Any Doll/b/ros on?
Any Doll/b/ros on?
Bumpin, moar
How much was this?
Seems like a waste. Do you even get hard from looking at it? I usually stop getting hard from a real girl after half a year
Around $1300
For you maybe, me not at all.
I change my dolls look a lot so she is always interesting and cute to me :) to me dolls are more of a hobby, sex is a plus but I really enjoy the photography.
Brand/model? Asking for a friend
Jarliet 156cm Wide Hips Model.
Longtime lurker since mid 2014. Dollthreads really only bloomed into a daily thread after dollguy (the one with a harem of lolis) started posting heavily in 2016ish. Hes the grand daddy of the movement here on b and really started it all. prior to that anything doll related was really just dolfie tier stuff and shit post. no real discussion. For the longest time hed post and all was good until the beggining of 2019 when a ton more doll owners started posting as well. I noticed he also post less now. I personally like the fact that the community is growing but really dislike all the adult dolls and older stuff taking the fore front. It used to be loli and I prefer it that way. The older dolls disgust me. Still lurk everyday though but its just not the same. The older dolls like the one you post a lot and a few other guys really killed the comfy doll thread vibes around here. Most of the people who actually posted have since moved to all the fallen and the lurkers just left entirely. Basically what im trying to say is DollThreads were loli oriented for the longest time (even pulling in people from the traditional loli threads here on b) but then you guys showed up and ruined it. No hard feelings. I still lurk but not as much anymore and its just not the same. Dont get me started on that nasty ass degenerate tattooed up troll doll owned by that faggot larping as a dike. Sure it is a loli doll but its just so retarded.
Happy Black Friday Jessie how you had a good Thanksgiving!!
Sounds like a personal problem
Same to you!! :)
New to this but I'm interested fren
Any tips for buying lolis as a eurofag?
Nice, thanks bro, big penis tip to you sir
I disagree I'm a big fan of list but doll fans should stick together and just because a few bad apples hate lolis and try to troll the treads doesn't mean op is to blame. We're in this together and I say let's be tolerant of things we don't like.
Meant big fan of lolis damn autocorrect
Ironically I was actually one of the heavy dollfie posters here on Sup Forums back in that day, I have a bunch of dollfie content as eell as some Phicen but it's all saved on an old device that is basically bricked at this point.
I've been on Sup Forums for like 12 years and have seen it all lol. I personally got an adult sized doll to fill a companionship gap in my current life, but turned into a hobby after my Jessie threads blew up when I first got her.
They are still pretty fire tbh, just depends on the time of day I post. Also I have noted in plenty of threads that I'm in the market for a Sasha doll to do photography with, so I definitely play o both sides of the fence.
Not sure what crawled up your ass and died but bro you need to chill, how do I unsubscribe from your blog?
Would it be hard to buy a Loli if I live in Ontario Canada ? Not sure how getting one even works
I don't want to go to work today :(
:( booooo, I knkw that feel. I am on my weekend starting today, I hope your day is good to you!
Okay so this is obviously pretty fucked up but at the same time, if this sort of thing stops dudes from doing anything to kids then maybe it's not that bad.
I am curious though - what is the legality of this?
Clearly you'd be in a lot of fucking trouble if anyone saw it because they'd label you a pedo straight away.
Thank you friend I'm hoping it will be a short day and I can sneak out of there at some point. Glad you post these threads seeing them always lifts my spirits.
The vast majority of the US is safe just a few retarded red states with indecency laws and idiot judges.
God damn backwards Hicks not wanting people to fuck dolls made to look like children.
Theres a copypasta that generally gets posted around with a list of all the mfgs and prices. I personally suggest catdoll.
Nope. Sounds like a me and 60+ people who no longer come here because these new people ruined it for them. (I'm not mad. I even said no hard feelings. just expressing my opinion.)
There are no bad apples or trolls that actually divide people here. Stuff like that is easily snuffed out and not taken seriously. All the major "trolls" like blow mold guy and emoji guy were prime examples of that. The issue lies with the guys who your currently bieng tolerant of. The very people like OP here who post adult dolls. They ruined these threads. I'm getting very pol like flashbacks similar to the muzzies and white people in europe right now lol. Lot of comparisons to be made with that and your statement. Like I said earlier I dont mean to hate on you people. I'm just simply putting my opinion out there.
I get what your saying and If im not mistaken I specifically remember you from those days. I don't think your jessie threads "blew up". I think you like a lot of people here after first buying a doll simply posted her a lot on your own accord giving yourself the false sense that people were very interested in her. What else is there to talk about when the same guy is making the same threads with the same pics. Its bound to be on everyones minds. Nothing crawled up my ass. Im simply stating my opinion after sitting here for so long and not saying anything. You post 24/7 on here. I think you can take a little of someone elses observations for the first time.
Yeah let's endanger real children instead by passing a hunch of uninformed reactionary laws. This always works!
Just go make loli doll threads instead. Pretty simple, or are you just that much of a dumbass?
I guess you will just have to get used to it or just move on? I'm not here to satisfy you or anybody else. I simply post because I enjoy it and anons reply.
My posts are just in their infancy, I have a sinodoll that I'm getting and these threads are only going to expand :)
Thats been done before buddy. countless times in fact. How do you think doll threads ended up like this in the first place. Because people like OP kept posting thier adult dolls in the loli ones regardless. Also Ive stated this multiple times I'm not mad or upset. Just stating my opinion. Thats the second time now you guys have called me a name for no reason other than to vent your anger at something that challenges your doll world view. I havent called you guys a single name or insult. And I wont. There is no need to.
Not the first time something like this has happened to a niche community and definitely not the last. So many comparisons.
In a forums full of the worst threads imaginable (cuck, racebait, etc) I don't see how you can spin having one consistent doll thread as a bad thing especially when most of the posters involved are tolerant of lolis. I personally feel we should Garner as many friends and advocates possible in the doll community because my wing of the hobby is always under threat.
It's funny that you mentioned this,because the hicks are the ones that fuck real children,dolls are not real,it doesn't make sense that dolls are getting people locked up because dumbasses can't tell the difference between dolls and REAL kids
Damn it really sounds like you're upset over some other adult doll posters who you may have had negative interactions with.
Personally I've always stayed out of loli doll threads and even made a point to the loli doll posters earlier on that I didn't want to tread on their loli threads and that I felt like they they wanted to keep it separate, so I did.
But when I expressed that, the majority of loli posters welcomed me because I wasn't a jackass. We have all been super chill out here and the threads eventually meshed into one big mega doll thread normally where everyone meets up, not by my design though.
You seem to misunderstand how I got meshed into any of these threads. The loli doll owners talk to me more than the adult doll owners too.
Wish you wouldn't take it all out on me man, I didn't do anything wrong and have always been really respectful of other doll posters. I don't see what the point in all the negativity is. Im just sharing my own personal hobby G. Chill.
are there actually high quality loli dolls that exist?
they all look shit quality to me.
For example
are much higher looking quality than
The loli ones don't look even slightly realistic and make me feel nothing but uncanny valley compared to the "adult" ones
lets see some guys fucking them
If you go on catdolls website and check out the super-real makeup versions which are about the best quality Loli dolls that exist IMHO. I did not get the super real makeup version n because I personally like the plain version better. Also I take awful pics and only just recently got a good light set and need to get more gels to warm the color temperature up.
those do look pretty good.
But it's pretty telling that there's only 5 choices, and nobody in these threads ever has any of them
oh, nice, a doll thread. hello again, loli doll friends. i hope you had a wonderful dead turkey day
what do you mean, only 5 options?
for the super realistic make-up on catdoll
you can order by mail, and tell them exactly what you want, even if it's not directly available from the shop site. super makeup is basicly available for every model on their site
I think cartoon reality/idealized reality of the plain ones help skirt any uncanny valley for me
Hi cutie
wow, you got some nice panties there :p
after searching the name I fully understand why you covered its mouth
Personally I like the Jessie lips because they feel great to kiss and match an aesthetic that is attractive to me. I'm also into facemasks and am trying to map out some cybergoth type outfits for my dolls in the future. Obviously not everyones cup of tea though.
I am getting sinodoll Sakae next however, which I'm sure anons will enjoy more.
If you're gonna go silicone, you should go check out xycolo, they're putting out some really fucking good shit these days and their skeleton is absolute top notch best in the industry. Hands that actually functions as hands? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
Nice I'll give it a look! Ty for the tip
Heyy!...nice Elon!
of course, thats how i like my little girl
Also, the sinodoll body I'm getting with my Sakae fortunately has hands that can be positioned and also has a self heating body!
but are they also available as lolis?
Lol no but I want to make a loli Jessie with a Sasha doll and dress her like bowsette.
>tfw someone turns you on to
Jesus christ, flipping through their clearance section, this is cheaper than the thrift shop before even looking at the sale, and with 1000x the stock of doll-sized clothing.
cant wait to see that
same tbqh
late January/early February 2020 expect it to be in these threads
oh, nice, i have one of those plugs too
Haha cool
Admirer here.
Anyone got Gifs / Webms? I love watching dolls get their asses squeezed, and stuff like that.
I don't have any loli sorry :(
She has pretty feets
Thanks Anons
I've got some product shots of Piper dolls meeting those criteria. Still waiting on mine to make any of my own, though...
>come on just put her on the truckkkkkk
And these are from Sino-doll.
How soft are her feet? And how do her cheeks feel when clapping them?
Super soft. They feel great.
Slapping her ass feels and sounds just like a real ass.
Yes, thats the body im getting but with this head
any more doll fucking?
Very few people have ever put their penis inside one of these. Most people are too worried that the acidic chemicals that make up their body will rot straight through their dicks.
My salutations to the brave souls who have tried, and my heart goes out to the fallen soldiers who did not make it.
She must give great foot jobs and be good during doggy.
shit i imagined that these were made of the same material as fleshlights
or at least the parts that matter
They are.
I'm fucking with you, user.
Cute. Any more?
more diapered cuties please
>Even the user gets more fucking the some of those dolls
What a strange world
maybe message me on twitter (shadow87qft), telegram (shadow1337_42) or kik (keiko_1337_11)
man i need to stop drinking
sorry not really a big social media guy, im just trying to wand my diaper early in the morning
My god