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I follow her on twitter. What an unreal ass
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What's the handle? Lot of results when trying to search by what's displayed in the video. And I agree!
my sister
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quit posting average white girls.
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Quit posting subhumans, you fucking wog lover.
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taryns fat ass
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Wifes ass. Which to me is perfect
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lets save this thread
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Dont have it right now cause lost my password. Post yours and ill mssg you
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But the asses are good though, he's not wrong there.
Also had some resize issues so thats why pics look weird
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got a few her saved in my ass folder...good to finally get a name
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yep. shes got a pretty great ass. loves to have it fucked too
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Latina wife
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yah. dumping a load in her ass was a real treat
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yeah me too...dont know if theres more, just randomly saved asses from Sup Forums over the years
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She lost her Tattoo in the second pic?
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anyone have that pic of the booty in the green one-piece... it's a creepshot, taken at a zoo or something? 10/10 ass from what i remember
Attached: Training.jpg (2448x3264, 1.97M)
as if fat or just plain average == perfect
it does for some, perfect in this sense is subjective
it is subjective...i like all kinds of asses..little tight ones, nice thicc ones you can pound forever..watching it jiggle
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my gf
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And yet you complained on o ly two pics out of all the pics with her:
They are all of the same girl, dumbass :))))
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me on the right
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