Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread

Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread

You got the Qs and they got the As

As always tits not required but encouraged

Attached: download-1 (1).jpg (232x217, 5K)

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Not this trash again.

Why do all girls want to be log sluts?

Attached: 23809832-80E7-4ACF-9E0C-2516CC69F087.jpg (600x646, 53K)


Hi user!

They dont

>where does the tits or gtfo meme come from?
moot didn't believe that women lurked Sup Forums so he requested tits as proof

Stop bumping your own thread with just bump fucking noob OP. and then deleting bump

Jasiri, yay or neigh?

Attached: happy2 -o.png (974x1128, 1.14M)

No no no

Deleting bumps to add more bumps sounds like a lifetime ban to me.

Not all bumps are mine silly kid

It isnt

>implying the mods give a shit about anything that isn't illegal

lol, new here are we?

Attached: drawn -o.jpg (635x629, 64K)

They obviously are retard, I'm sure other people are coming into thread and bumping for you then deleting their comment.
mods ban people they don't like
new much?

How come some girls don't like to be eaten out?

>mods ban people they don't like
>new much?
exactly, and the mods are faggots, that's why almost no one gets banned.

Attached: a new way to go -o.jpg (1206x663, 45K)

not op, not female, because not all girls have a sensitive clitoris, or they think its dirty, or are shy, or some reason or another

I have no shame in what I do nigger. The 2 deleted are mine the 3rd isnt you fucking retard....
Acting like I'm keeping it a secret and shit lol

Exactly this
He didn't even need to be a female to know that either user lol

>The 2 deleted are mine
>Not all bumps are mine silly kid

Yea not all of them meaning the fucking 3rd you moron. Can you not read?

Just remember kids Sage goes in all fields.

>thinks sage works

Aw that's cute



inb4 3rd deleted self bump
I'm sure now that i called you out you wont though.

No, that third bump is me, won't delete it cause I never do that

Attached: Screenshot_20191129_155100.jpg (1080x1703, 218K)

LOL post a screen cap as if proof of anything,
so easily edited.

Nah I'll still delete it lol
Idgaf faggot

As I said faggot that 3rd bump wasnt mine dumbass. Ain't no one have to lie about shit.

Stop samefagging me Faggot.

Do you even know what samefagging is you fucking idiot???

Just b/c you are pretending to be 2 different people doesn't mean you are 2 different people

Why vaginal prolapse is becoming a porn trend? It's pleasurable?

This shit is gay.


Here dumbass

Being this new....

Here dumbass


What are you talking about?

God you're so fucking new

Can't even understand with the proof in front of you lol.

Also replying to you again.

Hey stalker. Long time no see

There is no proof.

It's just a wall of text

>wall of text
LOL those are called words you read them.

>4.5" (erect) penis
I doomed aren't I? Should I just give up dating and resign to being single?


i really like when your threads pop up. are you still living with your husband's family?



Its pushing it but I think you'll be ok

congratulations on the baby and your boss shouldn't be treating you like that. for what it's worth, i moved back home with my wife for a while. our sex life suffered but can't complain when you don't have to pay rent.

my girlfriend put a lubed-up hairbrush up her ass last week and says she wants to try anal
what can i expect, she's not done it before, is my dick (5" long, maybe 1" in girth) going to fit or get crushed or what

Does it actually feel super pleasurable to have your titties sucked or is it just a meme

Also what exactly should I do with the clit. Stroke it slowly/softly, rub it hard, tickle it, what?



so it seems like your boss isn't from here originally, so even if she means well, it doesn't always add up. at least you're understanding of that perspective. i also remember being frustrated at people in my space. i completely get your opinion that even if you don't WANT to do something, you should be able to.


have you ever been in a threesome? would you prefer two girls or two guys?

Time for me to go now!!!!