What are some video games with rabbits?
What are some video games with rabbits?
Shit taste OP
I love Reisen!
Hey what's that arrow above me?
Cave Story
'Overgrowth' and the Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban video game on PC (PC and Console version are entirely different games) and literally nothing else I can think of youtu.be
Why isn't there a Watership Down vidya
my nig
is this anime good?
Anime is divisive, manga is one of the best currently ongoing series.
redwall rpg when?
will i like if i have havent read the manga?
Imperishable night
has a video game?
I'll cook you for dinner, little bunny
Maybe. Depends how you fee about CGI. For what it's worth, it's nowhere near as bad as recent Berserk anime.
What are some videogames that have great art but then get really shitty cg anime, and bringing countless disgusting furries and attention to a nice story
Disgaea 5
uh, pokemon
You'll have to beat her first. Well, third time's the charm
>bringing countless disgusting furries and attention to a nice story
uh oh here we go
>what are spellcard rules
Get in the hotpot, I'm getting hungry here
I wonder who could be behind this thread.....
Sorcerland has a good one. He uses ice magic and has a lightsaber. Also, Tiny Toons Adventures is actually pretty good.
What are some videogames with suffering and romance?
Does anyone remember that one Rabbit Ninja game where you go running around slicing and dicing and giving flying kicks to the face?
I don't want to hear your excuses, and why would immortals even need to eat? Dummy, stupid!
One of the best looking CGI shows out there, you should continue with the manga after the anime ends tho
Are bunnies good pets?
hm yes, bunny hour on Sup Forums
the best
I want to be a soft warm bunny and sleep in my master's lap and get lots of pets
I wish I were a bunny
no game can do redwall justice imo
Rabbits are cute and all but they're terrible pets. You will get as much warmth and affection out of them as you will with pet fish.
Also you have to clean up a hell of a lot of shit even when you have a big grassy area for them to spend time in.
I wish bunnies were real
This. Rabbits also turn into violent rapists if they don't get neutered. Same with ducks. It's just nothing but duck rape.
haru is a WHORE
How the hell do you think we would even use the keyboard, you paranoid fuck?
You play as some weird furry rabbit in this game. Reviews look good but I never played it.
There is also a game called Biomutant that THQ Nordic is releasing soon. I think it has rabbits in it and weird furry fetish stuff in a post apocalyptic setting. Though I think it could get canceled to to development problems.
There is this game. You play as a mutant King Kong rabbit destroying a town of furries. Idk what it is.
Great, I can't believe I'm FRIKKEN dead
One of the characters you play as in Odin Sphere is a prince who's been cursed into a cute little bunny dude
Mario + Rabbids.
>This will never become canon and it happening on a final boss where you lose all hope
Dah hell is that special effects going on there is no way it slipped through there
I dropped Beastars after that anorexic wolf confronted the retarded looking tiger, does this manga gets any good later on?
No cage shall contain bune
Why is this suddenly invading my recommended videos?
poor wolf isn't anorexic just forced into a vegetarian diet by society
Nah it just gets progressively more retarded until you keep reading it to see what zany shit happens next.
where the hell do you get fish that snuggle up to you to be petted?
Ravi Ribi
isnt that game really hard?
ALGORITHMS they control and influence us ALLL
I want to fuck Haru.
There are no rabbits in that game.
Just anime girls with rabbit accessories.
Yeah and it's really fun.
Sanctum Peter Cottium
Deus in re unium
hippitus hoppitus Reus Domine
In suus via torreum
Lepus in re sanctum
hippitus hoppitus Reus Domine
I very rarely watch anime. Can someone explain to me why people get so triggered by the CGI? It looks fine to me.
Sam & Max
Can't believe no one here has said Winterbells. Sup Forums showing how casual this board is again
Facial animations in this are pretty stiff and limited, they fail to convey a lot of the exaggerated expressions from the manga. And then there's the fact that they toned down some of the violence and nudity in the past, source material didn't have to worry about TV standards.
Sonic from 2002 to 2006 since now Sega killed Cream and doesn't include her in any games not even spin offs like Team Sonic racing.
CGI has a major problem in animation where you're only using one model for the character, so it can be hard to do certain expressions from the source material such as superdeformed comedy faces or even something as simple as pulling the cheeks up. Japan also has this stupid notion that low framerate = JUST LIKE MY TRADITIONAL ANIMATION, which can make the style suffer.
CGI is just a scapegoat for people who subconsciously realize but refuse to acknowledge that Beastars is actually a shit series with a nonsensical story and fucking horrendous pacing. Furries are unable to cope with this because they depend on it being mainstream/popular as a hook to convert their friends.
>Japan also has this stupid notion that low framerate = JUST LIKE MY TRADITIONAL ANIMATION
Because for the longest time people bitched about CGI being too smooth.
My biggest issue with this isn't the animation but that this scene is artificially extended to an unnecessary length just to fit the dialogue when it's relatively short in the manga.
You can't have convincing animation smears or squash and stretch or off-model expressions in CGI that actually look good
>b-but muh spiderverse and muh land of the lusterous...
both look like unsplined trash that was only rendered 50% of the way to save on time and cost
Mein Nigga
Best vidya rabbit indeed
>you should continue with the manga after the anime ends tho
You should read the manga from the beginnig and see just how fucking badly it butchered the source material.
Can your favorite videogame protagonist defeat Maximus Bunnus?
WTF Why do I see Ricardo's silhouette?
She gets better.
Overgrowth and Lugaru
Main character is a sociopathic edgelord killing cubs to spite his enemies and I love it
Man, Overgrowth sucked badly. Can't remember anything about the story other than it was pretty bland. Lugaru did better.
tfw Rub Rabbits doesn't actually have rabbits.
>CTRL F Bloody Roar
>0 results
Fucking zoomers.
>Hating on based spiderverse
Okay boomer
N-no don't do this
imagine her in anthro form.