Why do liberals hate America?

Why do liberals hate America?

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Why do you post this everyday?

Self-loathing bleeds out into everything and contaminates everything.

Throw them into the middle of Honduras, see them beg to live here.

Because it’s bad and people think that’s how it should be. You really want to have to enter bankruptcy if you go to the hospital?

I don't you dumb faggot

They would die within the week

I love how people like you continue to stay this but there isn't a single case of that anywhere

Jewish brainwashing

40% of Americans are one paycheck from poverty

No kike, you said they go bankrupt if they get sick. Now show me when the fuck this has happened, you fucking gay bitch.

If you’re one paycheck away from poverty, you definitely can’t afford emergency medical fees.

because of all the conservatards

I’m not worried about you, I take it you’ll be turning 18 in 2031.

So you got that evidence or are you going to continuine talking out your asshole?

And I'm not worried about you because odds are high you're a fucking spic, given this barely English sentence you somehow managed to put together


Whatever you fucking gay bitch nigger gayfer kike fag, my mom doesn’t know I say bad words on the Internet

That's not evidence, fag. So do you have it or are you going to continue wasting time?

OP definitely has some kind of mental illness, this is up every single day.

What is up everyday, you idiot?

We don't. A lot of them are idiots, but those are mostly the SJWs, who will eventually grow out of their rebelliousness.
Then you have the idealists who want America to live up to its ideals such as equality and justice for all.
The again, you have the really dangerous ones, like myself, who are waiting for a class war to break out so we can do what we wanted to do back in the 1960s--burn down the banks, kill the lawyers, and start over. Now, that will be fun, OP.
Which side you gonna be on?

I've been on Sup Forums daily for 12 years, so your obvious shitposting have no effect on me.

Please just get your life together, there is more to life than just posting on the internet, I'm sure you laugh at us for being idiots that respond to you, but buddy, you're the idiot, truly.

america is a shit show that never ends

Good point, and checked. But, Trips of Truth, you have to admit that we are all Sup Forumsozos on this Sup Forumsus.

Why do conservatives hate Americans?

Lol nice trips and idk why but your post made me laugh hard. The guy really is an idiot

>frankfurt school.

Everyone in the world hate the US. It make sense that even its citizens hate it

>They would die within the week
Maybe but they would probably be kidnapped and sold into the sex trade if they're halfway decent

The winning side, which is not yours

Shut up you fucking faggot

from what I can tell I think they're just delusional about reality. Look at any thread on Sup Forums about a polarizing issue like gun control. One side posts facts and arguments and one posts autistic screeching with some emotions mixed in. Same with socialism, its proven every time its been tried it fails miserably, yet instead of accepting that capitalism is an imperfect but better system they want to bernout america into venezuela and try it again. truly mind boggling how stupid people can be.

hey at least on the bright side if anyone other than biden runs we'll get 4 more years of trump.

Because they love niggers

The real question right here.

they refuse to put in effort so they think success should be punished so we all suffer equally.

I think the honest answer is they hate freedom and think they know better than everyone else. Facts logic or evidence be damned.

They hate the government and conservatives. You aren't america.
Real question though. Why are are trumpets always secret cucks?

>the left is delusional
>proceeds to spout baseless talking points that he heard on fox news

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imagine actually typing this out and then hitting post.

Being an emotionally dysregulated gender dysphoric autistically screeching self-loathing libtard bending the knee (and over) for his mentally ill lqbtqp overlords is no way to go through life.

Imagine caring about the wellbeing of people who don't affect you at all.

I agree with their analysis

Conservatives act on data liberals act on emotion. Pick any subject, guns, education, climate change, the rights view generally reflects what the data tells us.

>schizophrenic screeching
How will i ever recover?

>but muh feelz

>provides no evidence anything he said was false

>waaaaaah I hate facts! they racist!


whatcha got?

Settle down, Jew. Americans are on to your game. Quit trying to split our country apart with your rhetoric.

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So, conservative feelings = facts?
And, scientific data = emotion?
Got it.

How many of them are here illegally? Or lazy nigs?

Last I checked the jews you're bitching about were on your team, the democrat party. Nice try though.

Why are IDF cyber Jews keep posting these?
OP should know

What are you fucking blabbering about retard?

Spotted the fat fag maga nigger

Countries where guns aren't readily available have lower homicide rates on average. Canada is an exception because of the low population density, but the number is rising. Pointing to cities in america/states is bullshit because freedom to travel across boarders means guns are still easily obtained. The only good argument for guns are as a means to fight tyranny. Most murders are crimes of passion which means easily accessible weapons will result in more deaths. The people planning to protect themselves and others are most often the murderers.

Our economy is moving further and further towards skilled mental labor for which you need a great deal of knowledge. The vast majority of people need someone to teach them complicated ideas aka an education. Look at any state or country with a thriving modern economy and you will see an equally thriving field of education. Obviously education needs to adapt and improve, but it is also invaluable to a modern economy.
>climate change
The fact you are bringing this up means there there is no point in me arguing it. If you still believe a handful of people payed off by the fossil fuel industry then you are willfully ignorant.
>the rights view generally reflect what the data tells us
This is the case for a few issues sure, but none of the ones you listed. Both sides make emotional arguments in addition to evidence based arguments and there are valid reasons to come to different conclusions, but being retarded is not one of them.

>facts and logic

>what is burden of proof?

>Oops, I knocked over my Anarchy symbol

Remove black and brown gun crime from the US, and the US violent crime rate is equal to most western countries even with massive gun ownership.

Looking at how other countries like to take it's people's freedoms away so flippantly, I don't really hate America all that much anymore. We're like the lesser evil a lot of the time.

Do anarchists count as liberals

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>Speaks for everyone

You can't speak for everyone unless you can read their minds. Mind-reading isn't real. Schizophrenics think they can read minds. People with schizophrenia aren't functional humans. You aren't a functional human. You need to k y s.

Straw man, comrade

the link cites another article based on a survey from the 90's as "evidence" not only was it a survey (surveys are generally avoided at all costs by most social scientists because of the several levels on which they can be skewed. Remember the 2016 election when surveys predicted a landslide for trump?), it used a small sample size (yes 4,000 is a small sample size when extrapolating results although it's not meaningless). I'm not going to waste time reviewing how they corrected for all fuckery that comes with a survey, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say they didn't since the original paper had to undergo a revision because of technical errors. To address the argument that X number of people were protected by guns I am going to call bullshit. Drawing a weapon is a form of escalation that often results in avoidable deaths. Stats about how often they are used is not the same as stats showing that the uses were beneficial.
Here's my argument. See if you can spot the flawvox.com/2015/10/1/18000520/gun-risk-death (there is a meaningful skew to the data can you guess it?)

notice that faggot ran away from this

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Medical services cost MONEY user. You know, those paper bits and coins?
Well, when people don't have a lot of money, and get sick, then they have to use ALL they have, or NOT go to the doctor.
Is that clear?
How the fuck do you now understand this.
Literally basic fucking math.

They don't, they hate you.
You are not America.
You're welcome, feel free to stop making this thread.