Why do white people eat bland foods like unseasoned potato and bologna sandwiches Sup Forums?

why do white people eat bland foods like unseasoned potato and bologna sandwiches Sup Forums?

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The colonel would like a word with you.

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Depends if you live in the south or not. If you domt live in the south, I doubt you know what food is even supposed to be.

unseasoned potatoes taste fine, nigger. oh wait you probably aren't black, you're probably some fat white neckbeard that's trolling. good day

>like unseasoned potato and bologna sandwiches
The fuck are those? Some ghetto thing?

If it ain't deep fried, it ain't food?

Spices are for the poor to disguise the flavor of rotten meat

Because black people's recipes are based off buying shit cuts of meat so they had to murder it with spices to make it edible.
Buy a really good cut of steak, cook it, and eat it with minimal seasoning. The flavor comes from the meat whenever it isnt a shit cut

>fresher ingredients because home grown
>fresh meets
>southern grandma recipes
Dont let the fried food stereotype get you user. Southern cooking is legit. Theres a reason the term southern hospitality is a thing

>get btfo'd for the last 500years
>lmao spicy food whyte boi

your generalisation is baseless and racist.

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what is going on here

Have you tried Ethiopian food?

Neither have they.

But seriously where does this black boy get off acting like all the best restaurants aren't in Italy or France?

>Italy and France
>no german fine dining
Ok spaghetti oh

no idea, but why eat ass when you can eat the cow

>claims all white people are the same
>racist to claim all of any other race are the same
>doesn't understand why whites are becoming more racist again

Those are nigger foods.

Somebody cant tale a joke

Why do many Africans barely eat food period, OP?

>unseasoned potatoes
>not white people food
Are Irish people not white?

>bologna sandwiches

Americans are not white Jamal, try again.

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ok, ratatouille.

also Ethiopian food is great, so is thai, vietnamese/cambodian, russian, egyptian, brazilian...

Plus food is for sustenance, a potato or a potato with 12 different spices added to it, is still a fucking potato.

because we have working tastebuds and kitchen competence, thus no need to cover up bad cooking and rancid ingredients with spice, like a common fieldhand

No it's probably some sorta curryd potato which honestly isn't bad


Say that to the cucumber that was in my ass

Yes they arent white? Or yes they are white? Use communication skills


The public school system has failed

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The Irish arent white.
Disgusting animals all of them.
They are the niggers of Europe.

>Southern grandma recipes
Butter. What you mean is butter.


>niggers of europe
You know they've been overrun by mudslimes right?

Boil potatoes with smashed mango and some salt. add cinnamon and taste. add REAL hash after taste and of course milk


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boil for three hours and smash potatoes

Enjoy dat new drugs you always wanted.
a smooth drug without the fear

Because I took the bait.
>the schools still suck though

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we didnt invade 90% of the world for spices. We invaded 90% of the world because we could. Also that dude is fairly white himself (hell "white" is in his goddamn username)

This. Also how they pretend 90% of what they eat (Doritos, McDonalds, cake, KFC, etc.) arent white recipes.

Not always user.
A lot of southern food involves butter and milk because it was a renewable resource since farms usually had at least one dairy cow
But it's not the staple of southern cooking.


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you dont even have to imagine being low iq

Wtf is this a ylyl thread fuck my sides are in orbit

So we can live longer, which means we can own blacks longer, which means we win. Pretty simple you ignorant slave.

>not using spices makes you live longer
Tell that to people who snort Epsom salt. Perfectly preserved forever

You dont. Everyone else does. And get your helmet back on before you bust your head

I don’t know why the UK hasn’t learned how to cook in all this time, but they sure as shit haven’t

salt is not a spice

We’ve spent a lot of time living in places that actually have seasons, primarily winter, meaning our choices in food became A LOT less and we had no choice but to get used to it. Adding to that, most spices come from tropical regions.

...That’s my speculation, anyhow

>implying GOLD is a spice

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cool story bro, southen hospitality is about the attitude not the food

Well fuck me user. I learned something new. And people say this place kills brain cells

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Sure. It wasn't for the gold and silver.

I've heard before blowing into a cows uterus is a technique used by primitive people to stimulate more milk production. I assume it's related to tricking the cows body into something related to being pregnant.

Whites can’t be stereotyped lol


herbs > spices

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>doesnt include food
What part of the south you from user? In texas, southern cooking is one of the ways we took care of guest. Making a specifically southern meal with home grown and fresh ingredients instead of a typical family dinner which could be anything.

I think you met a furry user. Milk production is from hormones released a lot deeper than the pussy. If you breath hard enough to get air through the cervix and into the places where its produced, your fucking diaphragm must be strong as fuck.
>they were probably just furrys talking about fetishes in a secret manner to see if you were interested though

Fucking niggers

White guy who knows how to cook, here.
>Unseasoned potato's are fine

You uhh.. you aren't helping refute the point.

Good counterpoint. A very good addition to the thread. Fantastic work user

Pothead detected

That's because its sarcasm you mongoloid. Get a sense of humor

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>don’t let food stereotypes get you user
>only the south knows how to make food
Okay friend

The butthurt is strong

Never said that the south is the only place that knows how to cook. I just said it was legit. Your just mad because the north has no culture since your areas are overrun by immigrants

>this whole thread

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And sex is for procreation only and music should be banned as it serves no purpose.
How does one be really alive if they would actually take a position that is "anti flavour".

During the age of exploration, spices were mostly valuable for food preservation reasons, not for strictly culinary reasons like taste.

wikipedia spice trade, it was a big deal.

Hes a robot user. They are among us

i thought it was for navigation

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You keep your food. I'll keep my regional literacy and high school dropout rates.

i mean i can only think of a single nonwhite famous cook and that's just because he's a meme but whatever

did it ever occur to you there are non-hot spices? maybe ones for flavour? Fun fact: hot sauces and spices were used to cover up poor quality and partially decayed meat.

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I genuinely want to know what it's like to be this retarded.


Already stated fun fact. Read then post user

well, I fail

Salt and pepper mummy

It's ok user. I'm sure someone still loves you because I dont

Correction: we invaded the ENTIRE planet for spices. Literally every non-european country (except Japan) has been conquered by Europe at one point in history.

Why don't you anglo trash

For spices....
And nothing else

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You animals just showed up
un announced

>t. seething butthurt faggots

Why yes, conquering countries, commiting mass genocide / rape and throwing entire populations into slavery is just a hobby of ours. Why so salty?
We're just better than you. Get over it already.

Actually change this: we conquered every single country in the world, including Japan after we nuked their gook arses back in WW2. Japan is nothing but a Western Alliance Protectorate nowadays.

Fuck the World. We Europeans are the true master race.

>everyone mean to me is white

White people come up with the gayest shit

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I didnt say I didnt like it user

what do u mean by "bland" and "unseasoned"? Whats wrong with bologna? U think foods dlavour should be killed with ill-fit spices? Do u eat sandwiches just so u have an excuse to eat mustard?



Holy shit this guy is a massive fucking moron.
Hi there, I'm not from the south, I'm from the west.
Here, we still have hospitality, and in the old west, a good sign of hospitality was to feed a weary traveler.
It was almost mandatory to feed travelers if you were being extremely hospitable, though it was up to you whether or not to.
Feeding people was a staple of hospitality, and still pretty much is.
In the south, food and friendship are one and the same.
You feed good, you'll make easy friends.
If your grandma didnt feed you good, she wasn't a good grandma.
If you can cook, your set when it comes to many things, friends especially.

Here is the truth you don't wanna hear: white people don't use that many spices because the ingredients that were always available to them were higher quality due to them being higher class than niggers. When your ingredients are straight from the trash can you need to put as many spices as possible to mask the bad ingredient.

Third world countries do the same too. India, China, Mexico, Morroco, etc. Any country that uses spices heavily in their food is third world or a developing country.

>implying it's not.
Pfft peasants.

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