How will libertarian society not just end up exactly as we are right now in 2 generations

How will libertarian society not just end up exactly as we are right now in 2 generations
Same for both form of anarchism

If nothing is forbidden
Then everything is permissible

A lot of solipsistic agnostics don't like to hear this, but libertarianism has become secular anarchism and social Darwinism

Libertarians want to largely return to the limited government we had at the founding of the country.

It took us hundreds of years to get where we are today, so I expect it would take hundreds of years to get back, possibly more since so much of America is left-wing/socialist.

So it's likely we'd just see a slow reduction in the influence of government power over a long period of time if we decided to go the libertarian route.

Has any government in history ever just reduced its size on its own just like that?

I think the problem is anti-libertarian people only use the most extreme form of libertarian ideology to straw man and dismiss it. Most libertarians are relatively moderate and just want out of foreign wars, less government involvement with states, and the right to be a free person without being harassed.

I know the argument against ANCAP is basically that over time you get feudalism because the people who control the most money have the power, but that's exactly what happens in every society.

I don't think libertarian is the best way, but it seems better than the current two party system.

Basically this chart, except fascism goes further to the left.


This - I don't want to abolish the state, but they are the only people who seem to put any form of value on the individual rather than "the well being of" society

Societies or society can exist without individuals but individuals cannot exist without a society or socities

Occasionally, but it's certainly rare. Typically, either the shit has to have hit the fan to the point that citizens demand the government pay its debts and scale back, or a dictatorship willingly steps down in the face of popular opposition, such as Pinochet.

Daily reminder libertarianism was created by jews to allow them to exploit the goyim easier.
The goodest of goys is a libertarian.

>Most libertarians are relatively moderate and just want out of foreign wars
[citation needed]
Just about every libertarian in politics sounds like this

>A brilliant anarchist like Mr. John Davidson feels an irritation against ordinary morality, and therefore he invokes will—will to anything. He only wants humanity to want something. But humanity does want something. It wants ordinary morality. He rebels against the law and tells us to will something or anything. But we have willed something. We have willed the law against which he rebels.
GK Chesterton

That's not my point at all, I think the hapiness and well being of the individual has taken a back seat in politics - in SWEDEN anyway.

Caring for poor immigrants, gender and racial issues are more prioritized

Bastiat was not Jewish.

That's called a "vocal minority," you fag

>Early united states
What time period was this?

no welfare > no single mothers > no degeneracy, useless brownies and crime

There are only two instances where you have small government: a new government or a failed government.

>in politics

>no single mothers > no degeneracy, useless brownies and crime

How do you plan to enforces this? Have you been watching the news?

I pretty much consider being since the beginning of the United States up until the civil war or even the creation of the Federal Reserve(1913).

wasn't that republicanism?

There's no need to make or enforce such policies. When there's no welfare state women have every incentive not to become single mothers because they can't depend on taxpayer handouts to support them.

A welfare state always encourages libertine behavior; in a laissez-faire state only the rich can afford to be degenerate.

>When there's no welfare state women have every incentive not to become single mothers
Tell that to the nigger dads.

Take away their EBTs and other such incentives and women will be much less inclined to bear children with unreliable men. Focus law enforcement on crimes with actual victims (i.e. murder, rape, kidnapping, theft, assault, etc.) and the shiftless members of society will have strong incentives to find gainful employment.

None of this would be quick or easy, but in the long run people would necessarily adapt to be less degenerate. It's effectively applying natural selection to culture - the current cultural structures encouraging laziness and wantonness would no longer be propped up by the welfare state, so they must adjust or die out.

Of course, the people in such a culture will never vote to support such changes to society, so I don't know how to move a democracy in that direction.

>much less inclined to bear children with unreliable men
Much like how it works in African?
>in the long run people would necessarily adapt to be less degenerate
Well when Muslims gain control of your state less paradise and set up no go areas you'll be right.

>Much like how it works in African?
No, like how it worked in the U.S. before LBJ came into the presidency.

Nothing in my posts implied the absence of a state.