STD’s thread?

STD’s thread?
I have genital warts.

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I'm clean. However, I'm interested in seeing more. Continue.

Jesus wept. I'm so happy I got married before I got the dickrot.

Not great.

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I got dickrot because I got married
>be me...?

The short answer is if you’re dating somebody or married to someone that plans on going into the military or a relatively time-consuming and mind consuming position. You need to break up because the position is going to cost you your relationship. For me personally I married this lady everything was great and a couple years down the line she was pretty dissatisfied with her occupation because she didn’t really have one. Fully time psychology student, I work in finance and all she had to do was finish was school. One evening and she brings up the army and I totally dismiss it tell her it’s a cult more less and that she would be working for Zionism not the United States. No big deal fast forward a few weeks. She’s going to the Air Force. We fight a lot. I eventually succumb and agree because at the time I did love this person.

I moved far away said goodbye to everything I loved and knew intimately. Found myself in this new land that was extremely fucking liberal and found a job right away in the industry and within a year I had found some spots. Well those spots grew and we were divorced.
A lot of women are pretty negative influences but there are the good breeds out there. I was fooled is all. Fooled as fooled can be.
I tried to keep it short just because I don’t like thinking about that time in my life and for obvious reasons. I get a daily reminder that things did not go the way I wanted them to.

Damn I shouldn’t have started this thread. Feels all the way. Happy turkey day, /bros

Happy turkey day. I hope your dick rot gets better.

I know how you feel. My ex-wife gave me a dose of them after six years of marriage.

Ha, thanks man.
I use a paste-like liquid that basically just chemically brings them off. It’s about 45 minutes of high heat and severe pain. Four days later they start peeling off- layer at a time. That means it could take hours of accumulative pain and weeks of discomfort. It’s worth it I guess but I’m not a happy guy anymore and this is why monogamy is vital.

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I’m sorry about that.
Do you use something to eradicate the virus? I would love some pointers.

> drinking

Alternately rubbing stone-pressed olive oil (olifix) twice daily for 1 day then rubbing cold-pressed-below-96 Fahrenheit peanut oil twice daily for 3 days gradually cause the corn to let go. Peel off the corn and you will find smooth skin. Or bandage a piece of raw lemon peel or pineapple peel on the corn (inside of peel against the con) overnight for several nights until the corn comes off leaving smooth skin.

inability to utilize caffeine and cooked green foods, avoid caffeine and cooked green foods, drinking plenty of raw milk with added raw cream and unheated honey make the "detoxification easier", virus is a detoxification process, virus is not alive.

Thank you user, I will definitely try this.

One of my friends goes home every single night with a different girl. It doesn’t matter if we’re at the casino, the bar, the club, you name it. Every single night it’s a different girl. I asked him what his secret was. He said he was a serial rapist. - Norm Macdonald

Wait what the fuck?
Can you further explain? I’m wildly confused, user.

im completely clean luckily.

Ahhh apple cider vinager... put it on cotton ball band-aid it. Leave it for over night. Should start peeling away next day rinse and repeat

well most microbes in our bodies are responsible for the body functionality, we are 99% bacteria and 1% human, some bacteria eat dead cells or dying cells, and virus is created by our body when the toxic that the bacteria trying to clean is too toxic, and next is parasite.

nigga you just spilled some raisins
pick that shit out and you'll be fine

I’m jealous
I will also attempt this remedy
That makes a lot of sense actually. Thanks user.
Raisins are arguably the most strange of snacks, and why ruin cashews with raisins? These companies aren’t even thinking.

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in the form of mounds :^)

I have a cyst in my ballsac that like the size of half a grape but where it is causes me so much discomfort I want it removed. I'm 21 and jerking off hurts.

If I ever get this removed I'll be wearing condoms fucking clapper gave this to me.

And i have herpes

I understand stress causes them to outbreak. Cortisol is the stress hormone, and vigorous exercise eats cortisol.
Do physical exercise. Climb mountains/hike (what I do), get a physically demanding job, like construction (what I do), split firewood (how I heat my home), or whatever. like riding bikes? Ride bikes. Don't just lay there and revile yourself in a dark room day after day.

go live, and live hard.

That means a lot. All I do is lay in bed when I’m not working. How old are you?

How did you get them?

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Doctor gave me a scrip to get mixed up by a pharmacist. Was some kind of brown paste acid that burned like hell. Took about two weeks for my dick heal up. The next time I got them I just went to a different doc that cauterized them off in his office. Still hurt a little but healed up in a couple days.