someone else coat tails? If you focus on your job and do good work, eventually people will notice"
Same goes for breaking bad. Yeah that show had meth and guns, but meth and guns drama does not make, inherently. It actually was a very slow show, and in my opinion doesn't actually become the INTENSE ACTION THRILLER until around episode 12 of season 3. And everything else in season 3 is pretty fucking slow, including an episode where nothing happens outside of a hospital waiting room, and an episode where Walter and Jesse catch a fly. I'm just saying.

Was this episode kino? Or am I too high right now?


yess..... good goyim

Not an argument

is that you Vince?

I sure wish I was. I'd be a great writer.

essential delaycore

yes it is


I'm so sick and tired of the fucking plebs on this site bitching about this kino. You retarded fucking cunt, kill yourself

you typing kinda fast there son, you should try s l o w i n g d o w n

I watched this in 2.56x speed and it was still slow.

Well then it makes no sense. Vince is a subversive Jew with over arching schemes to control masses and stay on top.

He actually is a tv show runner that doesn't even make very much money who only started to make any success very recently, during breaking bads final season when the show became a hit, for five years up til then it was essentially his passion project that only he and critics gave a shit about. He writes what he wants to watch, damn what people think. I tend to find his shows really really good. If you don't, that's fine. But, I'd say you have bad taste, or aren't giving it a chance. Thats just me.

>He writes what he wants to watch
Who would ever want to watch Better Call Saul more than once?

Lol, dude I have watched season one and two numerous times and I literally just fired up tonight's episode again right now, second viewing. That's like asking who would want to watch the star wars trilogy more than once. Fans?

>jews are cool
why did you post this

also doxxed your family faggot check pic related

Also you do realize that the shows get their directing style from Sergio Lyone mainly, in fact the showrunners don't allow directors to start filming their episode before watching the first ten minutes of once upon a time in the west. Is For A Few Dollars movie slow boring shit where nothing happens? Maybe to some, but not me. BCS/BB are basically Leone films, The Sopranos and 24 all had a baby, The Wire and The Godfather sprinkled on top, and I kinda fucking love it but be fair, don't just shit on it cause it's in season two and there's no explosions, fucking understand WHAT it is, you don't judge country for not being rap, that sort of thing.

>both faggots say gay shit then lawl KEYNOO
Not surprised

I posted that because I was verbally explaining what that dudes "argument" could have POSSIBLY been, based on a single image, to point out that it means nothing.

but you dont have an argument

he proved he was a hack in season 3actually


Oh this is sad to read. Sergio Leone is skilled and he knows his pacing. Big difference is that in a Leone film you're not going to watch seven minutes of nothing and then see a spree of bombastic high velocity advertisements. Can you see why people think this doesn't work here?

Hmm, how so?

this is literally the worst board on Sup Forums

Also Leone he points his camera at interesting sets and good scenery. Exotic things I can't see out my window.

BCS s1 was better than any BrBa season.

I don't remember a single second of S2 desu, I don't feel like rewatching so I'll likely just drop the show

So you say that because there are advertisements on television, they should abandon their pacing? Makes no sense. Most people don't even watch it on TV, anyway, and if I was making tv I'd want to film what I want to watch, advertisements be damned. I have to adhere to them and make a fucking ADHD sitcom because they exist? Nah, and it never bothered me anyway, besides that it makes me wait for more show. Doesn't destroy the pacing of the story for me anymore than having to get up for a sandwich while the movie is on pause does.

You're comparing television pacing to film pacing. They're very different and have to be treated different. I don't care if you think they appear the same on the surface because they involve cameras and actors-- they're completely different mediums.


>wah they don't like my kinos, why don't they validate meeee?

Eat shit vince cocksuckers. Contrarians against taste

/r/iamverysmart material my lad

Even though I've been defending BCS and Vince this entire thread I'd be the first guy to admit season two of BCS could possibly be the worst season of rhe Breaking Bad universe so far. But it's all for good reason ultimately and they too are still kinda figuring everything out, especially since the turn to make Chuck a villian came very late in the writing process of season one and was a major illumination to the writers, and again, I don't really begrudge the season for being what it was cause I still really liked it and it was eintertaining, but ultimately it was an exercise of getting from point a to point b, which happens to be
the place that they writers really want to be to go have some real fun.

this whiny discussion and unintelligible paragraphs posted in every thread is why this board is shit. was I defending vince in my post? retard

>an ENTIRE shit season was made for a good reason


Its one obsessed faggot who (you)'d himself 5 times and called S5 of BrBa 'classic'

If you think that's representative of this boards content this must literally be the first thread you've ever opened on Sup Forums

Well tv has changed. Apart from the fact that so many shows are watched ONLINE , people don't much give a shit for that way of thinking, if you really think that TV directors should not aim to make a "film every week" then I guess that's your outlook, but I find it silly, especially since this has been going on for a long time, and ESPECIALLY since I generally don't like tv at all, most shows bug me based solely on their pacing and direction but of course writing as well but the first two don't help at all. If TV pacing really is a thing then I don't really CARE if Vince isn't adherring to it because i don't even like it. Plus, he still writes with the confines of the adversiments, scenes are completed scenes, it's not like watching a movie on TV where they throw the commercials in at random places, you still get the resolution of a scene before a break, always. Like miniature films within miniature films. Like I said anyway, the commercials just don't RUIN the fucking show for me, that'd just be kind weirs unless I was a total autist. I don't want them there but it's fucking tv, what re you gonna do?

I love this show.

But the beep boop beep song...

Then post it and enjoy your up votes

Lmao get a blog faggot who keeps writing paragraphs or better yet a journal


He proved he was a hack on whatever season the edgy silent Mexican twins showed up


I stopped watching after that episode in season 2 where the opening scene was a full 6 minutes long and had literally nothing to do with the plot and produced zero character development

I'm the guy whos been defending Vince all night and I totally agree that shit was lame, but you know what, he has even said that's why they killed them off, they recognized they weren't working and re wrote the season. It's far from evidence for being a "hack" when he recognized a mistake on his show, got rid of it and ended up with Gus as the titular villian, leading into season four, who is generally regarded as a great character. Calling him a hack is just Sup Forums hyperbole looking for some triggers. I gotchu.

It was as good as any other episode. If you hate slow pacing then wait til mid June and watch the season all at once for immediate satisfaction.

shit, there ya go

Again its obviously one faggot spamming

it was kino

Comfy af

>I'm the huge nigger spamming the thread with long incoherent posts


it's filler the series

literally half of the episode was the bald cuck fucking around with batteries


Have a good night guys pleasure doing autism with you

>in fact the showrunners don't allow directors to start filming their episode before watching the first ten minutes of once upon a time in the west
I've never heard this anecdote before, but if this is true, I'm really happy to hear it. For me this intro is the pinnacle of cinema, yet it goes against everything film schools teach about screenwriting or what the industry execs want to greenlight. It thinks in terms of cinematic writing versus literary/theatrical writing, it thinks outside the box: it understands cinema is about sculpting in time and exploring space and geometry. I don't think Vince and his team are anywhere near the talent and understanding of kino (visual cues, tempo, etc) of of a maestro like Leone, but it's one of the few things I've enjoyed about BCS, how sometimes an entire episode act will be one extended scene focused on purely audiovisual storytelling instead of dialogue-driven TV melodrama.

It's true, look it up friend

I thought it was a reasonably interesting first episode....

But you're right though. You know how Walking Dead takes about 4-5 hours worth of material, adds a ton of filler, and then makes a whole season out of it. So you get many episodes of filler and slow plot builds.... well, this show does it exponentially worse.

I think Vince Gilligan had about an entire season worth of good and interesting material, but he wants to get the biggest possible paycheck out of it so he's dragging it on forever. It keeps him relevant longer to make it last.... I think he figures if he keeps on procrastinating getting to the material we want to see, how Saul Goodman became a crime lord, it'll keep on getting renewed... but I think if they don't get to the meat and potatoes of the series, this season will be it's last.

When it's moving, this show can be nearly as fun as breaking bad. When Saul's criminal antics take front and center, it's very fun to watch, he's also hilareous. When the criminals enter the show like Nacho or Tuco, it's very good. The material with Mike (and Gus later), is fascinating.

But the majority of the show is a slow burn legal drama about Saul fighting poverty, family drama, and a damaged love life. That's not what we want to see. If that's what we wanted, we'd watch Matlock.

This show has potential but there's way too much tease and filler and not enough payoff.

They cannot have a whole nother season that's slow burn, that'll get it canceled, mark my words. They need to bring Gus into it, give Mike, Hector, Tuco, and Nacho bigger roles. Use Saul for comic relief often.

I think Vince Gilligan just wants it to run as long as possible and if he doesn't get to the material people want to see keeps figuring they'll renew it indefinitely on the strength of Breaking Bad.

Still gonna keep watching but I'd say you could probably watch the 5 or 6 episodes of real content, skip the others, and miss nothing. Too much filler.