Tfw smoking 13 packs a day

>tfw smoking 13 packs a day

any of you guys manuged to quit?

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nope still at 30 packs a day
5 packs up from last year
hoping to hit 50 packs a day by 50

Double digit casuals

13 packs x 20 cigs = 260 cigs
260cigs/20 hours awake = 13 cigs an hour
How the fuck do you accomplish such a task?

you smoke 20 cigarettes an hour?

Lmao people quit a pack a day. Idk how the fuck you expect to quit. You intake an absurd amount ofnicotine.

He doesn't. He would die. And if he didn't die immediately, he'd be dead well before 40.

Go back to your DARE convention homo

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I smoked for 5 years and quit by switching to vape, then later switched to juices that had no nicotine and finally got too lazy to order more so I just stopped.

become a whale for a mobile game or mmo instead, you'll feel like a god in that small community but won't have as many ill effects on your health

But were you able to stop being gay after the vaping stopped?

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Dude, I had my first cigarette when I was 13. I smoked for several years. I STILL smoke when I drink. So, I think it is safe to say I may have a smoke this Christmas when I buy myself a drink. When I buy beer or a bottle, I often buy a pack with it. You baity faggot.

>pic related
K DARE faggot. Nice larp

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Oldest geeze on this board at the moment. Started smoking at age 12 filching cigs from our German war-bride babysitter, who thought it was cute. By age 20 was 1-2 pack a day guy. That continued for40 more years. One day was walking down to the corner store and the body just said, "Nope." It turned around, walked back to the house. Haven't had one since. Am now 70. I know you ultra-woke young'n's will most likely disbelieve this tale, but it's true.

Lol ok larper

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On day 5 of cold turkey. Day 1 was the worst

From a pack a day to 1 joint at night every other night.

I have seen this post before and believe it is fictitious.

Oh really? What made you come to that conclusion?

No but I'm down from 2 cartons to about a carton and a half.

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