No ylyl? Can we do one with absolutely zero porn images? Let's try

No ylyl? Can we do one with absolutely zero porn images? Let's try.

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Attached: WhatAreYourSKills.jpg (458x643, 41K)

I bet her hair fucking stinks.

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kek and saved for later use

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That’s Shane Diesel’s dick.

Gayest thing I've seen today.

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I mean.. Easily armorable due to the simplistic geometrical design. Blows up in flames after it crashes. It is surely better than the Toyotas that they've been using.

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You looked, too.

Lol that’s great

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this is sad

I don't get it

dental + vision + prescription is a lot cheaper than healthcare. getting your teeth cleaned, seeing the eye doctor, and buying 3 months of drugs without insurance won't even cost you $500 out of pocket.

going to the hospital for stitches is $500

Is that HTB? I think it might be, but needs more EEEEGGGGGSSSS

it called the ham "bacon"

Attached: hodge twins.gif (300x197, 1.19M)

In the UK, your bacon is not bacon

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How the fuck do I watch webms on mobile? Also, 123, H the B.

then you guys need to learn english

And you need to learn basic culinary terms

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Lost. May the classics never die.

Wrong. That's Thanos.

good 1

Your american is showing. That's peameal/back bacon. "Canadian bacon".

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>he says as he pronounces the H in Herb but not in House

Fyi everyone, this guy is what failure looks like.

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