G'morning user

g'morning user
hope u slept well.
tell me what you are doing today, pls.

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Other urls found in this thread:


sweep up the place, then probably beat off

multi-task ?

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there are already two of these threads up you friendless fucking sperg who has been spamming this every single fucking day for years. fucking commit a murder suicide already.

I have just been for a hangover cure of a breakfast with my best mate after we got wasted last night.

Currently getting high in the afternoon. My mate is gonna come round later and I'm cooking tapas and we're gonna get real fucked up again.

kill yourself you friendless no future having autistic loser.

commit suicide today so i never have to see this thread. EVERY FUCKING DAY I HAVE TO SEE THIS BECAUSE OF YOU. you need to kill yourself.

who did the other one.
love u and wish you a good day bro.

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>cooking tapas
nice dubs.
what you putting in the tapas?

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Baking pretzels and a Paleo sweet potato casserole to take to my in-laws, changing the accelerator pedal sensor in my car before I shower, get my daughter cleaned up and dressed. Head over there and not enjoy myself for 8 hours or so until my wife gets out of work. I'll probably do some Duolingo while I'm there. Want to do something productive today.

I'm doing patatas bravas, albondigas and gambas pil pil. With some tiger bread on the side. Got a double chocolate cheesecake for dessert too. Shit's gon' be good.

This all sounds like videogame food/power ups.

commit suicide
stop spamming this

>changing the accelerator pedal sensor in my car before I shower
you a car mechanic? or just know how to fix stuff yourself.
nice quads!
sounds good.

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i'll do that bro.

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Leave home alone. He killed a trap thread for this. He's doing God's work.

Work until 1400. Then home to relax, nap, and have a few beers while playing gta 5 because double money on mc businesses and nightclub goods.

nice dubs.
it was fb/ig thread 9999988888943 actually.

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loner. kill yourself.

Jump off a building you unloved loser.

Just self reliant. I'd never want to be a mechanic. Learned when I was poor. Continue to do it to make me rich. It's not hard, just frustrating sometimes. Always helps to have the right tool. I'm in ag for work for now. At least until I retire in 6 years.

Worth it.

i'm dying every day. aren't we all.
going to try thanks.
that's cool man. i wish i could fix stuff in cars myself, like change my own oil etc. actually with the way cars are becoming now, that may be a forgotten skill.
i agree.

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Nah. Only if they completely switch to electric. Then it'll be a new skill to learn. Oil is easy. Engine swaps get a little crazier. $100 and a harbor freight store will get to started. Prefer parts from rockauto. Save tons of money.

a buddy of mine has a new tesla.
wonder what kind of maintenance u do on it.
do you have to get your doo-dad-musk-gyroscope changed every few months or something.

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My biggest concern for that would be the batteries. That's the most expensive part and why Tesla was selling at a loss for so long. Also, they're heavy as shit. I'm sure there's a hoist involved in that. Other than that, the motors are simple. Everything should be bolt on in those cars.
Should be.
Wait until your mechanic has to have a BSA in EE just to work on your car. If you think mechanics are expensive now? Ha!

>Wait until your mechanic has to have a BSA in EE just to work on your car. If you think mechanics are expensive now? Ha!
yeah man it'll be crazy.
and you can't haggle with the android mechanic. :-(

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Best advice for you then? Move to a warmer climate, buy a decent bicycle, get a Bafang motor and bolt on. You won't be hauling furniture, but you'll be in great shape and have a decent range of travel.

Good morning.
drinking coffee, checking my online stores for orders from customers, might go for a drive up into the mountains... away from idiots down at the malls being consumers. Cleaning house, might finish raking leaves.

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What is with that filename?


maybe you are this basket weaving enthusiasts website a little too much.. ever think of that you fucking lemming. Go outside and play you cunt - not everything is about your satisfaction.

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good advice thnks

ikr. it's crazy.
well said.

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That gif is just fucking stupid.

i agree. it's dumb as fuck.

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