
/b opens an email account & posts screenshots of conversations.
login details for all to use.
We can all use it.
Hilarity ensues.

Yes? No?

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Sounds oldfag enough....
Do it faggot


I MAY have been drinking quite a bit but you get the idea user.
This has potential for Internet gold so long as you keep it highbrow for /b and don’t just email your cousin TITS OR GTFO this could Make /b Great Again.

I don’t want to from here.
Using iPad and no user server, don’t want all roads to lead to me.
Clever nerd should set up.
Oldfag is correct.
Why have we not already done this?

Because of this problem, everyone cautious, nobody wants to stand in "Rome"

If it has to be anonymous, maybe proton mail would work. cockli and lolcowmail are things too, but they don't seem as secure. Everyone would probably need to access via VPN, to ensure nobody gets tracked.

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With VPN ect it shouldn't be too hard, but I know that's bad confidence to have and although I know all the normie tech shit, there's plenty of more skilled than me

Wait, we could use guerilla mail, no password, just one agreed name

that sounds like a fucking great idea user

OP here again.
I agree with all your posts.
we could move on to everything incl open tinder acct with this.
I’m just not geek enough to set up without having my name and address all over it to take the fall for /b’s autism.

OP says
Yes. But doesn’t this auto delete pretty quick?
Also anything ending in .lasershark etc will be auto spam.
Needs to look legit, like

All those be true sadly, you can change the last bit to get past a few spam filters but the start never looks legit, it's either something that looks like you facerolled the kB when picking name, or you email them with the unencrypted name, in which case they have access to the inbox as well, fuck

We need an autist to make work then.
Good England I know but drinksing more.

Good idea thoug right?

I donated my old email address back in the habbo days before Steve Irwin introduced stingrays into the aids water and it all went to shit, login details got changed by some shill though

Definitely, much lulz were had with mine before it got saged, I'm surprised I didn't get doxxed tho, I left enough details on it that a few managed to add me on MSN. Not autist enough to have mad skills, not normie enough to fit in >.>

OP again.
I hear you, this is why I haven’t already done it.
you need to lower compression to add boost to your engine? I’m your man.
Need user email that doesn’t have fbi knocking on your door? I come to you /b.

- add boost refers to turbo- super- twin- or inline- charging btw.

Anyway. Someone open acct.

Fuck off with this shit.
We’re doing good work here.

Someone second my opinion here but as legit looking as Gmail and MSN are I think we probably want to avoid those, anyone got any suggestions? There is that Chinese QQ mail thing scammers seem to use, ideas?

Why avoid?

Shills in this thread already? Must be a good idea

Thanks user.
0545 here and woke up with inspiration
Just had 2more bourbon n coke.
Typing wit one eye covered.
TLDR just make happen. OP is riiiiped.

Gmail is integrated into Google's whole service package, 1 some newfag might sign in to their phone on it and give everyone their position like a dumbass ( we'll save that idea for later)
2 being integrated into Google's service package also includes maps, might record where it was set up from.
And Microsoft was the one I used years ago but they have 'their own maps' and the same problems

hey OP
have an option for you if willing to invest 5 bucks into your plan
go on fiverr, have someone there make an email account(s) for you, share email login credentials with Sup Forumsros
bingo bango bongo

I’m coming here to have a b/rother more tech than me do for fun.
Thanks for idea tho

Only worried about someone tracing setup, that’s why I haven’t done already.
Someone gives their location is all part of the fun if they do it : D


There’s no end to the potential of what we could do here.
Email N.Korea as a tourism consultant, some user gets free flights.
Like the aussies that posed as pro golfers.

yeah i know
just throwing out some possible work arounds
could also just have some user hit up their local library, use the pc lab to create a couple email accounts and share logins
either way sounds like a fun idea OP, happy still some faggots like your lurking around

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How would we protect against being traced, besides ingognegro mode obv
Seriously though, what else apart from a VPN gonna be needed? Any computer Sup Forumsros got any other secret no track sauce?

Cheers bud, appreciate ideas : D
So... OP only half a fag, and not worst idea ever?

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Who seriously the fuck knows.
I was only worried about setup. After that I think what you do is on you.... can They see exactly who sends what? I expect this acct to be heavily used.
Um... more drink

No computer bros around then? How do we keep one thread alive long enough for a computer bro to be found? We need to get that hacker 4 Chan dude on it, he's done some crazy shit I hear

Part of my vision:
Fake email
Fake FB
Apply for jobs
Get accepted
Brave user arrives for work at high paying job

....hilarity ensues

We need a few different Facebook profiles for lulz, and a LinkedIn profile to pull off that plan too

So /b isn’t all pro hackers? Fuck you Media!
We can’t even open an email account lol

and kids can’t br fucking morons with it for this to win.

Sorry, way much drunk.

I’m gonna pass out now.
Can you guys handle task and make happen while I sleep?
You can do this. I believeve in you.

Spelling detected but I like it. Sounds more meaningful.

Don't sleep yet, user is on the case

Ok will smoke
You go win at stuff.
I Believeve in you b/ro

I vdrunkely made a new word ad I like it.

Right you drunk ass fool, write this shit down nao
Login name KarenLafferty
Password fourchandotorg
Provider Proton mail

Ha 2 words

Sorry I’m vdrunkely as fuck.
I think new word expresses the experience very well

Says OP typing with one eye covered and still struggling

Thank you user.
Have screen shot.
You have hereby won the Internet
/b applauds you.

not OP but also saved for posterity
true Sup Forumsro delivrars
feel free to deleb dis in order to keep the faggots from ruining it

Pic related AF

Good job buddy.

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Thanks again user.
Now where to from here?

Well world's aids day is coming up, so don't forget habbo, the job ideas are good ones as well
Maybe make a 4 Chan Reddit to add to their pile of disinformation and bullshit, make both Sup Forums and the Sup Forums Reddit actually more popular than Reddit itself....the irony

Pic related; this bread

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Um... you’re welcome

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apply for scholarship/grants for mentally disableds/autists
let's get some anons a free education

Where are you?
I’m thinking Karen might arrange for son to eat drive new Toyota Supra...

*test drive

I gotta say I feel OP,with help, did a Good Thing today.

Thank you /b.

This is the kind of thing we gotta do to get our old Sup Forums back
Inb4 b was never good

You start.
I still wanna get user behind wheel of a new Supra.
Karen is an awesome mother.
And she knows how to arrange this shit.

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I feel like Karen will make global news this week....

karen needs to contact small town news outlet about missing son James Russels better known as Jimmy last seen leaving for the zoo with his black step father Tyrone

Karen needs a believable profile pic.
One that’s about 50 yo and attractive so people want to help her on the chance they might get laid.
Her son really needs to test drive tat Supra on a track cos she’s not a car person, but needs to replace the GTR that’s getting old.

based as fuck

We should find one on this person does not exist, so that it's not searchable


Look for pic that doesn’t exist?
Great idea, looking for it right now.
Proving hard to find...

Here's one from there. Is she too young?

Attached: image.jpg (1024x1024, 1.36M)

I meant

I found it

Attached: image (1).jpg (1024x1024, 1.18M)

Yes too young.
Needs to look like she’s old enough for kids your age and $$ isn’t a problem.

Sweet. Add to profile.
Make FB and LinkedIn acct for Karen.
Go to it b/rother

Later we should add a pussy pic with OMG HOW DO I DELETE THIS for hilarity so when she applies for jobs they can easily find it

But this is for later. Needs to be a slow burn project.

Surprised nobody’s used acct yet tbh

good work somebody!

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We oldfags know when to wait for the right moment for comedy gold

And how to roll the ball...
But Karen, WTF is your FB login?
Should be same password as email.

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We did good today tho right?

I tried making fb via tor but it mandates number
what do?
username and password same
>also here's a karen type of girl from above site : ibb (dot) co (slash) 1GcKg53

Someone must have burner number to use if all else fails?
The infamous Anonymous hackers are having a hilariously hard time setting up email and FB ha ha ha I fucking live it.
But keep at it anons, Karen is going to win the Internet!

*love it


Karen needs a new job.
She had to leave last one under awkward circumstances which will be disclosed.

Where to apply?

Holy shit, that's pretty epic, I've needed a burner number a few times for that shit and online text services always let me down, the sauce just keeps on coming in this thread

>Proof user delivers

previous work experiences?
karen seems like a corporate type if not school counselor material

But what job?
Also there’s a burner email provider out there if you need it, can find if yo like, but boozed and forgetful right now.

Definitely corporate or counsellor.
She’s also horny AF which will come into play somehow in an inappropriate fashion.
Karen delivers.

What's Karen's personality? Are we gonna make it a little crazy lategame for lulz or are we gonna try and keep this corporate? I feel crazy feminist plus serious corporate is difficult to pull off and I think any other kind of crazy would be too easy to tell if troll

Oh, are we going 'hidden' crazy cockmongling whore right from the word go then?

the troll must never be discovered, she should be relatable, believable, well adjusted with a bit of a deviously kinky side that only peeks through when she has had a bit too much wine
we must work hard to have karen rise through the normie ranks until she is in a position of power
then and only then may we harvest the fruits of those efforts

She has a tinder and linked in which she accidentally mixes up, or connects accounts for the applications

Ha! No. See sext post. OP here btw
Karen is talking to mental health services right now.

So the long game then, I like those, what angle long game? We need to think of EVERYTHING just now, we gotta have answers prepared so anyone can be Karen without saying something contradictory unless deliberate

What’s Karen’s problem?

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Dear god /b is smart today.
Karen is talking to counsellor right now about.... ?

We need to decide, or maybe go with the I don't know approach, just the usual feeling low bullshit

Karen Lafferty
daughter of Sarah and Michael Lafferty
mother of 2 sons
the oldest Michael 26 named after his grandfather who passed away due to cancer around the time of his birth, currently working as a volkswagon salesman
and Jason 20 college student working on his sociology degree
Karen is recently divorced from her ex husband Raymond after a rather heated debate one night lead to a domestic incident which she refuses to go into detail about

she is obviously confused about the seething hatred but also attraction she has for her son
she wants to hate fuck him so bad

Fuck you guys are good
Taken screenshot for ref.
Discussing now will screenshot.


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Fuck now they want money.
Moving on.

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inb4 someone tries to distribute cp over email

>We oldfags
please leave.

as far as angle goes i think we should go down the facebook groups angle to start
normie mom groups etc. hint at domestic violence from her ex as the reason for divorce, very subtly, let them come to that conclusion themselves, let the small following of supporters grow and grow until they have placed her on a pedestal as innocent woman trying to make a life for herself and two sons and heal, let them jump at the chance to defend her against any perceived harassment, let them idolize her, then after it has run it's course let them discover the cruel reality that she was the abuser
just the first simple angle that comes to mind