ITT: Poorly describe vidya; anons guess.
>Fat shirtless firebreather.
ITT: Poorly describe vidya; anons guess.
>Fat shirtless firebreather.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Find tank.
>Save frog.
Metal Gear Solid 3
Wrong on both.
>a boy, his bitch, a chink and british gay boy save planet from lovecraftian horror
Streets of rage
Blaster master
Streets of Rage wrong.
Blaster Master correct.
>end up in some shit hole planet full of sand niggers because science
>horse get the chick
>you horny baby
Out of this World (Another World)
>angry pedophile punches some chinks in the face so he can become a mob boss
Good job both!
John Paul II
>You angry
>Middle age creeper constantly trying to get laid.
>mister roboto and pet roboto try to escape with yet another new pet roboto
>implied romance, no sex
leisure suit larry
True this.
Legend of Zelda: Artifact of Something
>Caveman headbutting dinosaurs
thats karnov also its me from the other day with the sega games lol
>Aliens oustide
>Aliens inside
>ohshit time to go
>epic escape music
Factually true, But unfortunately that not the game
>l4d but rats
Left 4 Rats...
>Makarov PM
Shooting zombies with squirt guns
zombies ate my neighbors
>Can't jump.
>Kill Hitler.
Wolfenstein 3d
Fuck... Technically correct, but no.
Spear of destiny ?
Also no...
wtf what other games are there where you can't junp and kill hitler
wait is it sniper elite or whatever it's called?
Think older.
>Some 2nd rate Legolas and Gimli work together with their fat-ass friend to get home again
Golden Axe
Persona 2?
Same era, wrong game
>old pc game, top down perspective you pick up weapons, its bloody, your steps leave a track on the blood, theres a creepy hospital level, also a garden level
More free spins
I was going to say Hotline Miami... but you said it's old. So this may be a challenge.
Theres a blue laser weapon too
>Hint: The game came out shortly before the developers fine-tuned their craft
How old is old?
Old enough to be in 2d
Hotline Miami is really hitting all the points except "old". Another other hints?
Its creepy, enemies arent humans, maps are fairly sizeable
>throw bomb
>lever entiry city block
>hovercars explode too
>minigun the bodies for fun
Diablo isn't 2d though
>Last hint: Gotta escape the aliens
Dood... like. What if... What IF YOU were scretly working for the badgoy AND you ddnt evem know it?!?!? What? Why did we let him buttfuck our entire op? Shut up man, this'll be funny!
Chuck Rock(I think that's what it's called)
race as a bandicoot
Diddy Kong Racing
Sorry It autocorrect:
What is xenophobe?
Space zombies fighting stuff
>Be a knight
>3 colored keys
>Collect jems to leave levels.
Nope, based game tho
>Solve puzzles in an old house
>Bleeding edge 90s CD game.
7th guest
Jump around trees with no purpose.
11th hour?
>survive certain death, retrieve the sword, become chosen one, team up with a pink bitch and a short magic girl to kill the mode of transportation you used all game
Shit, I named the expansion hahahah
a heartwarming tale of brotherly love, revenge.. And pizza
>But guns absolutely DO NOT work like that, you fucking nips
I made it too easy. Yes.
>Green Bay Packers helmet.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
also too easy
commander keen.
You must be at least 35. My man!
>Cast spells with musical wand.
was playing that and KQ on a 286
Was it a Packard Bell 286?
yeah.. put the monitor on top
got nothing
Did you have MegaRace? lol
nope, but goos guess
no. remember prodigy? also had a BBS for years
would door games be considered video?
>Human male
>Litters confections onto street
>Occasionally his litter is intercepted
>Gelatin is modified
A boy and his blob
>come home
>home is missing
>follow an owl
>lots of fucked items
>a yeti
here's an easy one
>be hungover
>fight literal shit
bad fur day
Ghosts &. Goblins?