Is Trump going to be impeached or are the democrats wasting everybody's fucking time with more bullshit...

Is Trump going to be impeached or are the democrats wasting everybody's fucking time with more bullshit? Because this impeachment seems to be going fucking nowhere

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>the democrats wasting everybody's fucking time with more bullshit

>this impeachment seems to be going fucking nowhere
>implying there's any sign of the impeachment slowing down
you realize Congress was on break this week, and things are continuing next week? It won't be long before the House draws up articles to vote on

so what do we do about this?

i wonder what the person who makes these threads looks like...

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Well, democrats didn't believe they would get him out. They wanted to win the moderate folk. And failed miserablt

Nothing of any actual interest or substance has come out of these hearings. All the democrats have done is manage to waste EVERYBODY'S time and ask a bunch of dumb shit that nobody gives a fuck about.

impeachable offenses aren't interesting?


Except there haven't been any. And no, hurting your feelings with a tweet doesn't count.

And nothing will happen, and he will win another term. You guys need to get some racism shit on him stay with that popularity growing amongst blacks and Hispanics. Also, you have nobody who can beat him.

Stop voting for them.

>bribery isn't a crime
ok buddy, believe what you want

Oh you fags are going with bribery now are you? I thought it was "witness intimidation" or collusion, or are you retards just going to throw anything you can at the wall until something sticks?

"bribery" polled better so that's what they're going with now.

I sooo want m him impeached. Just so the senate acquits him hust in time for november and watch his popularity soar

>Oh you fags are going with bribery now are you?
now? you mean over the last month or 2 of an ongoing inquiry? you clearly haven't been paying attention at all to the impeachment proceedings in the slightest. the reason it was started in the first place is because of bribery, how is this news to you?

>democrats wasting everybody's fucking time with more bullshit
you said it

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>going no where
>literally moving forward every day

Are you retarded? Just because you close your eyes doesn't mean everything is gone.

Stop freaking out over it. Impeachment is a good thing Sit back and enjoy the show

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And when that starts to fall apart they'll move on to something else. Next it'll be equal even more ridiculous, like claiming Trump is secretly gay and Melenia is a tranny.

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Last three years we got him now. And the retards still jump up and believe it.

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Yes now, because you stupid faggots were bitching about witness intimidation not even a fucking month ago, over a fucking tweet. Do you people not understand how fucking stupid you look right now? You have literally handed Trump 2020 and the voting hasn't even started yet. The only people who still vote democrat at this point are niggers, spics and the mentally ill.

hating Trump and thinking he's a fucking moron must mean you're far left Liberal
everything wrong with politics in this country, there's only 2 extremes now, nothing else

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Obstruction of justice
Witness intimidation and tampering
Extortion of a foreign government for political gain
Wasting time? I guess they forgot to include getting a blowjob.

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>Yes now, because you stupid faggots were bitching about witness intimidation not even a fucking month ago
because Trump can't commit multiple crimes every other day? why is it only allowed to be one thing? the impeachment was never about witness intimidation, what fucking planet do you live on?

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He's committed so many crimes yet you stupid faggots can't provide a shred of fucking evidence of it. But then again people like you consider mean things said on twitter to be a fucking crime like cry baby faggots.

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you forgot your evidence, shareblue

>no evidence
>endless witnesses providing corroborating testimony of crimes
ignoring or believing a different reality doesn't change the truth

Then you aren't paying attention.

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Wow, the Russian shill is a busy bee today

>no evidence of crimes
“I know that members of this Committee have frequently framed these complicated issues in the form of a simple question: Was there a ‘quid pro quo?’ As I testified previously, with regard to the requested White House call and White House meeting, the answer is YES,” Sondland said IN HIS OPENING STATEMENT.

this is the guy who paid $1M to Trump's campaign get his appointed position, and is saying Trump did exactly what he's being accused of

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>this again
left 2 panels didn't happen, it's a complete misrepresentation of the truth

Republicans seemed to a have a big problem with a dude getting blown in the White House, so sure...gooning a country for money should be on the table.

Bu that's beyond you and them, hick.

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Again, where is the fucking evidence? Do you understand how the justice system in this country works, or are you a dumb spic who lives somewhere that people don't have any rights?

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Independent as fuck here. I don’t give a shit about republicans or Democrats both of you assholes suck so fucking bad.
That being said. I’m the common sense party. All we want to know is...Did the motherfucker break the law? Yes or no?
Yes, show proof. Fast. Drag it out and you’re wrong.
No, show proof. Fast. Drag it out and you’re wrong.
Point blank.
End of discussion.
He’s there. Nothing you can do.
Let him work.

Beings how this concept seems to be beyond the capability of Democrats and Republicans. Combined. I say fuck both of you and kiss my royal ass.

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No, he won't be impeached. Modern villains have so much money that they're basically immune to anything really bad happening to them. Which is unfortunate, I'd love to see this orange faggot go to jail. That's just not in the cards though, trust me there.

Most honest prestidnet evvvvvurrrr

>Do you understand how the justice system in this country works
do you understand that impeachment is not a criminal process? it doesn't involve the justice system. it's entirely a political process handled through Congress. either you're fucking retarded or a Russian troll

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Funny how all of a sudden you faggots want to believe literal hersay from people who worked for Trump. When not even a fucking year ago you called these same people liars and didn't want to hear a single thing they said. So your team now wants to believe former white house staff, but only if they say what you want to hear?

Not an argument.

Obstruction of justice -- Mueller report and testimony
Witness intimidation and tampering -- Real time during impeachment hearings
Emoluments -- Multiple lawsuits currently active. DC Hotel, Mar-e-lago, etc.
Extortion of a foreign government for political gain -- Seventeen witnesses call during public inquiry. Guess you haven't been watching

Technically speaking I don't think he will but it's possible he should. As I understand it the American politicians have to vote for impeachment and their are a majority of republicans who will likely not vote to impeach.

The problem with this is that there will be evidence presented which should meam that any true blue American, regardless of political alegience, would vote for it.

So what will happen here is that the people who voted for trump to get rid of the corruption in politics will realise that trump and his political allies are also corrupt. He will lose votes ext time amerifags have to vote for president and ultimately will not become p again.

complete distortion of facts, and nothing close to what Trump did. multiple UN countries wanted the corrupt prosecutor removed, it has absolutely nothing to do with his son. And furthermore there is absolutely zero credible evidence, from anywhere, that either Biden did anything wrong or illegal related to any of this

well you can't just impeach without a long, thorough search for the truth. if dems went half-cocked and voted to impeach without enough evidence, they'd look as bad as the GOP under Bill Clinton (that backfired bigtime on the GOP).

Dems have to call Trump, Bolton, Mulvaney and many many more witnesses. Otherwise they should just vote to censor and leave it alone.

Impeachment is absolutely NOT a political process you fucking moron. And you have the fucking balls to call someone else a Russian when you're this fucking brainwashed? People like you are exactly who the democrats love to spew non-sense to all fucking day, because you don't call them the fuck out on their shit.

correct, many countries wanted the prosecutor removed, nothing illegal or underhanded was done

Im a democrat so im glad we have your vote.

>eye witness testimony
that's not how that works. stop making shit up and distorting the truth

Fake news. If they had any of that, they would have moved. They don't though, so they didn't. The DSA hijacked democrats, are history. Your subversive plans are in tatters. I do sincerely hope heads roll for treason because of all this shit since 2012. Believe me, some of us are taking notes and names.

>Impeachment is absolutely NOT a political process you fucking moron
confirmed foreign troll, full stop

it's the second one.
The media is hoping that enough people only read/watch the headlines and don't realize that nothing is happening. They don't need to convict him in court or in impeachment, they only need to convict him in the court of public opinion to prevent his reelection.

false narrative

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Soo...he was behind all that!?

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Russian operatives spreading misinformation

>"let him work"
>mfw trump's idea of work is golf
>mfw you're a trumpanzee partisan retarded

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Where is the proof?

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Hunter did not own the company. He was on the board for a five year term.
The (non) investigation into the company was over long before the firing of Shokin.
The reason the US, the EU, and many other countries wanted him gone was that he was proven corrupt. Demanding bribes and more.
As prosecutor, he refused to investigate Burisma. If there was corruption at Burisma, Shokin was the man the needed as prosecutor.
Hunter Biden's connection and potential conflict have been investigated twice already. Although based on e-mail, I guess there are eight more to go.

Doctored photo / 10
False talking points / 10

Trump's own actions and tweets provide enough evidence for a good portion of it

Up his ass, obviously

And why is the US telling another country to fire their own prosecutor? I love how you retards bitch and whine about muh imperialism but when it comes to THIS, suddenly you're fine with it. You faggots are such fucking hypocrites it's not even funny.

is this America's first black female president?

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the US and other UN countries have been trying to stamp out corruption in countries like the Ukraine for a long time now, trying to get them to be more transparently democratic. this isn't sudden, or because Biden's son was on some Ukrainian company's board. you're connecting dots that aren't related and inventing conspiracies that aren't there

>things that didn't happen for $100, Alex

As a lib, FUCK the Ukraine. give it to Russia. They've proven they can't be trusted. Let the Russians tear their limbs off. The GOP hates Ukraine too. Putin can only tame those animals.

i think the dems have blown their load too soon.
they thought that 3yrs of russia/ukraine/taxes etc would be enough to turn his base n sway independents, then the really tried to hammer it home with the impeachment inquiry etc

they thought this would be enough to move to an impeachment vote that would have support across the board with all dems, even some reps and the public in general.

unfortunately all that happened was people got sick of hearing 3yrs of BOMBSHELL and EXPLOSIVE reports of nothing and ultimately started to realise they have proved nothing and most of the testimony is hearsay.... and people know it, they are bored of it and most of all, the they support it less the more they see.

now the dems are in a hella awkward position of maybe not even impeaching. drawing into question the point of the last 3yrs of bullshit if all its done is go nowhere by choice and all they have lest is a bunch of weak candidates, no hard proof and less support.

if they impeach it goes to the senate and itll either be chucked out in a week or it'll go full blown and hunter, joe, schiff, and the whistleblower will dragged before senate and shit gets really interesting....... or they dont impeach and look like stupid losers.

either way they lose imo, its just how badly.

It is literally none of Biden's motherfucking business who is the prosecutor in Ukraine. But I know, we're just suppose to not ask these obvious fucking questions but the DNC party said so. Instead Trump should be impeached because he has a sack of balls and dared to ask questions. Questions that clearly the left finds scary. So why is the left afraid of questions?

Biden literally said so himself dipshit. But I know CNN hasn't played that for you yet.

tl;dr libturd

I gave you the sources. Learn to Google and look them up (and not the Fox filtered version). Read the actual Mueller report/testimony. Listen to what the witnesses are saying. Read the threatening tweets from Trump (including the one sent real time during a witnesses testimony).
Not sure what else I can do. Read it to you as a nighty night story?

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They are moving. Or haven't you heard about the impeachment hearings?

>It is literally none of Biden's motherfucking business
you have absolutely zero idea how foreign relations and global politics work. no first world country is an island unto themselves, and has no interaction with any outsiders whatsoever

>gop: stop attacking lebaron and trump's kids waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

:)) LeBaron's been outed as a known homosexual autistic, Erik's cheating on his whore wife with blacks, and Donald jr. fucks men and that "woman" think kim guilefoyle (a known trap).

Ivanka's a jew w post-jew nose, and ALL of trump's kids are going to prison. FACT you jew-lover!

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The president has committed innumerable actions unbefitting his office. The Ukraine affair is just a more blatant offense. Regardless of political motives (and it is politically motivated, unfortunately), the House is doing its appropriate duty in conducting impeachment proceedings. The President should be impeached and then convicted