First time on the chan, anything I have to know?

First time on the chan, anything I have to know?

Attached: Nigger.jpg (750x920, 680K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Lurk more is the best advice I've ever gotten

Attached: my nigger.jpg (1033x679, 84K)

We're all elite hackers and criminals

Don't.People always duck up.Even if they nearly get turned into a pie, they still can't think about them mongrels that like to be mean.

It's fucking shit.

OP is a faggot

>the chan
Don’t say this


If you are under 18, leave this shithole and don't waste your prime years. If you're 18, stay because your life is over anyway.

Would "the 4chans" be better? Do I always have to include the 4

What does that mean?

Also btfo feds

What's btfo

Best advice I've
ever gotten here was to kill myself

It's misspell of GTFO wich means get the fuck out

I'm not a fed lol

Actually I kind of like it

Sage means sage

Attached: 1200px-Autofel.svg.png (1200x1119, 63K)

Don't go to Sup Forums and make a post with the phrase "OK Boomer" in it because the janitors are boomers and you'll get banned

No it means back the fuck out

Look man, let me put it like this: you are on the bad side of town. You don't want what we sell here, you don't want to be a part of what we do her because it's all just the same lame shit anyway. This is a place for the dead and broken, not people who come here because of the rumors they've heard about this place. Go back to where you came from while you still have some innocence in tact, because I can guarantee you, that no matter how much you may think you already lost, you have so much more to lose.

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Oh, well.. no

That's pretty funny, I have to say the chan has been pleasant so far




Are you one of the "schizophrenia" I've heard about

No, you call it by the respective board, like Sup Forums, "The chan's" sounds fuckin stupid.
Also check my dubs

Attached: 1574201369272.jpg (1200x797, 99K)

Stay away from Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Its rare for Sup Forums to have something good
It's mostly just porn
And Sup Forums is filled with retards who think they know how the world works

Attached: 1574989277228.jpg (935x859, 126K)

Whats dubs?

No you're gay and btfo

Hmm, I looked at the names of the boards and I thought random would be the best to start with, I'm not really interested in the others I guess

Learn from others' mistakes: Don't call dubs if you can't deliver. You'll just look like a massive faggot.

Find a better imageboard. If not, you dont need to do what everybody else is doing. Dont spam porn. Go to yotsuba society, github bibanon, and the lurkmore wiki. Dont go to knowyourmeme. No mfw, ylyl. Or any other garbage. Lurk, and study the the sites i told you about READ ALL THE ARTICLES THERE. DONT ASK PEOPLE TO SHILL THEIR IMAGEBOARDS.

Git out

>Also check my dubs

Attached: 1574421160645.png (308x308, 128K)


Sup Forums is the worst board at the moment

Attached: Turbo_autism.gif (600x338, 1.2M)

What is dubs? Check my dubs?

>still have some innocence
Implying innocence is a good thing
Embrace reality and shape it to your desires
Im glad im not this bluepilled

Attached: 1574974702883.gif (480x270, 1.2M)

Post timestamped dicpics.

This idiot is a libertarian. Call him a fag.

It wasn't a bait you retard

/ck/ is a personal favorite of mine when they're not arguing over which potato chip tastes worse

Go to Sup Forums if you want the truth
Stay at Sup Forums if you want porn degeneracy and green text.
Other boards are porn or hobbies.

How do you text in green? What does it mean when it's green


This Bet he really thought he was rolling dubs

Last 2 digits on your post.

Attached: Untitled.png (757x467, 7K)

What the hell is bluepilldd?

Cringe. No one is dead and broken here, teenager.

You just put one > in front of whatever you're saying. It's generally used to imply sarcasm.

ok but check this 5 I rolled

Attached: 1571278801164.jpg (345x345, 28K)

Oooh like double digits at the end, I see. Cool

>I am greentexting right now

>Embrace reality
>anime picture

There is 5050 I have learned that dubs is only at the end. Sorry

Fine. You win.

(a) Lurk moar ;

(b) while lurking: read all the FAQ's & Rules :
󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 Sup ;
󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 Sup ;

(c) don't feel obliged to shitpost all the time,
󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 like the average retard that posts on this Sup Forums board
󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 [ also known as Sup Forumstards ] ;

(d) when you feel like you understand the prevalent 'banter' :
󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 start posting again and try to entertain the ' Sup Forumstards '
󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 just as much as the ' quality posters ' who have entertained you ;

(e) good luck and don't get put off by all the morons .

Collect pepes

Attached: dishwasher pepe.png (1075x582, 119K)

>Check this 5 I rolled
Check these dubs I rolled.

Attached: 1571277427671.jpg (320x271, 23K)

Please read my comment newbie. Go to these sites.

Not that great if you still haven't taken the hint

Sorry to disappoint you but that's what it mostly is
Usual threads:
The stupid rolling system
Dick rate
Waifu claims

I could go on but overall it's shit
Every bluemoon a good thread emerges

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It’s me dj Dubs motherfuckers

Nice try fag, but check mines

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Sorry it's late and I'm too tired to shitpost properly

Sorry faggot but what does my enjoyment with anime have to do with understanding reality

What will happen if I have dubs and "chekrm"

You motherfucker.....

The true dubs have arrived, we must heed their message

Attached: Harold.jpg (800x1067, 159K)

Check this Sup Forumstard

Attached: 0191109-15355.jpg (1080x794, 411K)

You don't have to say anything if you get dubs, but
it's cooler if you call it.

'Check'em' is usually if you were to make a post and land with dubs,trips, quads, or any higher pair of the same number and people say "Check'em"

Probably all the same guy trying to be cool


Attached: Michellee - Joker.png (1670x939, 971K)

No, but check my dubs :)

Attached: 1571280175658.jpg (450x600, 44K)

You will feel your penis enlarge and eventually spaghetti will pour out the end.
The euphoria will be intense but short-lived.
Soon you'll realize dubs are nice but will never feel as good as trips.

Stfu cuck
Go drink your monster drink and bitch about jews somewhere else

Basically any thread glorifying niggers as the superior race or cock or that white women love niggers are just Jews trying to get white boys to help with white genocide and niggers fantasizing about white women actually being into them

He has gotten the dubs this is good

I'm only Patrick and Harold

Also don’t piss off Sup Forums here’s my quads

Woah you get dubs, what is trips? Is that triple ?

>Go to Sup Forums if you want the truth
Bruh what are you going to do?
Are you show me another one of those IQ charts

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Every now and then you'll see a retard swallow a full set of bait threads.


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Yeah. There's trips, quads, etc.
Also - Nice dubbadubs. Check'd

Skip Sup Forums and go straight to Sup Forums


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Ok (you)

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Look man let me put it like this: You're a flaming faggot.

You got it high roller. Also, see how you guessed it right and you got double dubs? Anything anyone says with dubs is an absolute fact.

Thank you. You almost got dubs

Dubs = the last 2 digits of your posh number match. Nothing special happens

Triforce = don't bother, it doesnt work anymore

Original thread poster is ALWAYS a faggot, but is sometimes a cool faggot, like Freddy mercury.

Google 'rules of the internet'

Lurk, which means don't posh or start a thread, just watch, A LOT, before you make a non 'hi I'm a nub wat do' thread

There are no likes, upvotes, w/e

If you piss us off, we can find you with minimal info.

And last but not least, Sup Forums is shit. It's always been shit. There didn't used to be this much porn but hey. It's shit.

Am I a faggot or a cool faggot

OP is a cool faggot, like Billy Joel

Thank you very much

Get ready to be called a faggot

the irony of this whole thread helping OP instead of telling him to fuck off and lurk moar. Sup Forums isnt the same anymore