Apparently the religion of "peace" is busy today, stabbing people in multiple countries in Europe...

Apparently the religion of "peace" is busy today, stabbing people in multiple countries in Europe. But god forbid you say anything negative about the protected class without some faggot liberal getting upset about it. So what is the solution to this issue? Clearly muslims don't belong in Euorpe or America and they are terrible people in general. But liberals are mentally ill and don't understand this.

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Do facts upset you, Muhummed?

meanwhile white people are committing mass shootings daily in america so if we are going to bounce all mussies out of entire continents for a few stabbings can white people get the fuck out of america please?

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>bu hu muh libruls
get a new schtick

Absolutely BTFO

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First off whites aren't committing mass shootings daily. And in fact it's your nigger friends that do that far more often compared to whites, facts that CNN and Fagbook refuse to report. But yes muslims absolutely should be booted the fuck out of Europe. They don't provide anything of value to the table and make life far worse for everyone with their low IQ behavior.

oh sorry white people are only committing mass shootings weekly now. every time i turn on the TV or internet i see yet another white incel shooting up a walmart or school. fuck off cleetus

>but brown people are the problem

Are you saying you're okay with shootings and stabbings as long as it's not a white person doing it? You must be a nigger yourself.

Yawn, fake news. Try again jamaal.

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>data taken by the united states DoJ
>fake new

wew lad

Where is this from?

>complains about whites
>ignores all the shootings done by niggers in inner cities and the cartel violence in border states.
You just proved ops point

imagine being so stupid you can understand how a single instance of a stabbing isnt the same as massing shootings that happen regularly committed by white people and a rate exponentially higher than every other race COMBINED

Idk original sauce. Pulled it from Sup Forums

nice goal post move, not what i said and not the point OP is trying to argue

Single instance my fucking ass your muslim heroes do this bullshit every fucking week. But your pussy ass wants to bitch about mass shooting when your nigger friends are the one doing the majority of them. Get the fuck out of my fucking face with this bullshit.


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Not a goal post move directly related. You cant talk about minorities high crime rates with out being called racist or liberals deflecting with white mass shootings.
Every race is violent. Stop ignoring the minorities

>its not a single instance REEEE
>no i wont post sources or any data backing up my claim because Sup Forums told me its true

lmaoing at your life cleetus


Actually he proved it perfectly. But I understand, you're a nigger lover so you refuse to see reality.

It's related. It's still ignoring the violence from minorities

>mad about some mudslime stabbing people
>dosent say anything about the fag who killed a bunch of mudslimes in church
Pick one faggot


Lol you proved his point again

ya'know. in all fields.

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Sorry i cant see eye to eye with racist fucks

bak to Sup Forums u go

Go back to your tranny porn homo

Proved it again.
That's wild

Yes we get it fag, violence and killing is all good as long as the person doing it isn't white. While we're at it lets stop applying the laws for your nigger friends since they refuse to stop breaking it.

>back to pol
Why dont you go back to africa

i finally figured it out.
Sup Forums literally killed Sup Forums


So you're a nigger lover who has aids?

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Good comeback. Quality argument as well.

t. another nigger lover

Bored? why not check this extremely hot active server, for the best lewds of feemales and traps!

discord gg/GRPy5CJ

>this user loves muslims

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>I hate muslims
>love spidey
Fuck I'm conflicted

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He's a faggot

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Fuck b is full of shitskins. Stop coping subhumans. Whites will always be superior. Fucking tiresome that the world is turning into a cockroach planet and you filth loving subhumans are too short-sighted to realize you need whites for stability otherwise you would go back to your shitholes. We made the west you subhumans will inevitably destroy it.

You mean shill. Theres been a lot lately. They know all of Sup Forums is a actually a quality place to get information from points of view normally censored.
They dont like that

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Wheres that meme about how we gave Libya it's own constitution and it was full of resources but they still fucked it up

ITT: post about Muhammadans going on a rampage
Anons argue about whitey shootin up a joint.
Never change Sup Forums, never change

Shill deflection was effective

Don't you dare try to do anything about it you fucking fascist

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This is what liberals do. As soon as anyone says anything about their slaves they deflect and say but muh white people. Just like how the democrats love to say that niggers and whites smoke weed at the same rate yet there isn't a shred of evidence of that anywhere. And they also leave out that niggers get arrested because they're smoking weed in public or committing other crimes while having weed on them.

What kind of name is that? Why not miss aryan

>>but brown people are the problem
That's because if it is a mass shooting involving gang members it's classed as gang related and not a mass shooting. Get rekt

>get rekt
It skews the data for liberal agendas and you just ate it up

My point just went right over your head sweety

and it goes unreported

No, niggers are shooting people daily but if the news reported that the news would just be nigger antics 24/7 and we cant have that cause they good boys and din du nuffin you leave tyrone alone.

Also pic related :)

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No you were defending the skew. Brown people are unironically the problem

>but diversity is strength.
We need to segregate all races holy shit

>dosent say anything about the fag who killed a bunch of mudslimes in church
Mudslimes don't go to church

But they do go to hell

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If you weren’t statistically illiterate, you would have realized that your source actually shows that the number of white people committing mass-shootings correlates fairly precisely to the percentage of Americans who are white. You would see that non-whites are actually overrepresented. You’re seriously dumb as fuck lol


I think he was trying to say brown people are the problem, hes just shit at communicating his thoughts.

Hows your freshman year going?

Are you upset you got pwned? You seem upset

I'm not the statistics poster dude. You're just underage. It's cool since youre chill though

His freshman year would've been in 2003 when "pwned" was relevant.



It's making a comeback. My sons a sophomore and he has started saying it when I beat my wife.
Weird how trends pop back up randomly

Is your "wife" a fucking man who wears a wig and fucks you in the ass? I'm gonna guess that's what you meant here

Not everyone shares your lived experience, user.

how's 9th grade going

It’s true that muslims are retarded garbage. It’s also true that amerifat christians are no better. How many countries have you invaded or bombed in the last 50 years? You are scum too.

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Not enough.

>a muslim stabs one person in europe
>white people shoot up schools and public places killing exponentially more people regularly in america
>just a bad egg guys :^)

t. godtard scum

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>white people

One is part of a barbaric religion, the other is a skin color.

The little fishy is upset. Go hit your JUUL

Not even close.

False. The white person gets arrested with criminal charges, the shitskin gets let off because muh diversoty

Those same countries you're crying about would be literal wastelands without America. And you monkey ass Europeans would be fighting each other right now over bullshit like which Queen's cunt you have to lick dry after being fucked in the ass, you subhuman pussy. Now how about you shut the fuck up about shit you don't know?

No everytime a white person shoots up a school we have to hear all this fucking bullshit about taking guns away and how evil whites are, but these same dumb niggers ignore how their own kin shoots up "da block" every fucking day of the week.

>white people
>arrested, taken to get lunch, hugged by judge after not getting the death penalty
>brown people
>shot and killed
>these are the same in the mind of Sup Forums

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>he said while defending white mass shooters

Wow user, the cognitive dissidence you have is simply astounding.

>95 replies
... back to the subject

>saying whites dont serve time
>saying minorities shot by cops because brown not because they do ignorant shit in tense situations
I'll give you the pol statement though

He never defended them retard. Hes saying white shootings get news coverage while Detroit is almost a warzone