Breaking News - London Knife Attack
Breaking News - London Knife Attack
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What game is that
But with civilian gun ownership banned, I thought this stuff just wasn't supposed to happen?
Any word on the ethnicity of the attacker? News is showing fuck all, and I wanna know if it was a sand nigger.
Ban high capacity assault knives NOW!
What's a stabbing got to do with gun ownership?
I'm quite glad the camel shaggers can't easily get hold of guns
if he was white they would've said by now
If course it was a sand nigger .. 80% of eurotrash is now sand niggers becuase of thier fucked up gov
Looks like the ballistic knife from Call of Duty: Black Ops
Stabby Stabby McGillicatty
He was a Muslim, of course. Religion of peace strikes again!
Didnt it say they treated it as a terror attack? So guessing muslim
Kek, love you yanks man, gotta love it. Imagine our country was saturated with firearms, damage someone with a gun could do in a crowded area is drastically greater than a knife.
you are so stupid it can be seen behind the Sun
I'm surprised the headline isn't "White people in London force peaceful muslim into stabbing incident" arab mayor says
and still, as large as we are and with as many violent criminals/gangs as we have, people are pretty responsible.. its almost as if the government shouldnt have the right to treat citizens like children and strip their rights to defend their lives away - but boot licking queen worshippers wouldn't know anything about standing up for their freedom
Why didn't they toss him over the edge like captain price did in call of duty?
Better a gun than a bomb
That's not news, that just normal there.
you can't do either because you're getting grouped with a group of violent immigrant shitskins. whatever they do is also placed on your the restriction of your rights. Enjoy Londanistan cuck lords
I spent literally a year looking for this video after coming across it on motherless. for the love of god how do I save webms????
Interesting but the 'Spooks' plane was up just before the attack, it landed at RAF Northolt @ 13:00.. Using the call sign FALC67 / FALCON67. a call sign known to be used by 'GAMA Aviation' which owns Ex RAF aircraft and provides surveillance for the UK government.... These aircraft do not appear on tracking sites like Radar24/ ADS-B
niggers and dune coons are breeding like rabbits then putting the responsibility on somebody else. I'd gun them down in hoards at the border
>whatever they do is also placed on your the restriction of your rights
English, motherfucker. Do you speak it?
God bless you.
islam simulator, london edition
How many accidental firearms deaths were there today in the US?
civilian gun ownership isnt banned
>Muh freedoms
you right click and choose to save it. and if you are on a phone , than thats your problem
Also this, its just actually strict in the UK
is that all you've got? a grammatical error? kek keep grasping at straws because you know I'm right
>how do I save webms
Did you even try?
>fake news from anti-gun activists
There's a button on the bottom corner that says "download" you flaming retard.
Of course it's Islam again.
Anyone have the video of police shooting him. I heard the guy had been disarmed and was no danger at that point but the police shot him point blank.
But they banned knives and weapons! What the hell is going on?
Fuck terrorists. They should be put down like rabid animals more often. No regrets.
It was a guy with a sausage vest and a knife. Hardly a fucking terrorist you idiot. The guy was clearly mentally ill.
He had a bomb vest on apparently, so they pulled off some member of the public who beat the shit out of him and then gave him some speed holes.
This is what happens when white patriarchal racism takes hold, he only had a knife and they shot him WITH A GUN
Fuck off... mate
Stab random people on the street, get shot. What's the problem here? Sounds like you're the problem. Mentally I'll people need to be blown away with a shotgun sometimes. You can't reason with a crazy person.
it serves as a warning to other wild kebabs
It wasn't a bomb vest. It just looked that way. There were no explosives. IE sausage vest. He then got shit after he was detained. Something not quite right here but when people hear the word terrorist all of a sudden their humanity and logical reasoning dissapear. He didn't need shot there.
Last I heard it was 2 dead. If he had a gun it would 10-15 dead easy. Stop being a fag
I don't know man, its nice to see the police finally starting to attempt to make up for Rotheram.
Imo mentally ill people think it's ok to kill people when the risk of them causing harm is gone. Thus you are mentally ill and thus by your logic, perhaps you deserve a shotgun.
His knife, gone. His vest, not a bomb but a vest. Man 9n ground after getting smashed by a group of people literally not moving. But gets shot.
Here you go.
Mentally ill =/= religious
Just wait. You might change your mind one day. Also.
I'd shoot him again after he was dead on the ground just to make a point. Play nice or get put on ice.
He had a fake suicide vest on.
I can smell ya
when you believe sincerely in something unproven, without questioning it that's a form of mental illness. an optional but no less damaging pathology.
>because science is real
People who say science isn't real don't know what science is.
This lesbian was shot and killed by her girlfriend in my hometown. Thoughts?
I'd say blind faith in science, and an unquestioning belief in science is equally delusional
Thank me later coomers
You do realize religions question themselves quite often, don't you?... Its part of it. Its in the bible Believe it or not.
>pun intented
He got up after they let him go. Did you even see the footage? Can't wait until a retard grabs your neck after he stabs you and your punches don't register in his fucked up brain.
people who think all religious are mentally ill don't know what religion is
So do schizophrenics. What's your point?
Actually they don't. That's why their psychotic breaks can be so dangerous.
You know too little to be discussing these topics.
I'm aware of that, and think about how delusional that is. to question an illusory belief and to maintain faith in that belief. thinking in circles essentially, and that's a schizo-typical behaviour.
No one thinks religions are mentally ill. The people who follow then on the other hand.....
>illusory belief
You just played yourself. You have an idea of what faith or religion is, but I doubt you've ever tried to really understand it and probably think of God as "the magic man in the sky clouds".
There wont be any changing your mind as it is too closed. Good luck.
Pure, gargantuan smellfest.
She has a YouTube channel. She was/is a gogo dancer in Alaska. Lots of videos of her practicing in her kitchen. Jynxx907.
wrong, I was brought up as a christian, and it was through reading the bible and studying other religions that I realised how insane the whole thing is. I don't dismiss spirituality, and have come to realise no one path can contain all truth.
Actually some do. As they're completing tasks and such they'll talk to themselves and say things like. 'so how do I do this' and respond in a wee sec witb things like 'ahh, so I do this and this and this.'
are you sure you know enough to be telling people what they do and don't know. IE I know enough to know that scitzophrenjcs have discussions with themselves but I don't know enough to say for certain that you're a fucking idiot on the internet who doesn't know shit. Im also guessing you're an amerifag.
>you're a fucking idiot on the internet who doesn't know shit
aw shit
>shoot someone in the head when you have them apprehended
Guess you don't want to know who sent them so you can make up your own story huh?
Ive watched a lot of Terry like you so I'm pretty sure I'm qualified to voice my opinion on these matters
Hey, that's me! Lol
How do you feel you're doing here? Honestly?
Amatures. I just shot up 3 schools reading about that weaksauce attack
he had a bomb vest on him. turned out to be a fake one, but I really doubt anyone would've taken the chance
He had like 5 people on top of him and didn't blow up, think I could conclude shit was safe
My ass is explosive tehe
even if a guy had a vest full of salamis, instead of dynamite sticks, would you really feel safe at first glance?
New fast growing Sup Forums server, quickly join before the jannies cuck us.
Sounding like Jeremy C aka poor bad guy forget the rest wanker
Yes, yes I would feel safe. Do you know why? Because salami is a highly seasoned sausage.