Why is it that when someone decides to become a tranny, they dye their hair to a dumb color and give themselves a shitty name or a name with a stupid way of spelling it?
Why is it that when someone decides to become a tranny...
Anyone who dyes their hair a non-natural colour wants other people to look at them because they have a pathological need for attention
It's because these freaks don't even understand what it means to be a women in the first place. To them this is nothing more than a obsession with the sexual fetish of being the girl so they dress and act accordingly, trying to emulate anime characters instead of actual women. They are mentally incable or uninterested in any other aspect of womenhood aside from sex and anime tropes. Literally everything else is entirely lost on them.
Because it’s all about the attention. They don’t matter, they know they don’t, and they need to do something to stand out from everyone else. Some decide to be good at something, some become trannies and are good at nothing.
Real reason is bright hair draws attention away from their face/body.
1. You don't "decide" to be trans, it something you've always been.
2. Most dye it as a social camouflage so cis men don't hit on them. It makes them less likely to be planted on a fence by some idiot who feels ashamed for finding them attractive.
3. The name thing is because the name they were given is typically overly masculine. Just like no one wants to be a boy named sue, no one wants to be a girl named Frank
Because they are mentally ill.
That’s right... nobody decides to have a mental illness or paraphilia. They are born like that.
It's to signify they're mentally ill
>You don't "decide" to be trans, it something you've always been.
A lot of people arbitrarily decide they want to change genders while not being dysphoric at all and identify themselves as trans
The type of person OP is describing probably isn't actually trans though, but is just trying to attract attention in a really obnoxious way
you aren't describing a tranny you're describing a transtrender...
they are pretty awful
they're fucked up in the head like schizos telling them its perfectly ok to change gender is like telling someone with schizophrenia " yeah you are right there is some body sitting their when there is not. so if you're a tranny ur fucked in the head
Because they're mentally ill.
Why don't you realize that?
Or they like the color.
I can't imagine being as retarded as you. It must be tiresome.
>it something you've always been.
you do know what 'trans" means, yes? you can't always have been a woman if you weren't actually born a woman. if that were true then trans people would never have existed in the first place
The me da wae o great mental gymnast
Fucking who cares
A trans person is someone who has a brain of the opposite sex. Unless you want to disagree that male and female brains are different, or want to claim they can swap, it's something you've always been
>A trans person is someone who has a mental illness
LOUDER, for the people in the back
Wait, you are actually believing when someone's entire body develops male purely magically their brains can be female? Do chromosomes just change depending whether you look at the brains or the rest of the body?
This just feels completely retarded
its not for the attention of people who don't care, its a signal flag for other buttfucking homos, its meant to annoy people who don't, and that's why i hate trannies
>Most dye it as a social camouflage so cis men don't hit on them
It is
Mental gymnastics and changing the meaning of words to suit.
You are biologically male or female. Whether or not you ‘feel’ male or female depends on whether you are mentally ill or not.
Psychological help, not surgery and dressing up
>Most dye it as a social camouflage so cis men don't hit on them.
Mental illness