I doubt anyone will give a shit, but here's a story from my life

I doubt anyone will give a shit, but here's a story from my life
>Be me
>14-16 (the entirety of this story takes place over 2 years)
>Total fucking betafag
>Also actual fag
>at school one day, still massively in the closet
>hear an announcement that there's going to be a new club forming
>club is called the GSA or gay straight alliance
>Literally a club for faggots, and I don't mean gays in general, ACTUAL faggots
>Figure I'll join it just to see what it's like
>High school has about 2,000 students
>Club has 10 members, give or take
>All of them are gay
>first day we have to vote for a president, VP, treasurer and shit like that
>Throw my hat in because fuck it, there's some cute guys I could end up boning (I'll get to that later)
>End up being elected treasurer
>mfw the guy who has the shittiest math grade gets elected treasurer
>a week goes by before the next meeting
>President ends up being someone that I can definitely take the looks of, but he's a total douchebag/flamer

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I'm fucking ready for a quality bedtime story OP, don't disappoint.

Attached: DontKnowWhyISavedThis.gif (200x200, 788K)

Shit, was 4 off from quads
>Flamer comes up to me mid day
> "user, do you have any ideas for raising funds?"
>The only thing I know we could do is a bake sale
>"Bake sale?"
>I had to do this, and you'll see why later
>"Pretty lame idea, but I guess we could have it at the next dance."
>He goes to the principal to get it approved
>I bake a few trays of brownies
>Some of those brownies weren't your average brownies though
>One tray in particular was baked at a friends house because his parents were never home
>I tell him the idea, for the sake of clarity, we'll call him Jack
>"Jack, all we have to do to absolutely ruin the funding for these fags is lace a single tray with Miralax. And even if it doesn't ruin them, it'll still be fucking funny."
>His mom has a stash of the shit in powder form
> Mix laxative into the flour, the whole bottle.

>About 4 days later, the dance starts at about 6PM
>I bring 3 trays in because it's an all grade dance
>Taking great care to place the laxitive brownies on the top so they'll be served first
>about half of the other fags decide to bring cookies and pre baked shit from stores
>President likes the fact that I know how to save money
>I realize that nobody wouldn't realize that I was the only person that baked their shit themselves.
>Another student shows up with homemade banana bread. 2 loaves, pre sliced.
>When I realize I'm not fucked, I calm down
>Show no negative emotion
>The other 4 bring in other homemade shit
>One with cookies
>One with blondies
>Another with banana bread
>And the last one didn't bring shit because he was a lazy shit
>Still, even if they did suspect one of us, there'd still be a decent enough amount of homemade shit to cover me in part.
>My tray of special brownies is the first to go
>Effects don't happen at the dance.
>but they do happen during school.

you type slow as fuck, learn to type faster

>It's mid class when one of the fuckers that bought my brownies grips his stomach and asks to use the restroom
>Hall pass was already given out
>"Sorry X, you'll have to wait for Y to get back"
>X proceeds to wait for about 20 minutes
>hear a rumbling from him before I realize why it is
>X shits himself in class
>From what I'm told, it happened to 7 other people
>Jack had it happen to one student in his class
>School is suspicious about why it happened
>No idea it was the bake sale

make me
>School is pretty mellow for about a month
>Club meets a few times
>turns out my idea was a huge success
>Also turns out someone was stealing my brownies
>They got what they deserved though
>Shit themselves in their parent's car
>President takes a special liking to me
>Stops acting like a douchebag
>Asks me to the most cliche date ever
>Dinner and a movie

Trips, noice
>Getting ready for date with former douchebag
>He's fucking loaded
>go to not just a restaurant. The thing is also a movie theater
>gold digger instincts activate.exe
>Find out he only enjoys getting fucked
>Works for me
>End up letting him pay for all my shit
>See the hangover
>funny as fuck at the time
>Leaving the restaurant when he grabs my hand
>"Hey user, my parents aren't home till 10. Wanna come chill at my place?"
>Know exactly what he's doing

>We go back to his house, like he said, no parents
>He's a couple years older than me
>Turns around and grabs my cock
>Not surprised, I slap his ass and grab it
>"I take it you're ready?"
>Rather than responding, he takes off his pants
>Sexy time ensues
>He goes to sleep after
>I leave him a note
>Next time let me pay
>Idea forms

>On my way home I take the long way
>Gives me time to think of how to embezzle money from the club and into my own pocket
>Then it hits me
>I decide to go to my friend, who we'lll call Jill
>she works at the fabric store
>Massive flamer hater, but likes gays that act like people instead of faggots
>Ask her to overprice some shit if I ever come in and need it
>She agrees, but is confused as to why I'd want to pay more
>Tell her I've got my reasons and leave it super vague

> A few weeks later
>Turns out we need to make more money
>Suggest a play
>Since I've got the president in my pocket and my last idea went well, they all agree
>Being that I'm the treasurer, it's my job to handle finances and pay for shit outside of the school
>We decide on "Romeo and Romeo" faggot version of Romeo and Juliet
>Volunteer to make all the outfits myself
>I can sew better than most of these faggots so it works out
>Go back to Jill and have her put more on the receipt than I actually pay
>Club pays me back every cent they thought I paid PLUS labor
>End up getting about $200
>Only had to spend about $30
>Embezzlement plan works.

>Now almost getting as much as President Flamer has in his bank account every time we put on a play
>Enough people come to each one that we make about $50 in profit so they keep putting on faggot versions of classic plays
>Each time I make roughly $170 in profit because these faggots can't do shit for themselves.
>Continue to fuck Flamer along with dates
>Now going to better places
>Flamer doesn't know I'm essentially stealing from the club he wanted to start up because profit margins are decent enough to keep it running
>School doesn't notice at all

>I keep embezzling money from the club
>Faggots still don't know I did this to this day
>Many months pass
>Eventually, due to laws regarding minors, flamer and I need to stop fucking and dating
>He graduates the year he turns 18
>Feel good for him
>Feel good fucking him as a graduation present
>Summer is obviously uneventful

>Next year starts
>With Flamer gone, we need a new president
>With how successful I was in raising funds, the club wants me to do it
>Agree to it
>Try to think of new shit I could do
>Rather than stealing money, I go to trying to kill the club
>Now has more members, about 30/2000
>Some are actually straight, but liberal faggots
>Gives me an idea
>Any time any of the straights say anything, I act super offended
>After about a month of telling the straights to shut up they stop coming
>Membership now at 25
>Now to work on other fags

bumping this gay shit op is too slow

yh u fuk tipe fastr!

>Next targets are the bisexuals
>Call the women cock lovers
>Call the men pussy lovers
>all done outside of club hours
>Eventually they hate me enough to stop coming and so do some of their friends
>Still making money for the club, but now it just sits there
>Plays stop after I break my hand in a fight
>With the bi people gone and the club's leader getting into fights, club membership drops to 5 including me
>Act sad about it
>With 4 staff members including myself, the school debates on shutting it down
>Flamer is off at college for dentistry or some shit
>He doesnt hear shit anymore
>School ends up coming to one of our meetings to let us know they're thinking of shutting the club down due to lack of members
>The people who left blame me
>The people that are still members blame homophobia
>I just sit back and watch it.
>With enough bitching from parents and students, they keep the club open until next year, and if there aren't more members by then, it'll be shut down permanently.

>I make sure that my friends in younger grades start a rumor about how the GSA is hating on bisexuals and straights.
>Spreads to the middle school
>Next year comes along.
>0 new members
>club shuts down with a permaban due to parental concern about the hate coming out of it.
>Since the secretary was so shit at taking notes, there's no blame going my way
>In my head, I celebrate the destruction of the GSA
>To my knowledge, the school actually kept the GSA banned as a club.
>flamer is somewhere, fuck if I know where, but I got a few decent dinners and about $20 off of him
>His parents still love me
>I got a $4000 present when my dad died to try to make me feel better

>I'm now 23, still gay as fuck with no fucks given
>Made an investment into XRP when it started up
>Used that $4000 to do so, now my XRP wallet is at $15000, in 5 years, it'll end up being a $6 million profit so long as I keep playing it right.

BTW, that was the end. Later faggots

Up to your standards?

thanks for talking about how you exploited your way to the top OP, made for a good read

Not enough gay sex but I'll let this one slide

Figured nobody would want to read about me fucking a dude in the ass in detail. Maybe some other time though
honestly the best time I had in high school

>Figured nobody would want to read about me fucking a dude in the ass in detail.
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Come on now...