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>Browsing Sup Forums
>See Posts about acne
>accutane seems fit for me
>Take accutane
>had somewhat clear skin, nothing much on chest
>take accutane
>cysts come to front

So Sup Forums if you wanna take accutane and look like me (if you have cystic acne) be my fucking guest.

PSA: Don't take fucking accutane.

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Flipped it my bad

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get to a fucking hospital dude wtf...


Mexican Andy, is that you?

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wanna get sum accutane or sum shit?

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Why are you not already in front of a doctor?

I've been hospitalized multiple times. Nothing they can do. It has to heal on its own.

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OP Here, tbh just tell everyone you know not to take accutane. Fuck.

They can't do anything? That's fucked up.

Put sudocrem on it

I’ve been to dermo, a pretty high quality hospital in the US, and infectious disease doctor.

No one has did shit. When the doctor saw me he sent me straight to the hospital. Nothing they could do except clean the wounds out and have them rescab again.

how's your face? clear of the plague?

fuck, Its real ? Jesus man

Just red spots. Will post pic if you want. Only one spot is scabbed and it’s not in a noticeable spot.

Looks like a volcano jizzed on your tits fatboy

I'd be more worried about the hole you probably melted in your liver taking that shit.

shit, be grateful for that. go see a dermatologist dude. there has to be something that can done about it

This looks like a job for Dr. Pimple Popper MD.

Shit looks infected...

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He’s not fat. He’s festively plump

Alright guys, cut the shit, the real doctor is here

Jesus i want to scratch that shit so bad

you sure its not leprosy?

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After the infections have lessened ask the doctor about isotretinoin, it cures acne like no tomorrow.

Gotta take daily pills for 8 to 12 months, and regular blood checkups every 3 months to see if the liver is ok.

After a few weeks you'll see a drop in acne and in a few months you'll be clean.

This is what it looked like before

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Don’t listen to this guy unless you want to fuck up your kidneys. What you need to do is go to the ER and have them give you fluvoxamine. It’ll stimulate the melanicin in your pores and stimulate the fentanylcin in your glands to keep your skin clear.

Oh fuck off, you still sleeping in a mattress on the floor?

bro u need to pour oil on that shit. take an oil bath and let it sink in


Just bathe in oil


New fast growing Sup Forums server, quickly join before the jannies cuck us.



Also eat not. eat only meat and water

Pure Mayan blood in this boi

OP HERE, This is not me. lmao. Here's me, the redness I was talking about in my face int his post
9/10 for making people reply tho

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*Pure Mayo blood

theres no fucking way this is you. the nasty cyst pics are from a brown skinned fat boy

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wtf? did you put on make up, you fucking faggot?

Doesn't accutane work for a lot of people though?

>"theres no fucking way this is you"

sorry bud am white and dont carry much weight in the face

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>took advice from Sup Forums
i think i found where you fucked up

bro you need to go get an exorcism or something you are cursed

>dont carry much weight in the face
I would say you got lucky with your genes minus you know, the massive fucking holes in your chest

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i think you're just upset he was right

as far as the holes man feelsbadman


ask for a broad spectrum antibiotics cure.

just got done with a cycle of septra

You're a good looking guy, must suck massive donkey dick to have that shit just under your neck.

Damn nigga shit looks ashy af just rub some lotion on those man boobs then go out with a bang and shoot up the hospital. I am sure some of the patients want to die anyway


>Trips fag

ty but u get used to it, it cleared up half way in 6 months so hopefully in a year it will be gone

Clean your fucking mirror

was at a store

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Poor you... courage, strength and honor dude !

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Let that sink in, won't you?

please tell me you're gay


what on earth

nah 100% straight
nah im older plus its just cystic acne

How do i know? Because i only have the wounds where ive had cystic acne at

just use soap and wash your sheets, its not difficult

Does look quite a bit like impetigo. In any case that's either already infected or well on its way there so you should get it checked

yep had plenty of infections, just got done on a cycle of septra

look into TB500