Can he be considered for Oscars?

Other urls found in this thread:

His actual Oscar worthy performance:

oh my KEK



I would pay good money for him to voice optimus prime

My sides.

Ther's no fucking way that Alex Jones isn't Capitalist Ghost

>You fucking goddamn fucker. Listen fuckhead, you fuckin crossed the line
what did he mean by this?

Oscar its all real desu he wears his heart on his sleeve
poor alex he bears too much on his broad shoulders

Say it with me: Alex Jones is controlled opposition.

It's his job to encourage hysteria and stupidity, and to reinforce a precedent where none of that information takes root in society, or will be taken seriously by people hearing it for the first time. It's his job to reenforce and encourage the archetype of "the conspiracy theorist." THAT'S who the bilderbergers want you to be.

He's been doing this shit for 20 years. He doesn't act like an embarrassing lunatic because "he's naive and caring." He does it to scare people away from specific veins of information about how this society works. He is a clown who's job it is to hide the secret elite

If you think Alex Jones is anything other than a raving whackjob, you've spent far too much time on Sup Forums and /x/


Top kek.

Also his William F Buckley impression was dead-on.

You're not understanding why people follow him and listen to him. If you are woke on a few of the major conspiracies of our time, then he is the only big public figure out there who speaks to that information. It's him, or small time alternative radio hosts and authors who nobody has ever heard of. So people listen to him because people are gullible and naive

Alex Jones is controlled opposition to make sure that people coming into the conspiracy theory field for the first time see this hysterical maniac and think "all information associated with him is shit." Not in fact so

Careful, you don't want to incur the wrath of our lizard overlords.

I totally agree with you, it keeps the retard from being of any use other than to spread his fucking bull.

>He does it to scare people away from specific veins of information about how this society works
spot on, certain topics become associated with whackjobs and lunatics because of him and it scares away people from those topics, its a pretty clever obfuscation tactic

what I am curious about is whether he realises it and does it on purpose, or he is a lunatic that is being manipulated

he's got a point though

Lizard overlords = David Icke. Jones was never into that. Icke himself, in my opinion, was probably misled over time to come to believe the reptilian alien story. He himself described "being approached by person after person at his lectures, telling him stories of themselves or someone they knew seeing shapeshifting reptilian aliens." Hmmm

But I don't think Icke is controlled opposition. Listen to some of his stuff before he got old and arrogant, before he got into the lizard alien shit. He was right on point about how the elite operate in this society.

>I've never used cussing in 22 years
Does he just rant and not listen to himself?

Wait is he really?

Post more videos lads. I love this guy.