Here are some of the 'protesters' trying to shut down the RNC

They look pretty based to me

Other urls found in this thread:

>that faggot in the CCCP shirt
Stalin is rolling over in his grave

BASED Stephen Colbert is in Cleveland SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER

Maybe he just likes the combined community codec pack



They look gross

Any live streams?

Fuck AntiFa!

>Smash fascism
>Soviet Russia T-Shirt
>Stalin would've had these kids in a gulag for dissenting against the government
>They will never understand this

No thats called "debased"

>no man you don't understand, what they had in Russia wasn't real communism, it was authoritarianism mixed with communism.

Gavin Eugene Long

Nation of Islam Assassin

Baton Rouge Killer

>people holding a banner of people holding a banner
>maybe one or two nominally attractive people in the picture
Why does nothing shock me anymore?

>smash fascism
>they are the fascists
Goddamn nerds

>Stalin would've had these kids in a gulag
Protesters actually been shot in USSR even after Stalin

>un-ironically using the word smash

Fucking mouth breathing pagans.

>more BLM signs than black people

Why am I ~100% sure I've met that girl on the far left?

Because they all look exactly the same

Degenerates always seem to have a certain look about them, don't they?

>Abolish capitalism - black lives matter!

Are they just cramping as many buzzwords and slogans on their signs as they can think of?

That picture was taken in Helsinki, I think.

Also, I know a girl just like that, except with longer hair. She was a bartender.

Wow communism is based? Fuck man I don't know I mean personally if rather just mow down you faggot leftists with a teuck

easier than thinking for yourself

Always a bunch of commies front and center.

>trying to suppress others views and voices
The fucking irony

>cucks waving Palestine flag
>Sup Forums used to support Palestine

at least this place finally woke up to what a scam that is

Maybe full blown communism would do you faggots some good, it did wonders for eastern europe and their views on it

Look at that alpha body language

Palestinians are dindus even the nations that support them hate them they just do it because they hate having a western nation suddenly as their neighbor.

>I used to support Palestine as I posted cuck porn

Look at the 2 signs


Programme of the NSDAP, 24 February 1920

11. The abolition of incomes unearned by work.

13. We demand the nationalization of all businesses which have been formed into corporations (trusts)

14. We demand profit-sharing in large industrial enterprises.

15. We demand the extensive development of insurance for old age.

16. We demand the creation and maintenance of a healthy middle class,
the immediate communalizing of big department stores, and their lease at a cheap rate to small traders,
and that the utmost consideration shall be shown to all small traders in the placing of State and municiple orders.

17. We demand a land reform suitable to our national requirements, the passing of a law for the expropriation of land for communal purposes without compensation;
the abolition of ground rent, and the prohibition of all speculation in land.

They don't know about Fascism,

that would be the ultimate goal
Blacks only have to riot/protest the first times, sow that white guilt, then the whites will riot/protest for them and they can all go back to shooting each other and smoking crack

Man child left his mom's basement.

Can someone explain left-wing anarchists to me? I don't see how you can reconcile being leftist/progressive/whatever with wanting no government, as the two are mutually exclusive. You can't enforce your progressive egalitarian pro-gay/minority/muslim/whatever values without state power forcing people to accept diversity and all that crap. Likewise, you can't have communal ownership of property and wealth redistribution without a state to enforce it either.

I understand ancaps because that's at least logically consistent. But the stereotypical self-proclaimed anarchists (the antifa types) are so chock full of contradictions I don't even know where to begin.

On another note, I heard there's going to be a bunch of conservative anti-protesters who are going to be standing guard outside the RNC open-carrying their weapons. I want to see these retarded marxists and dindus try to pull some shit when there's a fucking militia in their way.

>Stephen Colbert

My sides

I bet that guy thinks TFA is better than the prequels

Same here, only the one on the left




>Anonymous masks

Top kek

Halloween is early this year

>Whose tell me again life mattered?

7/10. Good message, fucked up the delivery.

doesn't even look like an american protest

>Group of protesters holding a sign with a group of protesters holding a sign on it

They are plants.

That image is a parody from some comedy film, right?

got sauce on that clam?


This. Like holy shit. Literally the reason I ditched the Left however long ago. Imbeciles.

The film of life AND it never ends.

Why is every communist millennial a fucking fat neckbeard?

It's a protest against america

They haven't thought these things through
It's just contratrianism

>my show sucks ass
>let me try a desperate attempt to bump ratings

fuck you stephen

you used to be cool when you at least made an attempt at being middle of the road

Why? Not enough obese people or too many whites?

That guy the front clearly hasn't seen communism irl, he'd be 100 lbs lighter!

Communists are mentally ill. Mentally ill people generally don't take care of themselves.

It's PaCCCman

I cannot wait to see the look on their faces when they come face to face with 10,000 bikers.

>smash facism
>trying to literally shut down a political party from running

Do these protesters even think about what they write?

What would happen if 50 MAGA red guards and 100 veteran bikers charged into that pack of commies and started beating the shit out of everyone they saw?

i dont get what latuff is saying here

they are sad apartheid is dead?

They'd run away and cry for their mommies. My generation are a bunch of fucking pussies.

They would get annihilated until the cops stopped it. If the cops sat by and did nothing it would be a slaughter. I am not even a tough guy or anything and I could only spot a couple people in that crowd that could stomp my shit in and they are all savage niggers.

Lol "endless war" yet Obama has escalated wars in several countries since taking office

He woke up this morning and thought, "today is the perfect day for my death star shirt"

trump would lose the election

>muh bikers
lol drumpkins are pathetic

Dirty nigger

Goddamn look at that banner, ugly as fuck. They can't even format a decent looking banner much less bring down the RNC.

Yuri knows what's up

corn dog commie in the front, if he just held his sign a little more to his right you could shop those letters into cuck real nicely

i think in their minds they can justify the hypocrisy with "muh feels" but your right its sad that people dont even see how dumb what they are doing is

>guy with smash facism sign is standing next to guy with CCCP shirt

Are they fucking retarded

because they have no work ethic, have never been taught the value of work, and have never been exposed to the truth about communism.

>he's wearing the death star t-shirt I have

They're literally INSANE. These are the same people who think police brutality is an epidemic but want to disarm civilians.

how did you run back over the border so fast to shitpost after your picture was taken for the OP?

Why are these traitors waving flags that aren't American?

I always see Palestinian and Mexican flag at these things.

Knock kneed fatass faggot

shut up faggot

Latuff is the most anti-white shill I've ever seen.

Me too, at the workplace. She quit and went to Oregon though.

i like how hey equate racism to fascism when they literally have almost nothing ti do with one another

Question though why do leftists think they get to shut down the RNC (or at least try to) Literally fascists 'your opinion and views are different then my own, you're racist shut down argggghhhh'

Their kids got killed by apartheid.

Pyro, is that you?

traitorous nigger


I don't give a fuck about Palestine but it pisses of Israel to no end. So there's why I support it.

i wonder how much that shirt cost

the rationalization in their minds is that intolerance and censorship and oppression are terrible, but in this case it's moral to make an exception because these right-wingers are evil.

>abolish capitalism

And you lost all credibility, fatso.

(((2 posts by this ID)))


>it's the armchair economist canuck who thinks obama is the messiah

i hope you are capable of swallowing your pride and accepting that your kind have caused this mess, among many other social messes of the last half century.

h-hey it's a cool sh-shirt...