I fucking hate reddit. their 5-year old brainlet community have ruined everything i like...

i fucking hate reddit. their 5-year old brainlet community have ruined everything i like. i can't enjoy an ironic post without seeing "bro that's not wholesome 100 pupper doggo" like fuck off i just want to enjoy something for once without you shitlords pissing on it

and don't get me started on their humor
"hehe funny marvel relatable reaction image wholesome keanu reeves"
their humor has plagued the internet, and it's a fucking homocide.

Attached: KUZlGyLX_400x400.jpg (400x400, 10K)

thats what happens when the normies get ahold of memes
they run that shit into the ground

Agreed. They need to be purged from the internet.

It's only going to get worse.

i'm a big fan of jojo but now i can barely enjoy it without it getting screamed down my ear by a bunch of retards shitting themselves

"hehe giorno piano muda muda muda stando" shut the fuck up you niggers

Still better than this sad excuse for a website. Nothing but porn.

Not OP but there are other boards. And 4chin is loading lightning fast unlike reddit. Reddit is atrocious looking at it from technical aspect.

People who hate reddit don't understand it.
There are more than just the top ten communities user.
There are categories that don't allow all the soy cuck bullshit you describe, as well as super niche subreddits for whatever kind of shit you might be into.
Anyway, to each their own, but there is no reason for you to be feeling an emotion as strong as hate for a place you don't even like visiting.

I know there’s other boards, I browse /his/ /fit/ and Sup Forums. But you could say the same thing about reddit, there’s plenty of small subreddits that aren’t awful.

>But you could say the same thing about reddit, there’s plenty of small subreddits that aren’t awful.

fair enough, i do enjoy some subreddits like r/medicalgore, but redditors still always have the same sense of humor

No they don't user.
Don't group everyone who happens to use a certain website into the same bitch ass category.
Shit is more nuanced than that user, same goes for here.
I get the parts you don't like, and I would honestly agree.
But that's just life sometimes. Gotta sift though the shit to get the parts you like.
Don't let it get under your skin, the only person that hurts is you.

That does not change the usability of the site. I'd load a cargo ship faster than reddit itself.

i came here to shit on reddit not to hurt inside goddamn you've given me some good advice

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Are you on mobile?
If not you need to use the old format on desktop.
I forgot they changed the formal like a year ago, agree that it is total cancer.
You can redirect to old reddit layout, way faster and easier to navigate.

Hate is just never worth being felt user.
Its like holding fire and expecting others to burn.
Glad I was able to help a bit.
Take care of yourself user.

Hmmm...So he was behind that!?

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Fucking hell, is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure the next Rick and Morty?
"To be fair, you have to have a VERY high IQ to understand Jojo's Bizarre Adventure"

you too my nigga

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You. How have the mods not banned you yet for advertising the shit watches? kys

>replying to a spambot as if it was a human

There's always one

But reddit was less normie before too... They say it's because of instagrammers coming to reddit. It looks like no platform can stay good without assholes going there too eventually.

Hate normie ass reddit? Join Autistic Paradise. A discord server that treasures how fucking retarded you are.
discord gg/vqYayn

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