i weened myself off of anti-depressants about 3-4 months ago because i refuse to be a slave to this chemical pharmajew for the rest of my life. of late ive only felt either anger, annoyance, or completely devoid of any emotion regarding everything. work, life, marriage, family, friends. nothing has any meaning anymore. i believe it is within everyone to overcome these shitty states of mind but i cant seem to find a way. i thought for a while it was just an after effect of stopping the medication after taking it for over a decade, but it should have worn off by now if that were the case. how do i fix my head and end this state of absolute cynicism and apathy and actually feel happy?
>inb4 exercise
i cant even bring myself to find purpose in getting up and working out
I weened myself off of anti-depressants about 3-4 months ago because i refuse to be a slave to this chemical pharmajew...
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That last bullshit you said made it clear what your issue is. Stop being a faggot, get up and exercise. Nothing is stopping you, only your mind, and you're currently letting it control your life. It's all a state of mind.
Get into the driver seat. Begin manifesting things in life. Stop letting excuses be your crutch.
i agree. my mind is stopping be and it is controlling my life. how do i stop being a faggot and overcome it
You sound like every uneducated gym bro ever.
>Severe manic depression caused by chemical imbalance
>Anti-depressants help, literally the answer in the text above
Depression makes you not want to do shit. Get a clue and eat a log of dog shit.
Go into your own mind with a gun and force your mind to stop having a chemical imbalance. It's simple really
Take your fucking meds
I'm in the same boat, op. I weened myself off of benzos over a 3 month period. That was almost 2 years ago(!) and I've felt like you since. I'm also barely able to function at all anymore.
That's just your chemically imbalanced brain making you lash out OP. I'll forgive you because you got no control over your own actions. But you really should take some responsibility and realize that you cant just will your mental illnesses away with a magic wand. It'd be like some one with spina bifida fixing their under developed spines with wishful thinking.
Just take your meds.
Damn, that's tough makes my antipsychotic viewed in different light
A gym bro? I've been through heroin addiction antidepressants benzos... Exercise will fix your brain more than anything else you can do will, since it involves diet and sleep to be successful as well. It promotes the regeneration of your brain and its neurotransmitters. If you wake up one day and exercise for like an hour you will feel like you took an anti depressant.
I've felt depression. At that point you overcome it or roll over and take it in the ass like a true faggot.
You have faced your fears
You have seen your demons
What makes you think that life matters
For All i know we two are just a a number in the system that makes a mentally ill handicapped and unable to function with certain care
Im the same OP but my meds were HRT pill
So maybe there's something to it?
I'm same as you, but I managed to push myself to exercise. It didn't help.
Some days I can't even get out of bed.
>tfw you majored in philosophy but failed basic english
>b-but I don't WANNA
Nigger you don't want to do ANYTHING, that's what depression IS, to some extent. Force yourself to and as you keep doing it it will get easier and eventually form into habit. Start slow if you have to. Also, start eating right if you already aren't. Proper diet can do so much for your mental state, especially combined with exercise and routine. In case I'm not being clear, when I say proper diet I mean don't overload on carbs like most people tend to do, and keep that shit balanced with good amounts of protein and fat as well.
You just gave away your own lack of education. You've clearly never been through depression yourself: change in action leads to change in mentality, not the other way round. The answer IS to just DO SHIT. If you want to change your head first change your actions. Doesn't matter if you do it by rote or whatever, just do it.
It's the entire basis for CBT, the single most successful form of therapy in the history of psychology. Change in action > change in mentality.
Get up each morning and do 20 sit ups, 20 press ups, 20 lunges, 20 jacks, and 20 side lunges. Then either go for a 10 minute jog or jog on the spot until you are exhausted if you're too awkward to go out. Do it as a matter of routine. Failing to do so is a matter of lack of conviction - if you want to change, you know the method. If you don't act then can you truly say you want to change?
>i cant even bring myself to find purpose in getting up and working out
If you want to fix your head, then change your behaviour, fuck the ideas of purpose and motivation, if you do nothing you damn yourself. Doing nothing different will result in nothing different. Just do it. Don't think about doing it, don't think about what doing it is 'supposed' to do. It's supposed to change your actions, by doing it you automatically succeed in that step. Its purpose is achieved in the doing.
>I managed to push myself to exercise. It didn't help.
You didn't keep it up. If you don't keep it up it won't help. The fact of doing it, and continuing to do it, is part of a list of evidence you can keep against your self-doubt when it rears its head. Your mind will ask you 'do you feel successful?' and at least if you are doing something, you can tell your mind 'I am successfully taking action in spite of motivation. I have already defeated one aspect of my depression.'
Bitch please, I've had depression for 15+ years. I've been exercising every day for about 6 months. I'm still exercising. It didn't help.
>It didn't help.
If you're still doing it, it did. If your depression still owned you you would be busy ruminating at home during the time you would be excercising, but instead you are staying healthy.
>I am successfully taking action in spite of motivation. I have already defeated one aspect of my depression.
Now pick another thing that isn't ideal and TAKE ACTION. Print yourself a set of Bullseye Diagrams (a CBT tool I used while I was recovering from depression), mark how satisfied (or not) you are with the aspects of your life - relationships, hobbies, health etc, then literally pick one, and take a single action that you think would be something a healthy person would do to improve that aspect. I.e. relationships, maybe call a family member, see how they are. Hobbies, maybe look into local groups that do something you like the sound of, that's a step, an action, to improve that aspect of your life. Keep doing it and do a new bullseye every day, and if you keep taking actions (the most important step) you WILL see improvement in your satisfaction with those aspects. It's about learning to give yourself credit for actions taken.
You don't know shit about depression. Fuck off back to /fit/ and stop acting like everyone's mental health issues are the same and you have some magical cure-all for a condition that medical science is unable to cure and hundreds of millions of people suffer with worldwide.
anybody tried lowdose/microdose shrooms?
Never visited fit in my life. I lived depression for 6 years, and I recovered, and CBT has been proven to be the most effective tool for that. I know rather a lot of shot about depression. Given that it is no longer in control of my life I would say that makes me better qualified to talk about what helps than someone who literally managed to overcome the motivation problem but insists on not giving himself credit for that.
If someone asked me who I would go to for advice about depression between:
>A guy who was depressed and wasn't dealing well with it, and felt that made him an expert at knowing what would help.
>A guy who used to have a problem with depression but dealt with it using the PROVEN most effective treatment for such disorders.
I would take the advice of the person who had learned a coping mechanism rather than shouting him out of the room for trying to help.
CBT is effective. Medical science backs that up. If you won't take my advice then go see a therapist but stop trying to avoid taking action and using your motivation as an excuse when you've already proven
>I've been exercising every day for about 6 months.
That motivation doesn't need to stop you taking action.
not that guy, but exercise is just a tool to apply structure to your life. depression usually isn't the problem, it's just a symptom. the problem is that you don't get things done. you don't feel rewarded for doing things, so you stop doing them.
self care, going out, doing work, eating properly, etc.
by exercising regularly, you do two things. firstly, you establish a pattern of behaviors (working out) which sets a structure to your daily life some days you work out, and you do it a certain number of times a week. the days are no longer all the same, because there's a structure which makes some days different to others.
the second thing is that it necessarily links visible rewards and change to a regular task. you look in the mirror and see changes, your weight changes on a scale, the mass you are lifting changes, your muscles ache after exercising. this cultivates a sense of agency in your brain, piggybacking off the "structure" that exercising offers. you make a mental link between doing this repetitive activity and improving, and it shows that you can improve in other aspects.
it doesn't have to be exercise. it can be eating better, or getting a hobby, or going out. exercise is very simple and eliminates many variables. it's not very time intensive, doesn't require other people to cooperate, and is cheap.
again, it's not about exercising, it's about a structured regular long-term habit which generates some sort of obvious incremental rewards. anything which does that allows you to bootstrap yourself out of negative depressive behaviors.
nobody tried microdosing here against depression yet?
>which generates some sort of obvious incremental rewards
Which you have to learn to give yourself credit for, like
>I'm still exercising. It didn't help.
Has not yet learned to do. Literally already beating part of depression and won't let himself take credit for that.
Some people are unwilling to accept their own achievements, which makes it difficult to show them a way out.
Psychiatrist here
You have likely come off the antidepressants before the biological aspects of the episode have resolved. You are experiencing a rebound and relapse.
Much of what you describe is learned helplessness and apathy, which is the result of chronic stress. It also sounds like some depersonalisation/derealisation, another sign of stress.
It may be that you need to look into seeing a therapist to reconsider your perspectives on what it means to be well and how to move forward.
From the little I have read, you need to go back on the medication for atleast a 6 months and see a psychologist.
Depression literally changes our biology and cognitions. Whilst you are still you, your mind is taking different pathways. Your thoughts become black and white, everythign is bad, there is no middle ground. Biological symptoms, including low energy, anxiety, reduced appetite and sex drive, are all known results.
Most depression is a combination of a genetic risk, couple with life trauma and early negative adapation. The latter being sorted will help hugely.
Best of luck
You are so full of shit. Go pretend somewhere else.
Maybe use the meds to get to a place where you're comfortable working out, work out and have hobbies whilst weaning yourself off, continue hobbies.
Long method, but it will work.
Worked for me atleast.
Maybe you needed them?
You should probably just rope neck, it'll solve these issues quicker, and you won't spread poor ideology
What were you on and what dosage?
He said a shit load that was right, though I doubt hes more than a student.
Depression does change our physiology, it lowers your body temperature, makes things less enjoyable (the chemical reaction responsible for this is diminished), it'll even slow your cognitive ability and make you unfocused and disoriented in places you feel you should be grounded and able to piece the world together.
It also does lower sex drive, which is not great, because sex actually helps with depression.
Or it could be the effects of being on an ssri for ten years straight, probably an unnecessarily high dose, but I'm not going to say that's what it is because I'm not a doctor.
Ah, a medshill.
user needs to see a therapist, not get prescribed antidepressants again. Sorry but even a non MD can look at the research and see that the pills are 50:50 and that therapy is significantly more effective. Pills are a stopgap and they are prescribed because it's easier than dealing with therapy.
>Psychiatrist here
>From the little I have read
So you're either larping (badly), or a shit psychiatrist. Either way user should ignore you.
Just for everyone's reference, pharma shilling is why you get prescribed SSRI meds. They are NOT effective. The study linked below shows clear evidence of pharma trials skewing evidence, refusing to publish contrary evidence, and overall vastly overstating the effect of antidepressants:
if they dont work then what is the drugs doing? why is it causing issues after stopping them? im on them now for 7 years on high doses.
They "help" by dampening everything. You don't get to pick and choose what emotions to dampen just how much of all of them you feel based on dosage. After 7 years of a high dose, you may as well stop. There's a high chance it's permanent by now.
many compelling arguments for this case:
ssri's work for some types of depression.
or, the side effects are usually fairly minor
or, it's a placebo and it works even if you know it's a placebo
depression is very hard to model. science has a poor understanding of how a brain works at the best of times, let alone when it's functioning incorrectly. chloroform can put you to sleep, but we've got better drugs for that now. it's the same thing with mental health. we'll get better with time. ssri's are just a stepping stone.
>why is it causing issues after stopping them?
i drew this really good picture to explain it
my explanation depends on how much you know. as an analogy, if you understand how electricity works, it's easier to explain how a refrigerator works. i don't know how much you know about biochemistry, i'll assume not much.
your neurons communicate between each other by releasing chemicals, like serotonin. after the signal is sent, the serotonin flows back into the neuron through transporter tubes to be reused. about 90% of the serotonin released is absorbed back in this way.
an SSRI blocks off some of these tubes. this means that the serotonin has to stay in the synapse longer, and the signal goes on for longer, and the tubes have to work harder.
your brain notices this and says "well the signal is lasting longer than it should, so we'll just send less serotonin next time" and your brain changes to release less serotonin.
when you come off the drug, all these tubes become uncapped. your brain is still making less serotonin, but now it's getting cleared really fucking quickly. it will take some time until your brain is able to ramp up production to compensate.
>high chance it's permanent by now.
lmao high chance what is permanent?
if you eat cheeseburgers every day there's a high chance that cheeseburger molecules are in your cells. your body isn't some static machine, it changes constantly. reading a book changes your brain permanently by adding new information to it.
wow your picture is pretty good if its correct. took me 5 mins to understand how it works though but yes i know electricity. interesting stuff
thanks user.
Been of mood stabilizers and anti depressants for about a year and a half.
It gets easier. But it doesn't get better. Not without proper EXCERCISE. Getting vitamin D and spending time in the sun. Also find out if your mangesium deficient or and other vital vitamin and mineral deficent because it really does make a difference. Find things to keep you busy and make sure to start keeping your thoughts in check. If you're going to die it's not going to be by your own hands. That's a start. Also stop masturbating so much. And don't put filth into your brain. Sup Forums in small amounts.
it's simplified. as an example, the transporter isn't really a tube, it's like a pump. the serotonin binds on one end and the transporter basically inverts and dumps the serotonin on the inside. an SSRI binds where the serotonin would and prevents the pump from working.
however the core concept is correct. there are a lot of nuances, mostly with "homeostasis" if you want to look it up.
there are a lot of downstream consequences for simply blocking off the serotonin transporter. since your brain reduces how much is released, the "receiving neuron" has to adapt to be more sensitive to smaller amounts of serotonin. the "sending cell" changes the thresholds for when to release serotonin, things like that. it's actually a really fucking complex thing, since modifying that one part has so many other effects. the antidepressant part may be some far off "down the line" effect which is rooted in blocking the transporter. we really don't know yet.
oh ok. makes sense to me. thanks for dumbing it down.
Honest question: How did you feel when you were taking the meds? Happy? Even euphoric sometimes?
might still be side effects, these things messed with your brain chemistry for 10 years, it'll take time to put everything back in order
all i can truly say is stay hydrated and fake it until you make it.
>I’m experiencing the problems I had before medication.
>I’m off my medication.
>I refuse the one reasonable solution to seem edgy.
Your only other option is to get back on the pills dipshit. Which is more worthless, sucking pharmacock or getting some exercise everyday?
What a fruitcake.
You have to make goals for yourself. IE maybe you need a fresh start.
Lots of folks who were alcoholics who stopped realized that their entire lives around them seemed empty and void.
Dumbass, hopefully you didn't cuck your brain by being a shill
fake it till you make it: the post
I need some stress release that I couldn't get through other ways (exercise, other kinds of meds, etc.) The way I feel now is 10 times worse than what I was going through previously. I should mention that coming off the amount of benzos I did almost killed me, even though it was done properly and slowly. I stopped eating and had to be fed in a hospital. Loads of seizures and hallucinations.
I say relax a little and dream. Use your imagination. Dream up the world that you want to be in and know that you can translate it into to the outside world.
Depression doesn't stop you from doing anything, depression stops you from wanting to or being motivated to do anything.
The trick is to not think about it and act like a robot/puppet, no delay, no hesitation, just do it.
You start exercising, you do it every day and soon it becomes a habit. The longer you do it, the stronger the connection.
It isn't going to cure you, but it is a good building block.
You need meds bruh
Literally the basis of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Take action, eventually the mind follows.
Same here. Takes about 8 or 9 months to find yourself again. Best decision I ever made. Dont cold turkey, ween yourself off them. Good luck brother.
And exercise
have you considered antidepressants?
just a glimpse of being normal.. not feeling heavy.. #notOP
The placebo effect only lasts 6 months though, so there's that.
>I have been diagnosed with a disease
>I refuse to take the medicine
>now I am experiencing the effects of the disease
>how do I fix myself
I hear there's this medicine out there that if you take just 9mm and apply directly to the brainstem, all your problems go away. Take your medicine you absolute fuckwit.
Sorry mate you're right where they want you decades of pharmajew brain drugs damage your brain beyond prepare you will feel that way for the rest of your life.
>Begin manifesting things in life.
This user actually gets it.
>itt: Most likely obese NEETs from the most mentally ill section of the normie web claim all you gotta do to over come mental illness is work out.