I cant stop thinking about the world being fucked and that shit isn't going to be ok.
I cant stop thinking about the world being fucked and that shit isn't going to be ok
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It's not because of environmentalist alarmist bullshit user, quit being so gullible.
even without the environment shit and the positive feedback loop we have already started. shit just does not seem like its going well at all anywhere.
I agree, but it's because we can't choose a concrete target. If people could rally together against a common enemy something would get done, but as it stands we are divided by pointless distractions (Such as an autistic 16 year old screaming about cow farts) so that it keeps us from unifying against the people who push the complacency, degeneracy, and oligarchical rule that has taken seemingly the entire western world.
Congrats, you've been brainwashed
this. agreed. we really are a fucken stupid species sometimes. there just seems like so much fucken bullshit flying every single day its hard to even know what we should or shouldn't be worried about anymore
how is shit going well for anyone that's not Jeff Bezos right now?
That's the first step to realizing the plans of those in power.
If you want to crush and destroy a group of people, your best weapon is not a gun, a bomb, a tank, or a sword, but rather the forces of deceit and misdirection. Make them fight among themselves, and make sure they label everything BUT you as the true problem, whilst ensuring that anyone who correctly sees you is laughed out of the room for being an "Insane conspiracy theorist,"and stigmatize the hatred of you and others in your circle with some evil word... Like "Nazi."
Things will be OK if our governments act in time.
stop posting about kids you cp lover!
I hope you are right
Agreed, user. Climate change is heavily promoted by our media to distract from more acute problems in our society.
The whole Greta campaign started when bombs were going off and shooting occured everyday in Sweden. It's now proven that the media was in from the beginning and this growth was totally artificial.
Also, this thing has escalated and died down in connection to violence. If shootings goes up, media ramps up climate change. A couple of bombs detonate, media talks Paris accords.
Also, they are using climate change as a cover for excessive immigration and calling these people "climate refugees"
Thank you George Soros
People will wake up at some point. I'm doing my damndest to make sure it happens with what I can. I hope you are too.
Russian detected
>Also, this thing has escalated and died down in connection to violence. If shootings goes up, media ramps up climate change. A couple of bombs detonate, media talks Paris accords.
Cant this just be put down to 24 hours cycles now? There is always a bombing or a shooting somewhere same as there is also always some news on how fucked the environment is. Maybe its not a cover up maybe shit is just fucked.
>Russian detected
Why do you say that, Mr. JIDF?
>Things will be OK if our governments act in time.
Government is exactly what people are rebelling against in places like Iran, Hong Kong, Chile, etc
cavemen survived ice ages, we'll be fine.
> cavemen survived ice ages, we'll be fine.
Yes, user, we can survive this by living in caves, battling to the death with spears, and eating rabbits. I look forward to it.
Do something about it. No half measures.
Help change the system, the one which caused this crisis in the first place.
since you're a fucking retard let me explain what i meant. If fucking cavemen living in cave, battling to the death with spears, and eating rabbits was able to survives living multiple ice ages (and the subsequent warming) there's no reason that we could do the same with our vast knowledge and technologies
The equivalent would be bunkers, do you think your government is going to build you a bunker, with all the technology required to live through an ice age that may last longer than written history has been around?
What technology do you personally have available to you user? Are you a billionaire?
I have a house that's not next to the coast.
I hope you're right. 9 billion is WAY too many
Even if their worst predictions were true it will happen so slowly that basically only rich people will be affected by it and look, clearly we're going to fuck up the rich people anyway, there's no use for these moronic pedophiles being in charge if they aren't going to actually USE their think tanks and stuff to benefit their nation and thereby, us. They've become disgusting internationalists and I think we should just kill them and take their shit if they're not going to help. There doesn't have to be a bunch of changes like ohhhh let's fuck up all these taxes. Don't. Just get a gun and kill rich people, ignore their will because it's too busy being in a shredder, their money ends up back in the system. Anyone with over a billion should just lose all human and legal rights in one day. Nobody needs to actually do communism, all we have to do is put the internationalist traitors on a big fire and celebrate while they scream.
That sounds like a fantastic survival strategy, I see that all of the global climate change problems won't affect you, i retract everything i said.
please list all the climate change problems that will affect me.
all the dirty shitskins will come to where you live when their land becomes unlivable, and your governemt will let them in.
Don't think they will come that far north...I will probably get a lot of burgers fleeing the invasion of shitskin so yeah it almost as bad
Well where do you live famalam.
our planet is a virtual reality "playground"
Interesting, yeah I suppose thats one way of doing it. It would cause a massive redistribution of wealth flooding back into the system. But this is a one time event, would this culling happen in periods of time?
Also, wouldnt this be a deterrent to people trying to become rich? It would probably put a ceiling on capitalism, cause new guys wouldn't want to be in the kill threshold
this is everyone
in the snow
I guess you're retarded then.
I guess you'd be pretty fucked from the permanent freeze and eventual glacier movement then.
I guess i would be if the it was global freezing and not global warming
Soo...nice one Elon!
why Elon Musk always want me to google stuff?
Ip, it will completely not matter once you are dead, with that in mind stop caring, start living.