What happened?

what happened?

Attached: bhad-bhabie-white.jpg (680x441, 40K)

Is she 18 yet?

How can she say she's white but still speak fluent Nigger? No white person ever could, or could say:

“Ya'll will promote half these female rappers that dead ass suck ya'll only fuck with most of them cuz they pretty or you like they ‘style.’” She added, “I promise you these bitches anit on that but when it comes to me a bitch that can really rap ya'll don't wanna fuck with me cuz how I came up and bc I'm white.”

>a bitch that can really rap

Attached: 1377716939663.jpg (413x395, 32K)

Attached: viha'.jpg (851x478, 20K)

>Turns 18
>Shows tits right away
>Cum overflow
>18 years and 1 day
>Everybody loses interest

>what happened?
She have a black baby? What?

lol I've never listened to her music, so I'm assuming it's shit

If she hasn't, she will. It's only a matter of time. Then the regret will set in

Still 16. doesn't mean nudes won't happen, just that we're not allowed to see them

She got cash'd outside.

Burn the coal...

You know she does. Wishes she was black so bad, it's so sad...

she's richer than any of you losers stfu

>what happened
She dyed her hair some gawd awful pink color and everyone lost interest

pay the toll

lol triggered fan appears

>Hi I'm so insecure that I judge others and not my lonely, pathetic incel self.

She 100% is but I doubt she has anyone around her that knows how to handle money so she'll probably be broke within the next 5 years

>implying being rich makes you a good and/or worthwhile person
I bet you love Trump

Where's her nudes?


i don't think any actually exist. there's a few skimpy shirt pics, but thats about it.

Start with those?

>Money therefore don't.

This mentality was always shit.

So Japan gets to see them 2 years before us, or??

pretty easy to get. Go to her instagram. Google her name. There are many pics and vids


I've seen them, I'm just lazy and figured it'd be a better way if people wanted to bump

It's the internet, logically this doesn't exist on the physical plain with laws and you CAN view it, just don't have it on your hard drive. Smart right?

What an unpleasant looking woman. Already chubby, gonna be a fat mess. Not worth your time.

Interested in the present, not the future m8. Despite being nigger fodder, she's still decent to fap to

Chubby? Seriously?

Seeth stormfag

sounds like some fanboy incel isn’t getting replIes to his DMs? Or did she block you for stalking her?

Buh she was teh memez and has teh big bobs

>White J's, white Porsche
>White wrist, white horse
>Hi, bitch, hi, bitch
>Hi, bitch, hi, bitch
>I do not sniff it or roll it
>It do not drip when I pour it
>I do not run, I reload it
>I do not save it, I throw it
>White J's, white Porsche
>White wrist, white horse
>Hi, bitch, hi, bitch
>Hi, bitch, hi, bitch

There's a short potato quality vid that showed a glimpse of vegana

This. Literally no one would give a shit about her if she did a funny on TV and was an early bloomer.
Memes and children, Sup Forumss true weakness.

>early bloomer
>size 40 DD

Who's the skank?

>I’ll pretend this is my first day on Sup Forums and I’ve just arrived from a land that has had no access to the internet

"bhad bhabie" i can't remember what her real name is

>pretending to not know who she is to avoid being put on an FBI watchlist
Nice try


ffs - her name is Danielle Bregoli

No seriously I have no clue who this is. And I honestly don't give a fuck. I hope she dies in a very painful manner. Stupid cunts letting there pictures get posted, all of them need to die die die die die die die die die die die

Am I supposed to know her? Wtf does she do? She looks like an overgrown tween vegetable

kelly ripa's 18 year old daughter is prettier and has bigger boobs

Attached: cs.jpg (845x901, 203K)

try harder bait boy

nice segway jackass

Whats that fungal mushroom on her upper lip.
Needs to see a doctor to have it removed.

>18 year old
Yet you don’t show us her boobs

That violates the rules

Mom's little tits are sweet

I'm a fag because he didn't follow the rules (tits or TGFO) and show us her tits? Isn't that anti-fag?

Why the fuck aren't there pictures of this slut in this thread?

Attached: Cash-Me-Outside.png (726x499, 201K)

Attached: BeFunky-collage-8.jpg (1200x630, 231K)

Attached: Danielle-Bregoli-tits-Gif.gif (244x414, 1.33M)

Attached: Danielle-Bregoli-big-boobs-Gif-2.gif (406x720, 1.27M)

Attached: bhadbb.png (800x783, 361K)

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 46K)

There you go Niggs. Up to you to do the rest

>I bet you loveTrump

Why politics?

40? She's not obese, user

Danielle Bregoli

thanks for your 200kb images. I’ll stick with her insta feed and YouTube channel though

Trump 2020 nigger

Tried to post more gifs but 2MB limit

Exactly. So why bother even having a tread on some celeb that’s plastered everywhere else in the internet in HD

Because someone asked why there was no pics of her in the thread (I didn't post the OP) and others claimed not to know who she was or why she's famous. She might be famous for her "rap" but we all know it's b/c she's young & has giant tits. Sup Forums's preference.

Kids say the cutest things.

Attached: 1574958073194m.jpg (1024x1009, 97K)

This site is 18+, little buddy.

Attached: 1574458691116.webm (480x360, 1.71M)

I lol'd

Im fairly certain I seen what looked like a very tasteful modelling shoot with her topless.

She's 16. So no you didn't.

so? you can do modeling at 16 lol

>you can do modeling at 16 lol
But not topless. Not legally at any rate.

yes you can lmao. as long as they're doing a sexual act then theyr're fine

maybe on the incel photoshop platform deepfags you saw it

Not doing*

It still never happened

Watch a fashion show. I assure you you'll see many 'underage' tits that you weren't expecting.

It's either sheer OR they will cut it

And yet you see their nips

Yeah, but just barely, not like a full on topless shoot bruh

bump for proof

the post that started this said topless you larp fag

New fast growing Sup Forums server, quickly join before the jannies cuck us.



Attached: 76c2da897f70a8ec73925fad4a20ff5dc684399989e1dbc3d119d07bfe669d02.jpg (773x718, 98K)

Yeah, because this is the same as a topless photoshoot.

Gtfo you dipshit

The user said sheer. This is sheer you brainlet

No, they said you'd see nips, I was the one who said it would only be sheer or they'd cut it out. (if televised) Moron. In any case, that's barely seeing anything & is also not a fashion show you idiot

read retard

I bring you fools a pic of billy eilish and danielle in a sheer top and you dismiss it. You fags dont deserve anything

the user said topless

Swear to God she's been 16 since like 2015. Bitch has to be fuckin legal now.

Wow you guys are really triggered by this. What I have presented is kind of a proof of concept idea that Therr is nothing inherintly illegal in most countries about there being non sexualised boobs of a 16 year old.

Oh shut the fuck up. You can barely see nip in Billie's pic, and you can't even see her face. :(