Tfw your tough guy leader, savior, role model turns out to be a little bitch

tfw your tough guy leader, savior, role model turns out to be a little bitch

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The same people that think the earth is flat, deny established climate science and evolution and believe in an invisible sky wizard are not interested in your 'liberal' facts. Go bark at a tree, you're more likely to have intelligent discourse.

You mean this

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I hope he gets impeached. Only because liberals don't understand that Pence would be the next president and if they think they hate Trump's policies, I can't wait to see the amount of ass-mad that would come out of having president Pence.


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>turns out to be a little bitch
>Turns out...
As if this wasn't obvious in the beginning.

what shall the history books read?

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while i may hate pence's policies, at least he has some.
trump is a clown that just wants attention, so his polices are whatever gets his followers to cheer.

Bring in Pence, anyone else will do at this point.

Could you put that on the Rocky body?

You know what others think?
Mind reading isn't real.
Schizophrenics think they can read minds.
People that are Schizophrenic aren't functional humans.
You aren't a functional human.
You should KYS right now.

Waaah! Somebody thinks the fucking retard in office should be impeached! I'm going to act like a massive faggot in front of everybody! Waaaah!

>Waaah! Somebody thinks the fucking retard in office should be impeached! I'm going to act like a massive faggot in front of everybody! Waaaah!
Nailed it!
You aren't a functional human.
You should KYS right now.

Whose the nonfunctional one, the person criticizing or the person mindlessly braying KYS like a fucking retard?

What the literal fuck is this shit

>arguing about politics on Sup Forums

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trying to be helpful and let someone know that suicide is the fastest way not to live in a world with Trump isnt braying faggot

Well why not be helpful and follow your own advice faggot

OK - so you 'shopped the face of a little girl .....
(when she realised how disadvantaged she was compared to almost everybody else)
..... onto a globally significant Political Leader,

and expect us to think it's "funny"
[ or whatever ]

truth is you're a slimy retard that doesn't deserve even half the credit that either
(a) President Trump ; or
(b) that poor little innocent girl ;
during their life-times ;
you revolting apology for a worthless human being.

The flat earth conspiracy isn’t political, but your attempt to pin it on liberals shows you’re not interested in a real discussion.

I hope he gets impeached too because Pence doesn’t stand a chance in the next election. Other conservatives would start campaigning immediately, there’s be a huge push for media attention, it’d be a shit show.

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Lol and then a picture of trumps overweight ass. He couldn’t even hang curtains if he wanted to.


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I thought it was pretty cool when they sent me one of there ufos

Weak bait


This is you looking in a mirror, crying because IT WAS HER TURN!!! Why the fuck can't you libs suck it up and STFU? Literally trying to impeach a president for being political. YOU CAN'T NAME ANY REAL HARM TRUMP HAS DONE other than beat your candidate who cheated WAAAY harder than he ever has.
Growing up I watched as the Clintons sold our privacy downstream with the original E911 act, that was passed the day after the OK City bombing, authorizing warrantless wiretapping and requiring geolocation of cell phones. I witnessed firsthand the atrocities Sr. and Cheney got us into when they caused 911 to get us back into Iraq for the oil even though most of the "hijackers" came from saudi arabia. I pitched a bitch when Obama insisted that hte Gov't could do a better job with our healthcare than private industry. WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU TARDS GOT TO COMPLAIN ABOUT? RECORD ECONOMY AND UNEMPLOYMENT.

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>do you have a dog?
>that means you're gay

Not op, but here's a 2 minute job

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>tfw shitskins get stabby in London and you have to rush to try to distract people with even shittier memes than usual

I'm just amazed you last few remaining far left extremists have been able to maintain your unhinged. unending temper tantrum for over 3 years. Trumpster defeating your Queen & Obama's hand picked successor has left the dwindling far left Democrats in an irreparable state of deeply scarred psychosis.

Facts like: geologically speaking we're at the end of an ice age, and this rate of glacial melt is both expected and normal within that scientific community? or how all of the 'rising seas' shit is based on mathematical models, while fishermen who dock in these areas daily constantly report that "no, the markers we use for water depth are resting at the same level they've been for 30 years" meaning there's no ACTUAL rise, only a predictive model of one. Flat earth is interesting, they're kooks of course, but it should be pointed out that prior to the round models flat earth was "established science", this same "established science" viewed a heliocentric view of our solar system as laughable. The point being that "established science" gets shit wrong all the time, and the evidence that they're using is based on biased 'data models' rather than the observation rooted in empyrical data, and you are a fucking idiot if you believe too fervently in the infallibility of human scientists.

Hillary isn't running. Update your game Ivan.

Dubs of Truth. The Dims will be on full fledged suicide watch the day after Trump wins re-election in 2020.

Pence would never get re-elected, though. His career was completely dead before Trump chose him as VP. His own party hates him. Now, there may be a boost from Republicans rallying around him to circle the wagons if Trump was actually removed from office, but I still doubt Pence would ever keep a hold on the presidency past Trump's first term.

And which one of them is actually helping someone in that image?

>b-b-but Clinton!
>b-b-but Niggers
>b-b-but How can we unstabilize the west if they move forward?

Trump brays all day, every day. For a president, we got a retard who's on twitter more than a 14-year-old girl.

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I remember that image from when it was Trump saying that about Republicans

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Difference is, Obama is actually accomplishing something there. The other two are putting on a show for the camera. Reagan cut wood that didn't need to be cut, and Bush just copied him. Bush isn't even a Texan, he grew up wanting to be one.

That's not me, Andrei.

You don't have to be a faggot SJW to dislike Trump. He is a moron, a laughingstock for 30 years in NYC.


>Trump is a piece of shit you wouldn't buy a used car from.
>Foreign influence wants him to gain legitimacy in order to cause chaos in American hegemony
>No, he won't be ousted from office. Just impeached without conviction.
>Republican pols at the highest echelon have already sold out or been compromised.
>You're a fucking stooge if you vote for them.

>The point being that "established science" gets shit wrong all the time, and the evidence that they're using is based on biased 'data models' rather than the observation rooted in empyrical data
Truth! Instead of trusting a consensus of tens of thousands of scientists it only makes sense to believe someone like this instead

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True. And current polling finding 57% approval for Trump's handling of the economy, a record high 34% approval for Trump among African Americans - the highest of any GOP President in the past 40 years, support for impeachment having dropped several points as Trump's approval has increased 6 points in the middle of the House Democrat impeachment campaign....We can all understand why OP is samefagging this thread in sheer desperation, on the verge of ending himself.

literally nobody considers donald trump tough,he's just like every other liberal in america.weak and stupid

>implying that trump wouldnt run again

his cult following would still vote for him,if republicans want to do something useful.they should get rid of trump's supporters after trump's impeachment

>media attention

yeah,negative attention.besides,modern day conservatism is dead.thank your pussy grabber guy

even chick-fil-a.the mecca for conservatives,caved and stopped donating money to christian places

Bingo! I've been noticing there far left shill threads are becoming incredibly more panicked after the latest round of polling saw a significant increase in approval for Trump in every Demographic, while support for impeaching him has dropped by as between 7 & 13 points, depending on poll.


obama had record high approval ratings,but i guess he's just a stupid nigger right?

You are not American.

Fuck sake, you come off like a fucking ad.


>every demographic

thats bullshit,since the only demographic that approves of him are ignorant white people.but approval rating means nothing so who cares what your dumb extremist right wing ass thinks

Yeesh, I see what ya mean. OP's sperging out everytime his delusional shit gets shattered by reality.

Take your meds, OP.

These are me. Not exactly samefagging it up.
Besides, I don't need the world to go my way to be happy. Which is a good thing, since people are so fucking stupid. Fortunately, their stupidity enables me to make a lot of money, so....

How much do you get per thread? I want some passive income.

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Trump's kid Barron confessed that his father sexually molested him! Turn on a TV!

Holy fuck, OP - you really are having a rough time handling the latest polling data. Both Gallup and Emerson show a pretty large bump in approval among every demographic. Denial of reality an't gonna help you retards in 2020.

HI op. You think crying on Sup Forums everyday is going to change the Democrat's plummeting approval in the newest polls? You fuckers are gonna an hero in Novembr 2020 when Trump wins again.

What do the polls say about Fat Donny raping his kid's face while taking a shit?