How does it feel to see your country being taken over by BLACK and brown BVLLS? How does it feel that as your people commit mass suicide and exterminate themselves, you can do nothing but cry, throw hissy fits and come here to post on Sup Forums trying to "own" them niggers, when in reality, you'd get ass kicked by one punch of a BLACK man.
How does it feel to see Muslims, bomb and rape your women, while you can do nothing but post """memes""" online trying """wake up""" the whTe minority?
Tell me, you whTe fuck, say something whToid. Say what? A 100 years ago "you" ruled us? "YOU"? Haha. Pathetic, whTe scum. It wasn't you whToid. Not you, but a small fraction of your elite. That's what it was. You were never them. Your family was just another cracker living somewhere in the middle of Europe. You are nothing but a cracker. Even back then, many "shitskins" were above you.
Today that same elite is now on OUR side. Your whTe nationalist rhetoric being used against you. You nations are being flooded with men from Africa, Arabia, India, and many other nations. All your pathetic kind could do was kill a few innocent women and children in a mosque. And what did that cause? Just more weakness from your pathetic race. Your women being forced to wear Hijabs on National TV. A Hijab! Literally the expression of being owned by Islam.
Answer me, whToids. What happened? You got your ass kicked too hard? Because the real asskicking has yet to come. As more and more nations awake to the whTe menace, your people will be killed and murdered mercilessly across the 7 continents, including your own because Europe is already heading to a whTe massacre. ""Conquer"" us again? Nice try, whTies. You forget how the Arabs and Turks conquered your pathetic tundra shithole you call Europe. The same feat will be done by the Chinese soon as they march across European soil like the Golden Horde marched through Europe.
Make the world a better place, Exterminate the cracker race.
Because intentionally evading post filters is bannable and he's probably sick of resetting his VPN bots. Which also means he's perpetually evading a lifetime ban and using a VPN, which in itself, is bannable. But by all means mods, just allow this moron to flood the catalog with bullshit 24/7...
Oliver Myers
you are nothing, cracker. your race is doomed faggot.
>2019 >still being mad for being a nigger please kys
Gavin Rogers
OP has dick pics on his computer OP is a faggot
Thomas Morris
>tundra shithole you call Europe you even know what tundra means? did you ever go to Europa? OP once agains proves niggers have low IQ
Adrian Murphy
>How does it feel to see Muslims, bomb and rape your women
Do they? Sandniggers mostly bomb each other and rape their own women.
Jason Collins
>cracker living somewhere in the middle of Europe
You know people in Europa are not offended by saying "cracker". Whites in Europe know they are superior. Add another name to it only confirms their superiority.
Chase Williams
How much do you get paid for creating these shitty bbc/cuck threads?
Nig Nogs are dying off, between abortion and black on black murders, throwing your stupid asses in prison you ain't shit. Fucken Spics on the other hand are ruining the country. Breeding like fucken roaches.