We know each other, he's a friend from work

>we know each other, he's a friend from work

do americans really do this? make friends with people at work? doesn't that mess with their work efficiency? serious question. here in germany we don't have time for friends at work, it messes up work.

Other urls found in this thread:


Space Americans do this, yes.

He's an Aussie

how does Thor know what work is?

>Boss, Deadpool did well at the box office and everyone hates Thor. What do?
>make thor movies a meme and give him deadpool swords

>here in germany we don't have time for friends

but you do have time for truck simulators?

those are for refugee center only

>here in Germany we are too busy working ourselves to the bone to pay for Ahmed, Muhammad and Jamal's gibs while they fuck our wives and destroy our national demographics to make friends.


Für Sie

If you're smart, you don't make friends at work. I always look at people who hang out with "work friends" as pretty pathetic. This goes especially if you have some office job or throwaway job, since chances are greater that the people working alongside you have literally nothing meaningful to offer you (like you, if they were actually any good at anything other than being a corporate slave, they wouldn't be there. Why heap banality on top of more banality?)

Be civil and treat people with basic respect, but for fuck sake don't go "have beers" with them after work or anything like that. It's just a fucking downward spiral into a coma of routine mediocrity that's better left outside your free time that's supposed to be spent AWAY from all work related shit/people.

Hahaha upvoted

I know, the entire trailer is cringe desu

>dude why should we have fun lol its work we should work lol work work work wtf friends? Dude Germany!
This why your country has fallen.



our country literally has more money than america and is an economic force

Yeah, but you'll never be able to do anything really since the entire world has you held under Nazi guilt forever.

This thread is prime example of the type of forced stupidity and insincere hostility and obvious feigning of understanding that redditors THINK Sup Forums is supposed to have but rather this is tantamount to bros shouting "I'm Rick James bitch".

Fun fact: Germans work a LOT less than Americans. 210-215 days a year on average.

basically a space american

This is the most German OP i've ever seen.

Why the fuck did I chuckle at that? fuck, I must be from reddit, out with me.

I'll ignore the 'fun fact' bit, but how does that work out? are they given more holidays, or is it less working hours?

You know what's the funniest fact? Spaniards, yeah, those lazy faggots, actually work more hours than the average EU faggot. Facts are that odd sometimes.


>Not having top work banter to make your work day enjoyable

People say American's can't do banter but the Germans are quite clearly the worst.

I thought it was a summer Brit.

>he doesn't know about the five weeks paid vacation

The factory I work with literally shuts down for three weeks a year and we still get paid for it.

meanwhile you suck nigger dick and watch them fuck white women in ur corner lmao


The only friends I have these days are from work

Much more vacation time. Americans only get two weeks on average compared to like six in Europe.

How do sick/random personal days work?

Burgerland jobs typically divide the two things, though financially they work the same

Just watched the trailer for the first time. It was cringe as fuck.

> "How did I get here?" Meme
> meme music
> meme lolsorandom quip
> meme punch freeze-frame

Goddamn, how do people get excited for this shit?

>NONE of my coworkers came to see me play with my band
FUCK them, FUCK all of them

I have two groups of friends that I hang out with. Group 1 is the nerd squad from high school that I still hang out with to this day and group 2 which are is a group of cool super normies that I all met at work.

The normies have a general idea I my true power level but it doesn't matter because that stuff never comes up when we are watching sports or out at bars talking to chicks.

The question is would Sup Forums praise a D.C. movie for using the meme? D.C. does represent Sup Forums after all.

Damn, I thought he said "he's a friend from EARTH".

reddit flood the place after release of any trailer so we would only know a few weeks later when the redditors have grown sick of blackedposting

If you can be amicable with your coworkers, that is ideal. Over time friendships form naturally, I guess. I don't try to make friends, I just choose my battles and try not to make enemies. If I make a friend along the way that is fine too.

>have gone to coworkers' parties, visited them in the hospital, etc
>got fired last week
>not one call

It's super awkward but that's how it goes. Working together is what facilitated your friendship. Without that in common you are just two people who get along.

Sorry, you weren't equal enough

>friend from work
Why would an Asgardian God son of King say that?

It must be tough working in camps.

He spent too much with mortals

I feel like they're not showing a bit where he's super drunk on not-bloodwine or something

I find 99 percent of the people I meet at work mind numbingly boring so I just fake it. They always invite me to normie shit that I would usually rather shoot myself in the head than attend.

The normie friends that I have made from past jobs are just off kilter enough to be interesting and fun to hang out with.

I could give a shit about "activities" like pickup softball and basketball games or outdoor shit like jet skiing.

I would seriously much rather hang out with my buds outside of the theater talking about things like how much Ep. VII sucks and taking the conversation to Dennys.


Dude jet skis

Sick = Full pay for up to six weeks. They'll will ask you for a doctors notice if it goes on for more than a three days.

*record scratch*

*freeze frame*

Well I know what you're thinking. How did this happen?

Well, it's a long story.


fucking cringeworthy stuff, a new low for capeshit. You man children won't stop until some studio shits out the most tasteless pile of trash they can possibly create, and then you'll spend millions on it.

>spends lots of time on earth
>is around humans.
>picks up phrases and sayings.
How did he learn this?!

He doesn't really "work" with Hulk you autist. They don't have am office desk job or some shit like that. "Work" is a joke, what he calls "work" is chilling with the Avengers and every now and then fight bad guys so yeah, they would be friends

>autism speaks

But then where do you go during the day while your wife gets gangbanged by Somali's?

At the beginning of Age of Ultron they absolutely did work together in the purest most literal sense of the term.

The beginning of that movie implied that that had in fact been all been working together for quite some time while hunting down Hydra.

But they are later seen chilling all together. What I mean is that Thor's concept of coworker is not our concept. They don't really have a job they need to focus on that doesn't give them time to socialise with the others. The Avengers only have to fight a couple times, the rest of the times they are friends hanging out. Even in their missions they joke around

Ich sehe was du da tatest!

I'm not married so that's not a problem.

Usually what I do is go to clubs every day of the week and fuck unemployed drunk girls. Maybe go to an open air festival and fuck drunk girls. Or I go to a aprty and fuck drunk girls.

Sometimes, I go the library and pick up sober women just to see what that is like.

Don't lie to me Hans. Everyone knows German slags are all in Arab rape dungeons by now.

>no one would just go on the internet and tell lies, right?


It's hard for Germans to make friends at work when killing 6 million jews

this is the most 9gag image i've ever seen

>here in germany we don't have time for friends at work
And you don't have time for wives at home

>why didn't any of you come to my artshow?

Nothing you can say about A,erica doesn't apply to the ruins that were your country, Gunther. Or have you adopted your Islamic name now?

>the Ragnarok comic is a very serious, tragic and shocking event
>the movie says fuck all that and throws some unfitting shitty led zeppelin song and neo 80s logo for extra meme spice
>but the song is all about nord mythology so it fits! fuck yeah dad rock! xD

When is Marvel going to die?

But they're all socialists and they're the laziest people on the planet.

Americans just call everyone friends. They'll literally say they're waiting for a friend if they're waiting for someone they've never met. Friend = person I have heard of.

End yourself.

and you wonder why they import third world subhumans to replace you

You just know

being an asocial cunt would actually mess up your efficiency

this is a brand new level of defeatist cuckoldry

Trips confirm.

>ITT: Americans who don't understand how important understatement is to the Kiwi/Aussie sense of humour.

For example.


It's true tho.

the body language in this picture is very telling

Is Thor racist for assuming all non-Asgardians understand Earth's Anglo colloquialisms?