London Bridge is falling down
London Bridge is falling down
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theres already a shooting vid of it on the bridge. Some fellow was wrestled off him and he got 2 what looked to be shotgun shots at pointblank.
no gore tho fml
'it could be terror related'
'2017 militants drove a car into pedestrians and stabbed multiple people.
Two quotes from some news outlets. The second one being from centre right paper the Express. 'Militants'? They're eluding to the towel headed sandy goat fucker in the room.
Killed by police made me happy though. Silver lining and all that.
He’s dead. The cops killed him but he stabbed some people
there, you can basically see all the protagonists
>London expected to be ~60% Muslim by 2025
Yeah, this shit is only going to get worse with time. The current record number of knife attacks & weekly reports of child rape gang arrests is gonna seem tame by comparison.
Bang bang Sooty you're dead
and here is his head before he gets pew pew'd. Cant get better footage
Exactly. Millions of Muslim migrants, terrorism, violent crime & rape gangs become common place. No one's surprised.
we allow millions of people who hate us to live among us, and they harbour those who want to kill us.
The ginger guy was restraining him, the police pull the ginger off the shitskin, then promptly shoot him in the head execution style.
None of this makes sense unless he had a bomb.
>spells harbor with a u
Of course you're being taken over
This. Open borders, failure to implement basic migrant screening policies to keep militant Islamists from being able to infiltrate predominately Muslim communities & radicalize / recruit native Muslim youths. The Torries & Labour have failed us on so many fronts.
he had what police are saying a 'hoax bomb vest' on. headshots required.
We're English not American fuckwit
>calling people fuckwit
I rest my case.
So why don't you retarded limeys pressure the UK Paliament to hurry up and implement Brexit? Stop the flood of foreigners turning London into a 3rd world, rape infested shithole?
Link to vid?
leaving the EU wont stop migration, our weak politicians have surrendered to globalist interests.
Sounds like you need a wall.
its shit. not worth watching
we've got a huge moat around us, hasn't stopped the fuckers
*We have
we've is a contraction of we have
>centre right paper the Express
The "Daily Express" is somewhere to the right of far-right.
Too late. Our major cities already have large areas populated by them, out breeding us and they ain't gonna stop any time soon.
You see a terrorist get shot in the head, how is it not worth watching?
Go to Jordan Todd fb
but you're so progressive! now you can pat yourselves on the back while your sons are beheaded and daughters raped
but, but, but muh gun control, I mean muh knife control, uh I mean muh open borders...goddamn it why don't criminals and terrorists just obey the law? won't somebody pass a law to stop this from ever happening again?
are there any other videos? i saved one, but from the thread apparently there were others.
send here pls
Fuck me, there's a thread in /gif/. Vids with audio from other boards or something like that
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Point blank 12 bore blasts??
Fooking nice m8
Anyone got the vids?