Circumcision is better

Circumcision is better.
It makes the penis angrier, threatening and strong.
Women love it and uncut is a dog's dick. Factasfu.

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Is this satire? The cock in that pic looks pathetic

My cock looks better then yours. Sorry. Fag.

Awfull tiny and defect dick.

You forget to zoom in.

Looks like I upset a lot of dog dicks today.

If jews can't be taught to wash their dicks by 2019, I think it's time to hang it up.

I do wash my dick and I'm NOT JEWISH.


"a dogs dick" lmfao

ikr they do look like dog dicks


Circumcised dicks do tend to look better. And in theory are cleaner, but idk if I could do that to a son unless it was absolutely pain free.

Just think of the advantages.

Yeah but aren't there supposed downsides too? I guess its just like anything, pros and cons.

It makes the penis tougher, makes the man manlier, more aggressive and increases their testosterone.

Literally kill yourself

on behalf of the circumcised community, your penis is disgusting to look at. please stop embarrassing us.

Me. Cut since birth sex feels great cant related to uncut dont care

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Jealous faggots aren't you? My penis is amazing.

I feel guilty for saying this, but even as a European I prefer circumcised. Just seems better in most ways.

What's it like being a samefagging nigger waste of space?

Dude. You're such a fucking faggot holy shit. I honestly pity you and your pathetic excuse for a phallus. It's no wonder you don't have friends and jack off to underage anime girls on Sup Forums, you're so insecure you had to come here for validation. Holy shit your life must be garbage.

Oh and even if I get a 'you' I won't see it. I'm hiding your miserable little thread amongst the rest of the trash. Bye, loser.

Hahaha you're the loser that got mad at being called out on loving dog dick you furry faggot. Nice job samefagging again btw chimp

What's it like being a role-playing waste of space furry faggot?

Literally just jump off a cliff

cant all us penis havers just get along.. why does it have to be Us and Them..

I've always wanted to like uncircumcised more cause it's natural, but it always looks more unnatural to me lol.

The pain is more of discomfort and it's fully healed a lot faster and not remembered when done as a baby

Free spins if u like gambling

Fug off bot

The plastibell method is rather painless. It's a device that cuts off circulation to the foreskin, and it falls off a week or so later.

Why does Sup Forums always love to argue about their own insecurities? I've literally felt both because I was circumcised at 14. There is no difference in feeling and you cum the same either way. Nothing but brainlet incels in here.

What a beta cuck statement

utter cope

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Fuckin thank you

Imagine being so delusional, you think shit post memes are indicative of real life

ITT: defensive Jews

My cousin is a doctor and her stories about assisting with circs is that the plastibell doesn't seem to bother them at all

ITT: incels fighting incels over their own insecurities

The vast majority of circumcised folk aren't Jewish

sure thing Yeshua Rosenbergoldshekelstein

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I'm literally a nigger but good try with your anti-semetic cuck shit. Might wanna go outside and stop being so hateful at the world just because you can't get a girlfriend lmao

>cuck shit
well that's a new one

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I see you're a regular poster in these threads lmfao. Get a fucking life loser. Imma go wake up my white gf and have her slob on this black dick. Cya in the news, pathetic cuck

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I use my teeth. Kind of a two-fer, np pun intended.

I'm fucking dead, my sides, I'm dying. I love this, thank you sir, you've made my night.

>Using something so tiny such as a dime to scale is peepee size.

Circumcision is for kikes

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Ignorance is for incels

i couldn't care less what you do to American women lmao kill them if you want
but you're a pathetic future sissy boy anyway

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You like to make lots of assumptions, huh? Seriously bro, i think you need to get out more. Open a book, take a walk, talk to a stranger, go travel somewhere new. Your world doesn't have to be such an angry place.

>doesn't have to be such an angry place
it isn't, i'm shitposting from work
i literally get paid while triggering you pathetic discord trannies and some of that money i earned today while posting in this exact thread i am gonna use for a road trip through the three baltic states with my two sons next week
what are you doing next week? wearing a chastity cage?

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What’s the point of that coin? Are you trying to make it look bigger in comparison? We can all tell you have a small dick bro.

Must be some pathetic job you got there. Low pay, easily replaceable, mind numbing work with no chance for a career and absence of fulfilling achievements. Meanwhile getting angry at the world over the internet.

Again, you might wanna open a book or something. Learn about philosophy or science or some shit. Anything is better than the position you're in right now.

So you go on Sup Forums while earning minimum wage and argue with other incels about the way dicks look? Oh ya boy, I'm jealous alright

pathetic attempts by a pathetic weak people
your cope would be amusing if it weren't so tragic, i can't imagine how terrible you must feel with your foreskin spread over the faces of post-wall jewesses

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I watched my kid get circumcised. That shit is fucking brutal