drumpf is claiming its real
what a drumpf
drumpf is claiming its real
what a drumpf
Trump is a faggot.
lol inorite???voting bernie 2020 FREE MONEY
Half this board are fucking shills most of the rest are retards and faggots. Why am I even here? I wish there was a place that wasn't flooded with this bullshit and didn't have CP.
weak b8. at least try
Trump is what happens when a supermassive faggot reaches the end of its life cycle and collapses in on itself wrecking the entire timeline
sorry son this is a trump board gtfo.
Lowered taxes, increased jobs, keeps the dems preoccupied, approved wall but blocked by Pelosi toll 2020, got NK to talk, and bribed a Ukrainian director to get dirt on a known pedo.
No he isn't you coping ass faggot
>everyone I dont like is a shill
Ok boomer
Ok commie
What does that make you user? Jealous and bitter
Let's cleanse these foul streets
Heyy!...he was behind of this...?
People scattered lol
Things that didn't happen
No, you aren't, trumptard shitbag.
Such an asshat.
Dongald Dimpf, more like Dingus Doompff, am I right m'ladies?
Every single thing happened. Google is a site away my liberal friend
He is even started to get the black vote. Dems are being crippled!
Liberals cant handle him
Liberal more like cuck am I right?
You can't do that to me!
>first president in north korea and made peace meetings
>created laws to punish animal abuse more harshly
>created world laws to stop abuse against homosexuality
>is fighting for hong kong rights
>is fighting for your right to free speecg against near dictatorship level ultra left wing mega companies that own damn near all the internet
I used to be indifferent but you really are dense if you dont see he is legitimately a good guy and president. He likes to golf and make jokes and talk shit like a normal man and women / gay pussies can't stand that shit.
Why does he paint himself orange? He is a 70 year old man. He wears makeup every day. Why? Isn't that pretty gay? Why doesn't he wear makeup that's the color of his skin? It's so weird.
I always forget about the rapes. Thanks for the reminder. You know he’s dicked little Russian girls. That’s your guy...
Kind of hard to tell when major news outlets and journolists are collaborating in a major smear campaign to tell you misinformation and make you think things that arent actually real. IE the impeachment, and the Mueller report.
>this cucked
He's the Chosen One.
that's not true
Kek that ones a good effort
>when you fail so hard at life that you dont even understand how to use google to educate yourself on your presidents policies and procedures using scholarly sources, so you make laughable attacks that dont mean anything.
The next 5 years are gonna suck for you little buddy, strap in
No sources no facts no argument
You are invalid
That's why you use scholarly sources user
>posts chart showing that Republicans are more self-delusional about their mental illnesses than Democrats are.
>this mad
No sources, no facts, no argument
You are invalid
Only white people are orange.
>reddit spacing
You have to go back
>scholarly peer reviewed source
You cant argue facts with the butt plug you just pulled out your ass.
Learn how to research
It's just weird. Like if my grandpa wore makeup everywhere he would get his ass kicked by his maga buds. But for some reason it's ok when the faggot in chief does it.
Yet black people are starting to become conservative.
Look up trump is securing black vote
It's not even that, it's just posting like a turbo spaz lol
It auto formats. You need to educate yourself user
>The next 5 years
why would they suck any less than the rest of the years after that? Also, who's attacking anyone? We're all just participating in a conversation.
This is the golden age.
No sources, no facts, no argument
You are invalid
Does she look like Ivanka?
Fucking criiiiiiiinge
No wonder Drumpf gets away with so much shit when literal retards like you want to suck his dick
No sources, no facts, no argument
You are invalid
Its funny because you cant actually tell me why hes bad and what he does wrong because you dont know a thing about him.
It's like I know what every retard liberal does on here. They never talk about facts, just whatever meme came out or ad hominem bullshit because they are retarded
It’s fucken scary the resemblance,
That poor girl is why Epstein got suicided by trump. He had proof of trumps loli lust.
The chart itself says "Ratings of One's Own Mental Health". The data is all self-reported. This is no randomized study, bud. Learn to read English.
Yeah that's what I do every night.
It doesn't. Stop posting like a chimp.
Those are made to divert you from what hes done. Research user! No memes! No Ad Hominem bs! See the truth niggggaaaaaa
>hahaha I am laughing actually hahaha
>reddit formatting
Your rebuttal is invalid
You are invalid
No sources no facts no argument
You are invalid
Just take the L.
Fight the good fight! Demand sources for 5heir bullshit claims!
As a doctor Ben Carson, I was speaking only in terms of skin pigmentation. I am not a racist, you are the racist!
Fuck that’s waaay too real to be funny